Quark and gluon jet functions at three loops in QCD
P. Banerjee, P.K. Dhani* and V. Ravindran
Pre-published on:
December 19, 2019
Published on:
February 18, 2020
We present the first result on the three-loop parton (quark/gluon) jet function in perturbative quantum chromodynamics using already known three-loop coefficient functions for deep-inelastic scattering via the exchange of a virtual photon that couples to quarks or a scalar that couples to gluons. While the gluon jet function is a brand new result emerging from this article, the result for the quark jet function provides an independent check to a more recent calculation. These jet functions being universal ingredients in the Soft-collinear effective theory framework, will play an important role in the phenomenological studies at the Large Hadron Collider, such as resummation of jet observables and also in N-jettiness subtraction method.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.375.0034
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