Direct access to hadronic decay parameters with twisted boundary conditions
J. Neuendorf*, J. Heitger, M.T. San José Pérez and B. Blossier
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: December 20, 2022
Published on: April 06, 2023
Our exploratory study looks for direct access to the resonant hadronic transition amplitude without resorting to the Lüscher formalism.
We study the decay $\Psi(3770)->D\bar{D}$ by applying partially twisted boundary conditions to the quenched charm quark, circumventing possible problems with final state interactions.
If successful, we could compute the dependence of the transition amplitude on the charm-quark mass and test the predictions made by phenomenological quark-pair-creation models.
Finally, we study if and to what extent an extraction of the excited state $\Psi(3770)$ is necessary for this analysis.
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