The $B \rightarrow \pi \pi \ell \bar{\nu}$ transition
L. Leskovec*, S. Meinel, M. Petschlies, J. Negele, S. Paul, A. Pochinsky and G. Rendón
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: June 04, 2024
Published on: December 13, 2024
$V_{ub}$ is the smallest and least known of all CKM matrix elements; it is currently determined primarily through the exclusive process $B\to\pi\ell\bar{\nu}$, and additional channels to determine it are welcomed by the community. We will present progress toward a lattice QCD determination of $|V_{ub}|$ from the $B\to\pi\pi\ell\bar{\nu}$ process, where the $\pi\pi$ system is in a $P$-wave and features the $\rho(770)$ resonance as an enhancement. After an overview of the theoretical framework, we will discuss some preliminary results.
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