PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 453 - The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2023) - Hadronic and Nuclear Spectrum and Interactions
The quenched glueball spectrum from smeared spectral densities
A. Smecca*, M. Panero, N. Tantalo and D. Vadacchino
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Pre-published on: December 27, 2023
Published on: November 06, 2024
The standard approach to compute the glueball spectrum on the lattice relies on the evaluation of effective masses from two-point correlation functions of operators with the quantum numbers of the desired state. In this work, we propose an alternative procedure, based on the numerical computation of smeared spectral densities. Even though the extraction of the latter from lattice correlators is a notoriously ill-posed inverse problem, we show that a recently developed numerical method, based on the Backus-Gilbert regularization, provides a robust way to evaluate a smeared version of the spectral densities. Fitting the latter to a combination of Gaussians, we extract the masses of the lightest glueball and of its first excitation in the spectrum of the theory. While the preliminary results presented in this contribution are restricted to simulations at finite lattice spacing and finite volume, and for the purely gluonic sector of QCD, they represent the first step in a systematic investigation of glueballs using spectral-reconstruction methods.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.453.0050
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