Euclidean Weak-Field General Relativity on the Lattice
C. Bouchard
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Pre-published on: December 27, 2023
Published on: November 06, 2024
A lattice formulation of Euclidean, weak-field, path integral quantized general relativity – the
low energy effective theory of quantum gravity – is presented. The lattice formulation allows
the generation of a Markov chain of dynamic, vacuum (matter free) spacetimes at non-zero
temperature, obtained here using the Metropolis algorithm. The positive action conjecture is
implemented on the lattice, ensuring both a probabilistic interpretation of $\exp(-S_{GR})$ and that
$\delta(S_{GR})=0$ generates the Einstein field equations. Equilibrated spacetimes are found to have
nonzero curvature, a consequence of quantization. Preliminary studies of discretization and finite
volume systematic effects, and the variation of vacuum spacetime curvature with temperature are
presented. Prospects and future directions, including the combination with the QCD vacuum, are
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