PoS - Proceedings of Science

Radio Frequency Interference Conference

RFI2024 - (other rfi conferences)
14-18 October 2024
Bariloche, Argentina

Spectrum sharing has become challenging due to the ever-growing demand for spectrum access by a wide range of emerging radio services. This in turn leads to an increased risk of Radio Frequency Interference between spectrum users. This is particularly true for passive scientific services such as radio astronomy, Earth remote sensing, or meteorology, where sensitive measurements must be carried out in frequency bands defined by the laws of nature.
Protecting the scarce radio spectrum resources for science, while accommodating the needs of other spectrum users, can only be achieved in a joint effort. RFI 2024 offers the venue to promote interaction, exchange of ideas, and cooperation between researchers, engineers, and users from all radio science disciplines dealing with RFI, uniting them under the common goal of working on solutions to minimize the impact of interference. RFI 2024 is the seventh in a series of workshops focusing on this topic, the first of which took place in Bonn, Germany, in 2001.

Editorial board

Alexandra Bringer, ElectroScience Laboratory, alexandra.bringer@gmail.com
Ashley Vanderley, NSF, bevander@nsf.gov
Balthasar Indermuehle, CSIRO, Balt.Indermuehle@csiro.au
Federico Di Vruno, SKAO, Federico.DiVruno@skao.int
Flávio Jorge, flavio.jorge@ext.esa.int
Greg Hellbourg, Caltech, ghellbourg@astro.caltech.edu
Hayian Zhang, National Astronomical Observatories of CAS, hyzhang@bao.ac.cn
Kirsty McBeath, MetOffice, kirsty.mcbeath@metoffice.gov.uk
Stephen English, ECMWF, Stephen.English@ecmwf.int
Willem Baan, Astron, baan@astron.nl
Paolo de Matthaeis, pdematth@ieee.org


conference main image

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