JHW2005 - (other jhw conferences)
1-3 August
Budapest, Hungary
published September 05, 2006
There were important developments in the physics of heavy ions during the past few years. Both developments in the theory, notably, advances in non-perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)and in experiments, results from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), now suggest very strongly that there exists a new phase of matter: the quark-gluon plasma. This fact is of tremendous importance both in our understanding of high energy nuclear phenomena on earth and also, it changes our thinking about compact heavy objects in the sky, such as neutron stars, black holes, etc. The talks given at the workshop explored various aspects of these developments both from the point of view of experimentalists as well as astrophysicists and cosmologists.

Editorial Board
Domokos Gabor (chairman), Kaplan David E., Kovesi-Domokos Susan, Sundrum Raman

conference main image
Invited talks
Contributed talks
G. Domokos, S. Kovesi-Domokos and A. Patkos
Invited talks
Color superconductivity and the strange quark
M. Alford
Structure and cooling of compact stars with color superconductivity
D. Blaschke
Nonequilibrium field theory
S. Borsanyi
Color Superconductivity in high density QCD
R. Casalbuoni
Lattice QCD at finite temperature and chemical potential
Z. Fodor
QCD Equation of State and WIMP Dark Matter
M.B. Hindmarsh and O. Philipsen
A comprehensive search for the theta+ pentaquark on the lattice
S.D. Katz, F. Csikor, Z. Fodor, T. Kovacs and B.C. Toth
Lattice QCD and String Theory
J. Kuti
Stable quark matter in cosmic rays ?
J. Madsen
Low energy properties of color-flavor locked superconductors
C. Manuel
The QCD phase diagram at zero and small Baryon density
O. Philipsen
Thermodynamics of QCD at large quark chemical potential
A. Gerhold, A. Ipp and A. Rebhan
Strongly interacting neutrinos as the highest energy cosmic rays: A quantitative analysis
M. Ahlers, A. Ringwald and H. Tu
Chiral phase transition in effective models
Z. Szép
Strangeness in Compact Stars
F. Weber, A. Torres i Cuadrat, A. Ho and P. Rosenfield
Contributed talks
Charge screening effect on hadron-quark mixed phase in compact stars
T. Endo, T. Maruyama, S. Chiba and T. Tatsumi
Dissipation and vacuum selection
A. Achucarro, N.D. Antunes, F.M.L. Freire and P. Salmi
SU(2,CMB), the nature of light and accelerated cosmological expansion
R. Hofmann
Dense Quark Matter in a Magnetic Field
E.J. Ferrer, V. Incera and C. Manuel
Reconciling resummation and renormalization
A. Jakovac
Coulomb and surface effects on the pasta structure in nuclear matter
T. Maruyama, T. Tatsumi, D.N. Voskresensky, T. Tanigawa, T. Endo and S. Chiba
Polyakov Loop in Chiral Quark Models at finite T
E. Megías, E. Ruiz Arriola and L.L. Salcedo
Kaon optical potential in nuclei and kaon condensation in neutron star
C.Y. Ryu, C.H. Hyun, S.W. Hong and B.T. Kim
Neutrino emissivity from spin-one color superconductors
A. Schmitt, I.A. Shovkovy and Q. Wang
Weak coupling expansion of the hot QCD pressure
Y. Schröder
Neutrino Emission from Ungapped Quark Matter
K. Schwenzer
Magnetic properties in quark matter and comp stars
T. Tatsumi, T. Maruyama, E. Nakano and K. Nawa
Color screening in a constituent quark model of hadronic matter
G. Sanchez and J. Piekarewicz