October 1-5 2007
The University of Manchester, UK
published October 14, 2008

This meeting will focus on the current state of knowledge, as revealed by observations and theory, of the key science themes to be addressed by the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).

The SKA will have of the order of a million square metres of collecting area and will achieve a spatial resolution better than 0.1 arcsecond at 1.4 GHz. With such a telescope, some of the major questions of our time can be addressed.
What are dark energy and dark matter? What is the origin of the observed structure in the Universe? How did planets like the Earth form?

conference main image
Session 1: Instrumental
Session 2: Probing the Dark Ages
Session 3: Strong Field tests of Gravity using Pulsars & Black Holes
Session 4: Galaxy Evolution, AGN, Cosmology & Dark Energy - I
Session 5: The Transient Radio Universe
Session 6: Galaxy Evolution, AGN, Cosmology & Dark Energy - II
Session 7: The Cradle of Life
Session 7: The Origin & Evolution of Cosmic Magnetism
Session 9: Discovery Space
Session 10: Posters
Session 1: Instrumental
Modern Radio Universe
P. Diamond
The Square Kilometre Array
R. Schilizzi
Extremely Large Telescopes
J. Spyromilio
The Atacama Large Millimeter Array: Overview & Status
A. Beasley and A.B. Peck
The James Webb Space Telescope
J. Gardner
Science with the Australian SKA pathfinder
S. Johnston
MeerKAT science and technology
J. Jonas
The EVLA as a scientific and technical pathfinder for the SKA
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J. Ulvestad
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S.T. Garrington
Science with the MWA
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C. Lonsdale
HI absorption studies of galaxies and the SKA Molonglo Prototype (SKAMP) Project
A. Green
Ionosperic limits for LOFAR and SKA
I. van Bemmel
Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy
D. Bock
Session 2: Probing the Dark Ages
Probing cosmic reionization and the first galaxies
C. Carilli
The dazzling epoch of first galaxies
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A. Ferrara
Probing the epoch of reionization with 21CMA: status and prospects
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X. Wu
Character and detectability of the dark ages and the epoch of reionization: the view from the simulations
I. Iliev, G. Mellema and P.R. Shapiro
Challenges in detecting the EoR with LOFAR
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L. Koopmans
Session 3: Strong Field tests of Gravity using Pulsars & Black Holes
Strong-field tests of gravity using pulsars & black holes
M. Kramer
Pulsar timing and gravitational wave detection
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F. Jenet
Gravitational Waves
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B. Schutz
More and more radio pulsars: status of recent surveys and perspectives
A. Possenti
Session 4: Galaxy Evolution, AGN, Cosmology & Dark Energy - I
Galaxy formation in the cosmological paradigm
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C. Frenk
The cosmic evolution of massive galaxies and radio-loud AGN
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E.M. Sadler
Fascinating THINGS
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E. Brinks
The Arecibo galaxy environment survey - a sensitive survey for neutral hydrogen in the local Universe
R. Minchin, R. Auld, L. Cortese, J. Davies, E. Momjian, R. Taylor, B. Catinella, P.A. Henning, S. Linder, E. Muller, K. O'Neil, J. Rosenberg, S. Sabatini, S. Schneider, M. Stage and W. Van Driel
Accretion of cold gas in galaxies
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T.M. van der Hulst
Evolution of gas in galaxies
L. Staveley-Smith
Large-scale HI and the evolution of radio galaxies: a study at the sensitivity limit of current-day telescopes
B. Emonts, R. Morganti, T. Oosterloo and J.H. van Gorkom
Evolution of gas content of galaxy groups
E. Wilcots
Episodic activity in radio galaxies or atomic gas in the central regions of galaxies
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D.J. Saikia
Galaxy accretion and feedback at z=0
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R. Braun
Session 5: The Transient Radio Universe
Axes of discovery: The time variable Universe
J.M. Cordes
Detection of Ultra-High energy cosmic rays and neutrinos with radio telescopes
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H. Falcke
The bursting and transient radio Unverse
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R. Fender
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays, entering a new era of astroparticle physics and detection techniques
O. Scholten
RRATs and intermittent pulsars
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A. Lyne
Statistics of the MASIV 5GHz VLA scintillation survey
D.L. Jauncey
UHE particle astrophysics with the SKA
C. James, R.J. Protheroe, R.D. Ekers and R. McFadden
VLBI supernova imaging in the present and with the SKA
M. Bietenholz
Session 6: Galaxy Evolution, AGN, Cosmology & Dark Energy - II
Cosmology and galaxy evolution: prospects for transformational science
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S. Rawlings
Radio properties of the young supernovae/SNR in Arp220
J.E. Conway, R. Hurley, R. Parra, P. Diamond, C. Lonsdale and C.J. Lonsdale
Cosmological decrease in brightness and angular broadening in the ionized inter-galactic medium detected in the MASIV quasar survey
B. Rickett
AT20G: an all sky blind survey at 20GHz
R.D. Ekers, M. Massardi and E.M. Sadler
Exploring the microJy and nanoJy sky: From the VLA to the SKA
K.I. Kellermann, E. Fomalont and N. Miller
The properties of the very weak radio sources population in the GOODS North field
T.W.B. Muxlow
The evolving starburst-AGN connection
R.P. Norris
Measuring the cosmic star-formation rate using deep radio studies
T. Dwelly
Radio studies of gravitational lensing and future telescopes
N. Jackson
A view of the sub-mJy populations, modelling and perspectives for future deep surveys
I. Prandoni, R.D. Ekers, H.R. de Ruiter, L. Gregorini, G. Vettolani and M. Wieringa
A deep survey of the low-surface-brightness radio sky
R. Subrahmanyan, R.D. Ekers, L. Saripalli and E.M. Sadler
An evolution of the IR-Radio correlation?
R.J. Beswick, T.W.B. Muxlow, A. Richards, H. Thrall and S.T. Garrington
Multi-wavelength surveys towards the SKA-pathfinders
M. Jarvis
Session 7: The Cradle of Life
Star and planet formation
G. Garay
mm/sub-mm observations of massive star forming regions
F. Wyrowski
Star formation and radio astronomy
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F. Shu
Super-grains: seeds of planet formation
J. Greaves
A 5GHz survey of the Galactic plane
C. Purcell
SETI observations with the SKA
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J. Tarter
Session 7: The Origin & Evolution of Cosmic Magnetism
Revealing cosmic magnetism with radio polarimetry
B. Gaensler
Magnetic fields in the Universe and prospects for future probes
P. Kronberg
Probing the evolution of magnetic fields in clusters and galaxies
P. Alexander
Polarisation of mJy radio sources
J. Stil
Magnetic fields around evolved stars
W.H.T. Vlemmings
Magnetizing the universe
K. Subramanian
Faraday tomography for magnetic fields in our Galaxy and nearby Universe
J. Han
Magnetic fields in star-forming galaxies at high and low redshift
T. Garn, D. Ford, P. Alexander, D.A. Green and J. Riley
Evidence for the generation of helical magnetic fields in active galactic nuclei
M. Mahmud and D. Gabuzda
The magnetic field models of galaxies with the SKA
T. Arshakian, R. Stepanov, R. Beck, P. Frick and M. Krause
Session 9: Discovery Space
Space horizons of radio astronomy in the SKA era
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L. Gurvits
Exploration of the unknown
P. Wilkinson
Session 10: Posters
Minkowski's footprint: an ejected common envelope?
J. Alcolea, R. Neri and V. Bujarrabal
Radio searches for supernovae in nearby starburst galaxies
M. Argo
Where are the large compact-symmetric objects?
The nature of gamma ray Blazar candidate PMN J1326-5256
H.E. Bignall
An alidade for the SKA
B. Burke
A massive and dense core in an early stage of evolution
Y. Contreras
Multiwavelength study of Barnard 1: A young star-forming region
S. Datta
Cosmic rays and the magnetic field of the nearby starburst galaxy NGC253
R.J. Dettmar
The $^{14}$N VII 5.6-mm line for studies of WHIM, QSO and hot ISM
D. Docenko and R. Sunyaev
Galaxy redshift survey in neutral hydrogen with FAST
A.R. Duffy, R. Battye, R.D. Davies, A. Moss and P. Wilkinson
Searching for a pulsar black-hole binary
R. Eatough
The effect of interstellar medium on radio beams emiting from radio pulsars
M. Ebadinejad and M. Krämer
Sensitive high resolution radio imaging of supernova remnants in the M82 starburst
D.M. Fenech
Constraining cosmology with SZ cluster surveys
J. Geisbuesch
Inferring intrinsic position angles of radio sources from SKA observations
J. Geisbuesch
Space densities and unified models of AGN
M. Gendre and J. Wall
Radio emission from exoplanets
S. George and I. Stevens
MERLIN polarisation observations of OH masers in W75S and K3-50
B. Hutawarakorn Kramer
Ionospheric calibration for low frequency arrays using the peeling scheme
H. Intema
Diffuse large-scale radio structures
M. Jamrozy, M. Wezgowiec and K.H. Mack
High-precision astrometry of the S5 polar-cap radio sources: Measurements of the frequency dependence of the VLBI cores
S. Jimenez- Monferrer, J.M. Marcaide, J.C. Guirado and I. Marti-Vidal
A search for aligned radio polarisations
S. Joshi
New pulsar discoveries from re-analysis of Parkes multibeam survey candidates
M. Keith, A. Lyne and M. Kramer
CU Virginis - A unique stellar pulsar?
B. Kellett
The starburst-AGN connection: A case study of SMMJ04135+10277 using MERLIN and HSA
K.K. Knudsen, E. Momjian, F. Walter, C. Carilli and M.S. Yun
Depolarisation and the study of galaxy cluster magnetic fields with the SKA
M. Krause, P. Alexander and R. Bolton
Array configuration studies for the SKA - Implementation of figures of merit based on SDR
D.V. Lal
GMRT study of X-shaped radio sources
D.V. Lal
Radio-optical study of double-peaked AGNs
J. Leon-Tavares, A. Lobanov, V. Chavushyan and T. Arshakian
Supermassive black holes and the nuclear activity in galaxies
A. Lobanov
Innovative SETI by KLT
C. Maccone
The AT20G first data release: the bright source sample
M. Massardi
The observability of early stages of galaxy formation with radio arrays
M. Massardi
Starburst/AGN discrimination from combined MERLIN and VLA imaging of the 13hr deep survey
I. McHardy
Arecibo discovery of the pre-biotic molecule methanimine in Arp220 and new cm-wavelength transitions of other molecules
E. Momjian, C.J. Salter, T. Ghosh, M.S. Lerner, R. Minchin, B. Catinella and M. Lebron
A deep VLA map of the gamma-ray binary LS I +61303 and its environment
A. Munoz- Arjonilla, V. Zabalza, J. Martí, J.M. Paredes, J. Sanchez-Sutil, J.A. Combi and P. Luque-Escamilla
The results of Waseda Radio Transient survey
K. Niinuma
Methanol multibeam pulsar survey
J. O'Brien
CHARA and e-VLBI observations of Algol
Z. Paragi, S. Csizmadia, T. Borkovits, L. Mosoni, L. Sturmann, P. Abraham and M.A. Garrett
Evidence for a population of high-redshift submillimeter galaxies from interferometric imaging
A.B. Peck, J.D. Younger and G. Fazio
High-resolution radio observations of nuclear and circumnuclear regions of LIRGs
M. Perez-Torres and A. Alberdi
The European Pulsar Timing Array
M. Purver
Jets, discs or planetismals
A. Richards, J. Greaves, W.K.M. Rice and T.W.B. Muxlow
The clustering of merging star-forming haloes: dust emission high frequency CMB foreground
M. Righi, C. Hernandez-Monteagudo and R. Sunyaev
A search of arc-minute extended radio emission in the Cygnus X-3 vicinity
J. Sanchez-Sutil, J. Martí, P. Luque-Escamilla, J.A. Combi, A. Munoz- Arjonilla and J.M. Paredes
Restarting engine in an X-shaped radio galaxy
L. Saripalli
Probing microarcsecond structure in AGN using continuous 6.7GHz interstellar scintillation monitoring with the Ceduna radio telescope
C. Senkbail
Pulsar science with the SKA
R.J.M. Smits, M. Krämer and B. Stappers
A Faraday rotation study of parsec-scale jet of BL Lac
A. Sokolov, T.V. Cawthorne and S. O'Sullivan
The circumnuclear structure and excitation effects around the massive protostar Cepheus A HW2
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J.M. Torrelles
VLBI observations of magnetic fields during high-mass star-formation
W.H.T. Vlemmings
CL0024+1654 as gravitational lens of radio galaxies
F. Volino
Calibration and Imaging with eigenbeams
M. Voronkov and T. Cornwell
The radio source population at frequencies of 15 to 70GHz: some deductions from 9C follow-up observations
E. Waldram, R. Bolton, G.G. Pooley and J. Riley
The related space densities of sub-mm galaxies and radio QSOs
J. Wall
Gravitational lens surveys with LOFAR
O. Wucknitz and M.A. Garrett