CHARGED2008 - (other charged conferences)
16-19 September 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
published September 28, 2009
The second international workshop "Prospects for Charged Higgs Discovery at Colliders" was organized in Uppsala 16-19 September 2008, following the first workshop under the same heading held two years earlier also in Uppsala. The 2008 workshop was organized primarily in view of the upcoming experimental program at the LHC. The plan with this workshop was to bring together theorists and experimentalists to review the development, since the first workshop, of charged Higgs searches at colliders, in particular with regard to theory, phenomenology and Monte Carlo generators as well as to strategies for experimental datasimulation, for triggers and for data analysis in the various experiments. New results in these fields were presented in invited and contributed talks to the workshop and discussed in special break-out sessions. Special emphasis was placed on the potential for charged Higgs discovery at the LHC."
conference main image
Invited reviews
Contributions - Theory
Contributions - Phenomenology and Monte Carlo
Contributions - Search strategies, systematics and analysis tools
PoS(CHARGED2008)041 pdf T.J.C. Ekelöf and J. Rathsman
Invited reviews
The charged Higgs boson: codes and tools
PoS(CHARGED2008)002 pdf S. Heinemeyer
Higher order corrections to charged Higgs production
PoS(CHARGED2008)003 pdf N. Kidonakis
Charged Higgs search at CDF
PoS(CHARGED2008)004 pdf G. Yu
Charged Higgs searches with D0
PoS(CHARGED2008)005 pdf P. Gutierrez
Charged Higgs prospects with ATLAS
PoS(CHARGED2008)006 pdf M. Flechl
Charged Higgs prospects with CMS
PoS(CHARGED2008)007 pdf R. Kinnunen
Trigger strategies
PoS(CHARGED2008)008 pdf C. Potter
Contributions - Theory
A TeV-scale model for neutrino mass, dark matter and baryon asymmetry
PoS(CHARGED2008)009 pdf S. Kanemura
Charged Higgs boson production beyond minimal flavor violation in the MSSM
PoS(CHARGED2008)010 pdf M. Spannowsky
Charged Higgs in Next-to-MSSM
PoS(CHARGED2008)011 pdf A. Arhrib
CP violation in charged Higgs decays in MSSM
PoS(CHARGED2008)012 pdf E. Christova, H. Eberl and E. Ginina
CP-violation in charged Higgs boson production at the LHC
PoS(CHARGED2008)013 pdf E. Ginina, E. Christova and H. Eberl
Vacuum Stability in two-Higgs doublet models
PoS(CHARGED2008)014 pdf R. Santos, N. Barros e Sá, A. Barroso and P. Ferreira
On distinguishing the direct and spontaneous CP violation in 2HDM
PoS(CHARGED2008)016 pdf D. Sokolowska, M. Krawczyk and K. Kanishchev
Constraining the inert doublet model
PoS(CHARGED2008)017 pdf M. Krawczyk
Contributions - Phenomenology and Monte Carlo
Charged MSSM Higgs bosons: LHC reach and parameter dependence
PoS(CHARGED2008)019 pdf S. Heinemeyer
SuperIso program and flavor data constraints
PoS(CHARGED2008)020 pdf F. Mahmoudi
Constraints on charged Higgs bosons in the CMSSM and NUHM models
PoS(CHARGED2008)021 pdf O. Stal
Charged Higgs bosons at the Compact Linear Collider
PoS(CHARGED2008)022 pdf E.F. Coniavitis and A. Ferrari
Cross-sections and branching ratios for charged Higgs searches
PoS(CHARGED2008)023 pdf A. Sopczak
Charged Higgs effects on top spin correlations
PoS(CHARGED2008)024 pdf D. Eriksson
MadWeight: automatic event reweighting with matrix elements
PoS(CHARGED2008)025 pdf O. Mattelaer and P. Artoisenet
Contributions - Search strategies, systematics and analysis tools
Status and performance of the ATLAS tau trigger
PoS(CHARGED2008)027 pdf R. Brenner
Tau lepton reconstruction and identification with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
PoS(CHARGED2008)028 pdf A. Saavedra
Reconstruction and identification of hadronic decays of taus using the CMS Detector
PoS(CHARGED2008)029 pdf L. Lusito
Hadronic tau jet reconstruction with particle flow algorithm at CMS
PoS(CHARGED2008)030 pdf L. Wendland
Indirect searches from BABAR
PoS(CHARGED2008)031 pdf S.H. Robertson
ATLAS MSSM Higgs searches in SUSY cascades
PoS(CHARGED2008)032 pdf S. Gentile
b-tagging at LHC: expected performance and its calibration in data
PoS(CHARGED2008)033 pdf G. Piacquadio
Data-driven methods for the estimation of ttbar backgrounds to charged Higgs searches
PoS(CHARGED2008)034 pdf T. Vickey
Charged Higgs searches in the leptonic tau channel
PoS(CHARGED2008)035 pdf O. Vitells
Light charged Higgs searches in the hadronic mode with ATLAS
PoS(CHARGED2008)036 pdf E.F. Coniavitis
Searches for light charged Higgs decaying to a hadronic tau in the one lepton mode with ATLAS
PoS(CHARGED2008)037 pdf T. Ehrich
Statistical combination of charged Higgs channels in ATLAS
PoS(CHARGED2008)038 pdf O. Vitells
Benchmark Working Groups
PoS(CHARGED2008)039 pdf T.J.C. Ekelöf and J. Rathsman
PoS(CHARGED2008)040 pdf J. Ellis