MULTIF15 - (other multif conferences)
25-30 May 2015
Palermo, Italy
published October 19, 2016
Entries on ADS
This was the eleventh edition of the series of Frascati Workshops on "Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources" undoubtedly a largely accepted biennial meeting in which an updated experimental and theoretical panorama is depicted. This edition took place on the 31st anniversary of the first historical "multifrequency" workshop about "Multifrequency Behaviour of Galactic Accreting Sources", held in Vulcano in September 1984. This surely renders the Frascati Workshop Series the oldest among the many devoted to "Multifrequency Studies of Cosmic Sources".

The study of the physics governing the cosmic sources was the main goal of the workshop. A session devoted to the ongoing and next generation ground- and space-based experiments gave the actual prospects for the first decades of this millennium. The following items have been reviewed:

Cosmology: Cosmic Background, Clusters of Galaxies
Extragalactic Sources: Active Galaxies, Normal Galaxies
Gamma-Rays Burst: Experiments versus Theories
Galactic Sources: Pre-Main-Sequence and Main-Sequence Stars, Cataclysmic Variables and Novae, Supernovae and SNRs, X-Ray Binary Systems, Pulsars, Black Holes, Gamma-Ray Sources,Nucleosynthesis.
The Astrophysics with the Ongoing and Future Experiments: Space-Based Experiments, Ground-Based Experiments.

The workshop included a few 30-minute general review talks to introduce the current problems, and typically 20-minute talks discussing new experimental and theoretical results. A series of 20-minute talks discussed the ongoing and planned ground- and space-based experiments.

The cadence of the workshop is biennial. The participation is only by invitation.

conference main image
Opening Remarks
Star Formation and Pre-Main-Sequence Stars
High Energy Astrophysics
Jet Sources & GRBs
Ongoing Experiments
Special Night Session
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Address
Opening Remarks
Multifrequency Astrophysics: An Updated Review
F. Giovannelli
Perspective of Discovering Gravitational Waves
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D. Gondek-Rosinska
Gravitational Waves from Massive Magnetars
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L. Stella
The Planck Catalog of Compact Sources
M. Lopez Caniego
Constraining a Blazar Origin of the IceCube PeV Neutrino Events
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C. Müller
How Do Pulsars Blow Their Winds?
W. Kundt
Formation and evolution of cosmic structures in the Hot and Energetic Universe
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S. Ettori
The First Generation of Super massive Black Holes and Cosmic Background
P.L. Biermann
Cosmic Polarization Rotation in view of the Recent CMB experiments
S. di Serego Alighieri
Dust Production Factories in the Early Universe
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T. Nozawa
Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies: Searching for Diffuse Emission in the Darkest Structures
M. Regis
High-Energy Phenomena in Galaxy Clusters
S. Colafrancesco and P. Marchegiani
The small scale problems of the ΛCDM model
A. Del Popolo
Star Formation and Pre-Main-Sequence Stars
Star Formation in the Local Group
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G. De Marchi
Star Formation in Massive Galaxies at z > 3
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T. Wang
Star Formation in the Milky Way: The TRIFID Nebula (M20) from Herschel to Near-Infrared
P. Persi, F. Giovannelli, D. Elia, L. Sabau-Graziati, C. Roman-Zuniga and M. Tapia
A Dusty Spider Web: Star Formation and Extinction in the Tarantula Nebula
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G. De Marchi
VLASSICK: The VLA Sky Survey in the Central Kilo parsec
Pre main sequence interacting binaries
A.I. Gomez de Castro and P. Marcos-Arenal
High Energy Astrophysics
SUZAKU Highlights of Supernova Remnants
S. Katsuda and H. Tsunmei
Age and distance of Puppis A revised - the supernova Remnant of the ‘Star of Bethlehem’
B. Aschenbach
Multifrequency Observations of High-z Sources
J.M. Rodriguez Espinosa, N. Castro and O. Gonzalez Martin
High Energy Processes in Binary Systems
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V. Bosh-Ramon
Gamma-ray Binaries and Recent Results on LS I +61 303
X. Paredes-Fortuny, M. Ribó, V. Bosch-Ramon, J. Casares, D. del Ser Badia, O. Fors and J. Núñez
Reviewing the latest results from the Pierre Auger Observatory
C. Dobrigkeit and  on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration
On ultra high energy cosmic rays arrival Directions after ten years of operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory
L. Caccianiga and  on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration
Statistical Properties of Radio Pulsars with/without Gamma-ray Detection
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S.N. Zhang
The Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission: the 6.4 keV Line
M. Nobukawa and K.K. Nobukawa
X-ray Polarimetry - a Tool for the Galactic Center diagnosis
F. Marin
Ultra-Luminous X-ray Population: A Review
M. Becchetti
The Physics of Transient High-Energy Cosmic Sources: from Radio to VHE Gamma-rays
P. Meintjes
High-Energy Astrophysics above 10 MeV
A. Morselli
Gamma-rays from Blazars and the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL)
L. Costamante
The Magnetospheres of Accreting Neutron Stars
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J. Wilms
Cyclotron Resonant Scattering as Key to Understanding Accreting X-ray Pulsars
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G. Schoenherr
The First Be/BH System
M. Ribó
The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT)
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M. Feroci
Super massive Black Holes with LOFT
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A. De Rosa
Low Energy Indicators of High Energy Processes
F. Giovannelli, C. Rossi, G. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, I. Bruni, A. Fasano and J. Salas Procas
The Be/X-ray binary system V0332+53: A Short Review
M.D. Caballero Garcia, A. Camero-Arranz and R. Hudec
Optical Transients discovered by MASTER
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N. Tyurina
News from HDE226868/Cyg X-1 Binary Sysatem
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J. Ziolkowski
Turbulence in Accretion Disks of Non-Magnetic Binary Stars
D. Bisikalo, E. Kurbatov and P. Kaygorodov
Accretion onto White Dwarfs: Observations of Polars
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P. Mason
Constraining Supernova Progenitors
H. Kuncarayakti
The Mechanism of Supernova Ia Explosion
V. Lipunov
Hadronic Models of Blazars
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A. Zdziarski
Magneto-rotational Explosions of Core-Collapse Supernovae
G. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, S. Moiseenko and N.V. Ardelyan
AGILE Highlights
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C. Pittori
ARGO-YBJ Highlights
G. Di Sciascio and  on behalf of the ARGO-YBJ Collaboration
Multifrequency Behaviour of Mrk 509
R. Boissay
Giant NIR Flare of the Blazar FSRQ S4 0954+658
L. Carrasco, V. Chavushyan, J. Leon-Tavares and A. Carramiñana Alonso
Fast 3C 279 gamma flares by a merging medium size black hole jet aligned to the AGN one by tidal torque
D. Fargion and P. Oliva
Diffuse Galactic Gamma-ray Emission with H.E.S.S.
K. Egberts
An adapted LIMA model for the 67-s periodicity in supersoft X-ray source CAL 83
A. Odendaal and P. Meintjes
The Presence of X-ray Spectral Curvature in HBLs at Different Redshifts
B. Kapanadze, P. Romano, S. Vercellone, S. Kapanadze, T. Mdzinarishvili and G. Kharshiladze
High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos
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T. Stanev
Jet Sources & GRBs
A Review of Astrophysical Jets
J. Beall
Jet Launching and Hadronic Processes in Blazars
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A. Zdziarski
Unification of Diverse AGN Outflows
K. Fukumura, F. Tombesi, D. Kazanas, C. Shrader, E. Behar and I. Contopoulos
Hydrodynamic Simulations of Astrophysical Jets
J. Beall and M.T. Wolff
The Radio Jet of Cen A
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C. Müller
Long gamma-ray bursts in the Swift era: the color indices of their optical afterglows
V. Simon, G. Pizzichini and R. Hudec
Search for and Classification of Short Transient Gamma-ray Events from INTEGRAL
M. Topinka
Ongoing Experiments
The Cherenkov Telescope Array Project: Current Status and Science Goals
B. Rudak and  on behalf of the CTA Consortium
The EXTraS Project: Exploring the X-ray Transient and Variable Sky
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A. De Luca
Lobster-Eye All-Sky Soft X-ray Monitors
V. Tichy, R. Hudec and V. Simon
New Perspectives in Multispectral Sky Monitoring
R. Hudec
PANGU (PAir-productioN Gamma-ray Unit): A High Resolution Gamma-ray Space Telescope
X. Wu, J. Chang, R. Walter, M. Su, G. Ambrosi, M. Böttcher, M. Chernyakova, Y. Fan, C. Farnier, F. Gargano, I. Grenier, W. Hajdas, M.N. Mazziottai, A. Morselli, M. Pearce, M. Pohl, P. von Ballmoos, A. Zdziarski and  for the PANGU Collaboration
HERD (The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection): Facility Onboard China’s Future Space Station
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S.N. Zhang
WSO-UV Space Mission: The State of Art
B. Shustov, A.I. Gomez de Castro and M. Sachkov
Study of High-z Universe with GAIA and LDS Sky Surveys
R. Hudec
Integral Scientific Data Analysis on Blade Architectures: Storage and Resource Management
B.L. Martino and M. Federici
Special Night Session
What Is Life? A Systemic Approach
P.L. Luisi
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks
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D. Bisikalo
Concluding Remarks
P.L. Biermann
Concluding Remarks
J. Beall
Concluding Remarks
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J. Ziolkowski
Concluding Address
Concluding Address
F. Giovannelli