BEAUTY 2009 - (other beauty conferences)
September 7-11, 2009
Heidelberg, Germany.
published September 23, 2010
The purpose of Beauty 2009 is to review results in the field of B-physics and CP-violation, as well as to explore the physics potential of upcoming B-physics experiments with a focus at hadron machines. The conference is an excellent opportunity to summarize the status of the field and the readiness of the LHC detectors at the start of the LHC data-taking. The conference proceedings have been edited by Samim Erhan, Neville Harnew and Ulrich Uwer
conference main image
Bs Mixing & Phase
CKM Angels & Gamma Determination
CKM elements and unitarity triangle sides
Commissioning - LHC Experiments
b Production and Cross Sections at LHC
Charm and τ Physics
LHC First Data - Plans
Tevatron, BES & Beyond the Standard Model
B Hadron Lifetimes and Properties
Rare Decays
Detector Status - LHC Experiments
Upgrades LHC Experiments & Future e+e- Projects
Conference Summary
U. Uwer, S. Erhan and N. Harnew
Bs Mixing & Phase
CP Violation in Bs\rightarrow J/PsiPhi at the Tevatron
Mixing and CP Violation of the Bs at the Tevatron
I. Bertram
Bs\rightarrow J/PSi Phi with ATLAS and CMS
A. Dewhurst
Search for New Physics in Bs\rightarrow J/PsiPhi and Bs\rightarrow PhiPhi at LHCb
CKM Angels & Gamma Determination
Measurement of CKM Angles
K. Miyabayashi
Charmless B Decays at CDF
D. Tonelli
Theoretical Overview of b\rightarrow s Hadronic Decays
Charmless B Decays at LHCb
Tree Level Gamma Determination at LHCb
S. Ricciardi
Strong Phase Measurements - Towards Gamma at CLEO-c
CKM elements and unitarity triangle sides
Leptonic Decays with CLEO-c
J. Rademacker
Semileptonic Decays with CLEO-c
P. Spradlin
Measurements of the CKM TriangleSides
J.C. Dingfelder
Commissioning - LHC Experiments
CMS Detector Commissioning Results with Cosmics
M. Pelliccioni
ATLAS Detector Commissioning Results with Cosmics and First Beam
LHCb Detector Commissioning Results with Cosmics and First Beam
b Production and Cross Sections at LHC
ALICE Commissioning Status and Prospects to Measure Charmonium, Bottonium and bbar Production
A. Dainese
LHCb Production: Onia, Cross Section, Correlations
CMS/ATLAS Production: Onia Cross Section, Correlations
V. Andreev
Charm and τ Physics
Theoretical Status of Charm Mixing CPV and Mixing Parameters
Charm Mixing and CPV from the B Factories
Charm Physics at LHCb
Rare τ Decays from the B Factories
LHC First Data - Plans
Early CMS B Physics with the First 1 - 50 pb-1
Early ATLAS B physics with the first 10 - 100 pb-1
D. Sampsonidis
LHCb first physics with the first 10 - 20 pb-1
A.R. Muresan
Tevatron, BES & Beyond the Standard Model
Tevatron Experimental Issues at High Luminosities
BES Status and Results
Top Physics at the Tevatron
Bottomonium Spectroscopy at the B Factories
Bottomonium Spectroscopy at CLEO
Charmonium Spectroscopy (X,Y,Z) at the B Factories
Vector Meson Polarization at the Tevatron
Spectroscopy (X,Y,Z) at the Tevatron
B Hadron Lifetimes and Properties
B Baryons at CDF
B Baryons at D0
B Hadron Properties at the Tevatron: Lifetime, Bc, exited states
H. Gerberich
Nonperturbative QCD Methods for B Physics: Status and Prospects
A. Khodjamirian
B Hadron Properties at the LHC: Lifetimes, Polarization, Masses of Bs, Bc and Lambda-b
Rare Decays
Theoretical Status of Rare B Decays with Muons
C. Bobeth, G. Piranishvili and G. Hiller
FCNC at the Tevatron
M.J. Morello
Rare B Decays at the B Factories
Bs\rightarrow mumu at the LHC
D. Martinez Santos
Bd\rightarrow K*mumu at LHCb
W.R. Reece
LHCb Radiative Decays
I. Belyaev
Detector Status - LHC Experiments
Expected Performance of the ATLAS Inner Detector
S. Chouridou
Commissioning of the LHCb Particle ID and Tracking
D. Hutchcroft
Commissioning and Plans for the LHCb Trigger
L. De Paula
Upgrades LHC Experiments & Future e+e- Projects
Upgrade of the Tracking and Trigger System at ATLAS & CMS
e+ e- B Factory at 1036 - Physics Case
A. Stocchi
SuperB and SuperBELLE
C. Schwanda
LHCb Upgrad - Physics Case and High Luminosity Detector Optimisation
P. Collins
Conference Summary
Theory Vision
M. Ciuchini
Conference Summary