The school "Physics at the Fundamental Frontier" included comprehensive series of lectures at the cutting edge of formal high-energy theory.The lectures provided in-depth coverage of quantum field theory, string theory and quantum gravity, and of the relations between these subjects. Additional lectures presented overviews of the recent advances in particle and collider physics, as well as gravitational physics and cosmology. The lectures, which were given over a period of four weeks, were attended primarily by the advanced graduate students specializing in theoretical high-energy physics at major universities in the US and abroad. The students also made research presentations and participated actively in the organized discussion sessions.
Weeks 1-4 |
Introduction to Gauge/Gravity Duality
TASI Lectures on the Emergence of Bulk Physics in AdS/CFT
Aspects of Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theories
TASI Lectures on Large N Tensor Models
What Have We Learned From the LHC?
Lectures on non-equilibrium effective field theories and fluctuating hydrodynamics
Primordial Cosmology
TASI Lectures on Moonshine
Entanglement in Field Theory and Holography
TASI Lectures on Geometric Tools for String Compactifications
TASI Lectures on Applications of Gauge/Gravity Duality
The String Landscape, the Swampland, and the Missing Corner
A Brief Introduction to Particle Physics
TASI Lectures on Remnants from the String Landscape
TASI Lectures on Abelian and Discrete Symmetries in F-theory