The 14th European VLBI Network (EVN) Symposium and Users Meeting (http://evnsymp2018.iaa.es) was hosted by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC (IAA-CSIC) in Granada (Spain) on behalf of the EVN Consortium Board of Directors. The meeting took place on October 8-11, 2018 at the main auditorium of the Parque de las Ciencias of Granada, Spain.
This biennial meeting is the main forum for discussion of the latest very long baseline interferometric scientific results and technical and technological developments within the EVN member countries. This makes the European VLBI Network an actively evolving consortium and adds the current capability to lead relevant state-of-the-art scientific and technological projects like those presented during the meeting.
At this 14th EVN Symposium there was also a chance for user input into the future Science Vision for the EVN.
Topics discussed include:
• Powerful AGN science
• Starburst galaxies, extragalactic masers, and supernovae
• Stellar evolution and stellar masers
• Transient sources and pulsars
• Astrometric, geodetic & space applications
• VLBI technology developments
• Users feedback
• Current and future VLBI facilities and international cooperation
Moreover, the meeting also focused on the role of EVN on:
• Very-high sensitivity VLBI with SKA
• Future multi-wavelength and multi-messenger astronomy including high angular-resolution astronomy at other wavelengths
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562 [RadioNet]
Stellar Evolution Session 1 |
Studies of stellar evolution using masers
Revealing magnetic fields towards massive protostars: a multi-wavelength approach using masers and dust
Magnetic field measurements around massive young stellar objects with the EVN.
KaVA Large Proposal for High-Mass Star-Formation Studies with Multiple Masers
High-mass star formation expored with maser VLBI & thermal (ALMA, JVLA) observations
AGN Session 1 |
The sharpest view of blazar jets through space and mm-VLBI observations
Does Cygnus A harbor a binary super-massive black hole?
Moving cores in MOJAVE sample
RadioAstron survey completed: AGN cores at unprecedented angular resolution
Zooming in the jet formation site in AGN with RadioAstron
Radioastron observations of the jet launch region in 3C84
Innermost region of the blazar S5 0716714 from RadioAsron polarimetric observations at 22 GHz
Fast Transients, Neutron Stars & Pulsars Session |
Localizations of Fast Radio Bursts on milliarcsecond scales
Recent VLBI Results on SN 1986J and the Possibility of FRBs Originating from Inside the Expanding Ejecta of Supernovae
Unravelling pulsar scattering through VLBI
Observing pulsars with ALMA: an unprecedented opportunity to explore the millimetre wavelength regime of pulsar emission
Imaging pulsar echoes at low frequencies
Pulsar scintillometry on the Vela pulsar with the LBA
Starbursts, Low Luminosity AGN and Surveys |
Continuum Observations of Starburst Galaxies
star-formation and accretion in the local Universe - LeMMING's an e-MERLIN survey
EVN imaging of the obscured nuclei of the LIRGI galaxies
Searching for intermediate-mass black holes in NGC3310
Studying galaxy evolution through cosmic time via the μJy radio population: early results from eMERGE
Extragalactic wide-field surveys using the European VLBI Network
SETI searches with the EVN
AGN Session 2 |
Extreme physics at extreme baselines
Polarimetric millimeter VLBI observations of 3C 84
VLBI and the faint radio AGN population
Three little radio galaxies in the early Universe
Multi-frequency studies of the jet in the high-redshift quasar S5 0836710
ravitational lensing at milliarcsecond angular resolution with VLBI observations
Insights into galaxy evolution with strong gravitational lensing
Stellar Evolution Session 2 |
Multiepoch observation of periodic methanol maser in G107.298+5.639
Astrometry of star-forming regions in the Sagittarius spiral arm
NGC6334I - Tracing the Gas Motion During A Contemporaneous Maser Flare Event
Measuring Magnetic Fields from Water Masers Associated with the Synchrotron Protostellar Jet in W3(H2O)
COBRaS: The e-MERLIN 21cm Legacy Survey of Cygnus OB2
Investigating Black hole formation using VLBI
Multi-Messenger and Multi-Wavelength Session |
Multi messenger astronomy
The Synergy between VLBI and Gaia astrometry
The global EVN view of the radio counterpart of GW170817
A dust-enshrouded tidal disruption event with a resolved radio jet in a galaxy merger
Synergies between VLBI and high-resolution IR/optical interferometry
Synergies between CTA and VLBI
AGN Session 3 |
Evolution of AGN jets from multiepoch core-shift studies
Exploring the non-linear motion of the parsec-scale jet of FSRQ 1633+382
Gamma-ray emission in radio galaxies under the VLBI scope
Resolving the Radio-Loudest Quasar known to date at z~6
Asymmetric jet production in NGC1052
Substantial winds from the accreting supermassive black hole in M87 revealed by Faraday rotation observations
Astrometry Session |
(Ultra) Precise Astrometry today and tomorrow, with Next-generation Observatories
Where are you, Scutum? Tracking down a spiral arm with maser astrometry
Linking VLBI astrometric measurements of extragalactic radio-sources to astrophysical phenomena
Einstein Equivalence Principle test with RadioAstron: preliminary results
Tying multiple Radio Wavelength Celestial Frames to the Gaia Optical Frame
Progress update of the VGOS radio telescope at Metsähovi Geodetic Research Station
VLBI and Doppler tracking of spacecraft for planetary atmospheric studies
AGN Session 4 |
What the iMOGABA tells us about Gamma-ray bright AGNs
Toroidal magnetic fields and associated currents in AGN jets on kiloparsec scales
Double nuclear structure discovered in 3C84
Radio structures in radio-quiet quasars with extremely powerful X-ray outflows
Global Millimeter VLBI Array Survey of Ultracompact Extragalactic Radio Sources at 86 GHz
Parameter study of a semi-analytical relativistic MHD jet model in comparison with recent VLBI observations
Use of VLBI/Gaia position offsets for AGN physics
Expanding VLBI in East Asia and AGN science
Stellar Evolution Session 3 |
Jets from massive protostars: clues on their role in the formation process from masers and high resolution radio / NIR imaging
Detailed SiO proper motion analysis: slow net expansion and a small correlation with the magnetic field
Studies of galactic masers in RadioAstron space VLBI mission
3D Models of Maser Flares
Resolving discrepancy in the pPN OH 231.8+4.2
Multi-epoch VLBI of a double maser super burst
Radio emission in ultracool dwarfs
EHT and new VLBI Developments |
Imaging Black Holes
Probabilistic fringe-fitting and source model comparison
CASA on the fringe
RPICARD: A CASA-based Calibration Pipeline for VLBI Data
BRAND - the next generation receiver for VLBI
A development of compact triple band receiver for millimeter-wave radio astronomy
Comparing remote atomic clocks via VLBI networks and fiber optic links: the LIFT/MetGeSp perspective
High Sensitivity VLBI with SKA and other VLBI Arrays |
High sensitivity VLBI with SKA
SKA-VLBI Key Science Programmes
Investigations on MultiView VLBI for SKA
Activities of VERA and East Asian VLBI network
Status of the Very Long Baseline Array
EVN Symposium 2018 Summary |
EVN Symposium 2018 Summary
Posters about AGN |
Origin and Evolution of the Multi–band Variability in the Flat Spectrum Radio Source 4C 38.41
Resolving the Innermost Geometry of Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei
AGN intra-day and inter-day variability studies with VIRAC radio telescopes
Towards a determination of H0 in JVAS B1030+074: a detection of the VLBI jet in both images
Delving Deeper into Blazar Cores with 3mm GMVA Polarimetric Observations
Measuring the Core Shift of Sgr A*
EAVN observations along with EHT for M87 in 2017
VLBI monitoring of two distant quasars as a showcase for 'EVN Lite'
The rise and fall of a binary AGN candidate: the story of PSO J334.2028+1.4075
Total and linearly polarized synchrotron emission from overpressured magnetized relativistic jets
High-resolution radio imaging of the gamma-ray blazar candidate J1331+2932
First Results of 1.4–5.0 GHz VLBA observations of the MOJAVE–II AGNs
3C 84 and a solution to the "Doppler crisis"?
Investigating dark matter properties with flux-ratio anomalies in radio-loud strongly lensed quasars
MASK: Multi-frequency AGN Survey with the KVN
Probing the Faraday screen in the nuclear region of 3C84
Interferometric Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright AGNs: J1159+2914
Exploring the Nature of the 2016 γ-ray Emission in the Blazar 1749096
Linking radio variability and kinematics in the extragalactic jets.
Radio and gamma-ray variability of S5 0716714
Solving the puzzling kinematics of flat spectrum radio quasar 1928738
Jet Kinematics of the Quasar 4C 21.35 from KaVA Observations
Interstellar Scintillation Monitoring of the RadioAstron Blazars
From Electrons to Janskys: Synthetic Imaging of 3D Relativistic Jet Simulations
High-resolution study of the inner jet of M87 at 8 and 15 GHz
Inferring parameters of AGN jets using Bayesian analysis of VLBI data with inhomogeneous jet model
Bias of core shift effect measurement in the blazars jets
Relation between continuum radio spectra and parsec-scale properties of extragalactic radio sources
RadioAstron observations of 3C 345
Multi-frequency study of the gamma-ray flaring BL Lac object 2233-148 in 2009-2012
EATING VLBI and KVN-Yebes observations of AGN jets
Tracing the peculiar jet kinematics of 3C 454.3
Frequency-dependent core shift in ultracompact quasars
Sgr A* observations with KaVA and EAVN
Posters about Starburst galaxies, extragalactic masers, and supernovae |
Milliarcsecond monitoring of supernova remnants in M82
Posters about Stellar Evolution and stellar masers |
OH EGOs: Hydroxyl masers in Extended Green Objects
Simultaneous Monitoring Observations of Evolved Stars Using KVN 4 Bands II.
6668-MHz Methanol maser exploration of the W51 SFR complex beyond W51 main
COBRaS: The e-MERLIN 21cm Legacy Survey of Cygnus OB2
Methanol maser polarization toward a massive star forming region, G10.34-0.14, using the KVN and the ALMA telescopes
KVN Surveys of Water and Class I Methanol Masers toward High-mass YSOs
First interferometric observations in Irbene - Torun baseline conducted by VIRAC
Simultaneous VLBI monitoring observations of H2O and SiO masers toward VX Sagittarii
Posters about Transient sources and pulsars |
The geometric distance and binary orbit of PSR B1259-63
Interstellar scintillation observations for PSR B035554
Posters about Astrometric, geodetic, and space applications |
Multi-epoch VLBI images to study the ICRF-3 Defining Sources in the Southern Hemisphere
ICRF3, the new realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame
The X/Ka-band 2018b Celestial Reference Frame
RASFX and DiFX: The Comparison of Geodetic VLBI Processing Results
Study of ICME by spacecraft radio signals
Posters about VLBI technology |
DBBC3 the new wide-band backend for VLBI
The Current Status and Wideband Upgrades of the KVN
Analysis of VLBI Interferometer Characteristics Using Zero-baseline Lab Prototype and RASFX Correlator
The Power of Simultaneous Multi-frequency Observations for mm-VLBI: Beyond Frequency Phase Transfer
Posters about VLBI arrays |
(JUMPING) JIVE: Recent Developments
Exploring Sub-Array Strategies for MeerKAT-VLBI
New Zealands Continued VLBI Development
Dwingeloo Telescope has Fringes (Again)
Posters about Synergies between VLBI and high-resolution IR/optical interferometry |
High-precision VLBI astrometry of radio stars
Posters about VLBI and Multi-Messenger Astronomy |
ASTERICS and the challenges of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
Posters about Other Topics |
A new IAU Working Group for communicating radio astronomy
Bursting H2O maser source G25.65+1.05: from single-dish to space VLBI
M2O-VLBI: The VLBI branch of the Maser Monitoring Organisation
The new e-MERLIN CASA pipeline
The Role of the EVN in our Understanding of High-redshift Star-formation Activity and Low-Luminosity AGN Systems through Integrated Imaging across Wide Spatial Scales
Ultra-compact structures in galactic masers observed in the Radioastron project.
Physical parameters of the near-Earth asteroids from radar observations