These are the Proceedings of the scientific activities of CORFU2024, the 24th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, which took place from May 12 to May 26, and August 25 to September 27, 2024. The Workshops were hosted by the European Institute for Sciences and their Applications (EISA) in the conference center of the former Royal Palace Garden of Mon Repos and in the Corfu Municipal Theater in Corfu, Greece. The Corfu2024 activities consisted of one major conference, five Workshops, and one School, bringing together world-class scientists and young researchers to interact and forge new collaborations.
Specifically, the CORFU2024 hosted the following sessions:
◼ May 12 - May 19, 2024: From Fundamental Physics to Data Analysis in Cosmology
◼ May 19 - May 26, 2024: Workshop on Future Accelerators
◼ Aug 25 - Sep 04, 2024: Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
◼ Sep 03 - Sep 09, 2024: Workshop on Quantum Gravity, Strings and the Swampland
◼ Sep 08 - Sep 14, 2024: The Dark Side of the Universe, DSU2024
◼ Sep 17 - Sep 24, 2024: Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String Theory, Gauge Theory and Related Physical Models
◼ Sep 23 - Sep 27, 2024: International Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) Drought and Flood Conference
All talks can be found on the homepage of CORFU2024:
Editorial Board
Allan, Rob | Int. ACRE Initiative |
Anagnostopoulos, Konstantinos | NTU Athens |
Aschieri, Paolo | U Piemonte Orientale & INFN Torino |
Chatzistavrakidis, Athanasios | Ruđer Boškovič Institute |
Compo, Gilbert P. | U Colorado CIRES, NOAA Phys Sci Lab |
Di Valentino, Eleonora | U Sheffield |
Giataganas, Dimitrios | National Sun Yat-sen University |
Gnecchi, Alessandra | INFN, Padova |
Kalinowski, Jan | U Warsaw |
Kehagias, Alexandros | NTU Athens |
Keus, Venus | Dublin Inst Adv Studies |
Kordas, Konstantinos | Aristotle U Thessaloniki |
Kortner, Oliver | Max Planck Inst. für Physik |
Leontaris, George | U Ioannina |
Levi Said, Jackson | U Malta |
Nishimura, Jun | KEK & SOKENDAI |
Patellis, Gregory | IST-ID, U Lisboa |
Rebelo, Margarida Nesbitt | IST, U Lisboa |
Rosseel, Jan | Ruđer Boškovič Institute |
Saridakis, Emmanuel | National Observatory of Athens |
Simon, Frank | KIT |
Slonosky, Victoria | McGill U/Open Data Rescue |
Stone, Roger | Speedbird Climate Pty Ltd & WMO |
Torre, Riccardo | INFN, Genova |
Toumbas, Nikolaos | U Cyprus |
You, Tiann Tevong | CERN |
Vitale, Patrizia | U. Napoli & INFN |
Zoupanos, George | NTU Athens |
These are the Proceedings of the scientific activities of CORFU2023, the 23rd Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, which took place from April 23 to May 6, and August 27 to October 1, 2023. The Workshops were hosted by the European Institute for Sciences and their Applications (EISA) in the conference center of the former Royal Palace Garden of Mon Repos and in the Corfu Municipal Theater in Corfu, Greece. The Corfu2023 activities consisted of six Workshops, one special event, and one School, bringing together world-class scientists and young researchers to interact and forge new collaborations.
Specifically, the CORFU2023 hosted the following sessions:
◼ Apr 23 - Apr 29, 2023: Workshop on Future Accelerators
◼ Apr 30 - May 06, 2023: Workshop on Theoretical Particle Cosmology in the Early and Late Universe
◼ Aug 27 - Sep 07, 2023: Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
◼ Sep 04, 2023: George Fest 2023: Celebrating the Life and Work of George Zoupanos
◼ Sep 06 - Sep 13, 2023: Workshop on Tensions in Cosmology
◼ Sep 12 - Sep 19, 2023: Workshop on Quantum Gravity, Strings and the Swampland
◼ Sep 18 - Sep 25, 2023: Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String Theory, Gauge Theory and Related Physical Models
◼ Sep 24 - Oct 01, 2023: KICC-Villum Summer School on Gravitational Waves
Editorial Board
Agathos, Michalis KICC/DAMTP - U Cambridge magathos@damtp.cam.ac.uk
Anagnostopoulos, Konstantinos NTU Athens konstant@mail.ntua.gr
Aschieri, Paolo U. del Piemonte Orientale aschieri@to.infn.it
Basilakos, Spyros National Observatory of Athens svasil@Academyofathens.gr
Capozziello, Salvatore U Napoli capozzie@na.infn.it
Cardoso, Vitor NBI - U Copenhagen, IST Lisbon vitor.cardoso@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Chatzistavrakidis, Athanassios Bošković Institute athanasios.chatzistavrakidis@irb.hr
Di Valentino, Eleonora U Sheffield e.divalentino@sheffield.ac.uk
Gair, Jonathan AEI Potsdam, U Cambridge jonathan.gair@aei.mpg.de
Giataganas, Dimitrios National Sun Yat-sen University dimitrios.giataganas@gmail.com
Gnecchi, Alessandra INFN, Padova alessandra.gnecchi@pd.infn.it
Kalinowski, Jan Warsaw U. Jan.Kalinowski@fuw.edu.pl
Kehagias, Alexandros NTU Athens kehagias@central.ntua.gr
Kordas, Konstantinos Aristotle U. Thessaloniki Kostas.Kordas@cern.ch
Kortner, Oliver Max Planck Inst. für Physik kortner@mppmu.mpg.de
Levi Said, Jackson U Malta jsaid01@um.edu.mt
Neubert, Matthias Johannes Gutenberg U. Main matthias.neubert@uni-mainz.de
Nishimura, Jun KEK & SOKENDAI jnishi@post.kek.jp
Rebelo, Margarida Nesbitt T.U. Lisbon rebelo@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Rosseel, Jan Rudjer Boskovic Inst. rosseelj@gmail.com
Saridakis, Emmanuel National Obervatory of Athens msaridak@phys.uoa.gr
Simon, Frank Karlsruhe Institute of Technology fsimon@mpp.mpg.de
Sperhake, Ulrich KICC/DAMTP - U Cambridge us248@damtp.cam.ac.uk
Szabo, Richard Heriot-Watt University R.J.Szabo@hw.ac.uk
Tamarit, Carlos Miguel Technische U. München ctamarit@uni-mainz.de
Vitale, Patricia U. Napoli & INFN patrizia.vitale@unina.it
Zoupanos, George (Chair) NTU Athens george.zoupanos@cern.ch
These are the Proceedings of the scientific activities of CORFU2022, the 22nd Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, which took place from August 28th to October 1st, 2022. The Workshops were hosted by the European Institute for Sciences and their Applications (EISA) in the conference center of the former Royal Palace Garden of Mon Repos and in the Corfu Municipal Theater in Corfu, Greece. The Corfu2022 activities consisted of eight Workshops and two Memorial Days, bringing together world-class scientists and young researchers to interact and forge new collaborations.
Specifically, the CORFU2022 hosted the following sessions:
• Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond, 28 August – 08 September 2022
• Workshop on Features of a Quantum de Sitter Universe, 29 Aug – 04 September 2022
• Graham Ross Memorial Day, 01 September 2022
• Kostas Kounnas Memorial Day, 04 September 2022
• Workshop on Holography and the Swampland, 04 - 10 September 2022
• Workshop on Tensions in Cosmology, 07 - 12 September 2022
• Workshop on Celestial Amplitudes and Flat Space Holography, 11 - 18 September 2022
• Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String Theory, Gauge Theory and Related Physical Models, 18 - 25 September 2022
• Workshop on Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (RPT) Normal Tissue Effects in the Clinic (TEC): RPT-TEC-2022, 24 - 29 September 2022
• Workshop on Trends in Hardware and Software for Monitoring and Understanding Earthquake Dynamics, 28 September - 01October 2022
All talks can be found on the homepage of CORFU2022:
Editorial Board
Anagnostopoulos, Konstantinos | NTU Athens | konstant@mail.ntua.gr |
Anninos, Dionysios | King's College | dionysios.anninos@kcl.ac.uk |
Anous, Tarek | U. Amsterdam | t.m.anous@uva.nl |
Aschieri, Paolo | U. del Piemonte Orientale | aschieri@to.infn.it |
Avlonitis, Markos | Ionian U. | avlon@ionio.gr |
Capozziello, Salvatore | U. di Napoli "Federico II" | capozziello@unina.it |
di Valentino, Eleonora | U. of Sheffield | e.divalentino@sheffield.ac.uk |
Fotopoulos, Angelos | Northeastern U. | a.fotopoulos@northeastern.edu |
Giataganas, Dimitrios | National Sun Yat-sen U. | dimitrios.giataganas@gmail.com |
Kalinowski, Jan | Warsaw U. | Jan.Kalinowski@fuw.edu.pl |
Kehagias, Alexandros | NTU Athens | kehagias@central.ntua.gr |
Mena, Olga | Ins. de Fisica Corp. CSIC | omena@ific.uv.es |
Pan, Supriya | Presidency U. | supriya.maths@presiuniv.ac.in |
Partouche, Herve | CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique | herve.partouche@polytechnique.edu |
Rebelo, Margarida Nesbitt | T.U. Lisbon | rebelo@tecnico.ulisboa.pt |
Rosseel, Jan | Rudjer Boskovic Inst. | rosseelj@gmail.com |
Said, Jakson Levi | U. of Malta | jackson.said@um.edu.mt |
Saridakis, Emmanuel | National Obs. of Athens | msaridak@phys.uoa.gr |
Steinacker, Harold | Vienna U. | harold.steinacker@univie.ac.at |
Szabo, Richard | Heriot-Watt U. | R.J.Szabo@hw.ac.uk |
Toumbas, Nicolaos | U. of Cyprus | nick@ucy.ac.cy |
This year the Corfu2021 activities consist of one school and seven workshops, bringing together world class scientists and young researchers to interact and forge new collaborations. In parallel to the main scientific programme, a rich programme of outreach activities is planned. This includes master classes for high school students, seminars for high school teachers, open talks for the general public, a CERN exhibition and interviews in the media (TV, radio and newspapers).
The Corfu Summer Institute meetings consist of a series of high quality scientific events aiming in the training of young researchers as well as the exchange of knowledge and the collaboration among experienced scientists in the research area of Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity.
Editorial Board:
Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos National Technical University of Athens
Carlo Angelantonj University of Torino
Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis Rudjer Bošković Institute
Dumitru Ghilencea IFIN-HH, Bucharest
Jan Kalinowski University of Warsaw
Fedele Lizzi Università di Napoli Federico II and INFN
Jun Nishimura KEK Theory Center
Denjoe O'Connor Dublin Instite of Advanced Studies
Hervé Partouche Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS
Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo CFTP/IST, University of Lisbon
Harold Steinacker Vienna University
Richard Szabo Heriot-Watt University
Dimitris Varouchas CNRS, LAL, Orsay
Patricia Vitale INFN, Napoli and University of Napoli Federico II
The Corfu Summer Institute meetings consist of a series of high quality scientific events aiming in the training of young researchers as well as the exchange of knowledge and the collaboration among experienced scientists in the research area of Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity.
Editorial Committee:
Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos, National Technical University of Athens
David Berman, Queen Mary University of London
Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis, Rudjer Bošković Institute, Zagreb
Dumitru Ghilencea, IFIN-HH, Bucharest
Fotios Diakonos, University of Athens
Jan Kalinowski, University of Warsaw
Athanasios Kapoyannis, University of Athens
Margarida Nesbitt, Rebelo CFTP/IST, U. Lisboa
Antonios Tsapalis, Hellenic Naval Academy
Dimitris Varouchas, CNRS, LAL, Orsay
The Corfu Summer Institute meetings consist of a series of high quality scientific events aiming in the training of young researchers as well as the exchange of knowledge and the collaboration among experienced scientists in the research area of Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity.
The Corfu Summer Institute meetings consist of a series of high quality scientific events aiming in the training of young researchers as well as the exchange of knowledge and the collaboration among experienced scientists in the research area of Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity.
It is generally expected that due to the interplay between gravity and quantum mechanics, the classical picture of smooth spacetime manifolds should be replaced by some kind of quantum geometry at very short scales.
Much research has been devoted to this question in the past from various points of view. In particular, the study of quantum field theory on non commutative spacetimes has been developed as an effective approach to study physical models on quantum spaces. The workshop focused mainly
Editorial Board
Antoniadis Ignatios, Koutsoumbas G., Tracas D. N., Zoupanos G. (chairman)