PoS - Proceedings of Science

European network for Particle physics, Lattice field theory and Extreme computing

11-15 Sept 2023
Berlin, Germany

The conference  takes place at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and is organized  by the EU-funded EuroPLEx, the European network for Particle Physics, Lattice field theory and Extreme computing. 
This is the final EuroPLEx network event, open to a large audience  to showcase EuroPLEx network activity and results. The conference programme includes presentations on the main EuroPLEx research achievements and a series of invited talks held by experts in theoretical High-Energy Physics, Lattice Gauge Theory, Machine Learning and High-Performance Computing.

Editorial Board

Lorenzo Barca; lorenzo.barca@desy.de; DESY (Germany)

Gabriel James Stockton Bliard; gabriel.bliard@ens.fr; Laboratoire de Physique de l’École  Normale Supérieure (France)

Francesco Di Renzo;  francesco.direnzo@unipr.it; Universita' di Parma (Italy)

Petros Dimopoulos;  petros.dimopoulos@unipr.it; Universita' di Parma (Italy)

Valentina Forini; forini@physik.hu-berlin.de; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)

Nelson Lachini; np612@cam.ac.uk; University of Oxford (UK)

Alessandro Lupo; alessandro.lupo@cpt.univ-mrs.fr; CPT Marseille (France)

Simran Singh; ssingh@physik.uni-bielefeld.de; University of Bielefeld (Germany)

Rainer Sommer; rainer.sommer@desy.de; DESY (Germany)

conference main image
Plenary Session
Poster Session
Plenary Session
Generating configurations of increasing lattice size with machine learning and the inverse renormalization group
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)001 pdf D. Bachtis
Progress on nucleon transition matrix elements with a lattice QCD variational analysis
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)002 pdf L. Barca, G. Bali and S. Collins
Machine Learning Research in Industry
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)003 file missing C. Best
Status of hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice QCD
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)004 file missing T. Blum
B-physics observables in the continuum from a combination of static and relativistic results
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)005 pdf A. Conigli, J. Frison, P. Fritzsch, A. Gérardin, J. Heitger, G. Herdoiza, S. Kuberski, C. Pena and H. Simma
Isospin breaking corrections to QCD observables
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)006 file missing M. Di Carlo
Resurgent Extrapolation and QFT
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)007 file missing G. Dunne
Resonances from lattice QCD using distillation
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)008 file missing F. Erben
Future trends in lattice QCD simulations
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)009 pdf J. Finkenrath
Lattice QCD input for neutrino-nucleus scattering
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)010 pdf R. Gupta
Beyond the electroquenched approximation
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)011 pdf T. Harris
Towards the understanding of the inclusive vs exclusive puzzles in the |Vcb| determinations
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)012 pdf S. Hashimoto
Next challenges in semileptonic B decays
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)013 pdf S. Hashimoto
AI/ML for Particle Physics
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)014 file missing L. Heinrich
Hadrons: A lattice simulation workflow management system
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)015 file missing R. Hodgson
Towards a high-precision description of the ρ and K* resonances
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)017 file missing N.P. Lachini
The $B \rightarrow \pi \pi \ell \bar{\nu}$ transition
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)018 pdf L. Leskovec, S. Meinel, M. Petschlies, J. Negele, S. Paul, A. Pochinsky and G. Rendón
Reconstruction techniques for spectral densities and applications on BSM models
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)019 file missing A. Lupo
Lattice and string worldsheet
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)020 file missing A. Patella
Surprises on the way to the QCD phase diagram
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)021 pdf O. Philipsen
Gauge field smearing and controlled continuum extrapolations
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)022 pdf A. Risch
Responsible Analytics
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)023 file missing L. Scorzato
Electric dipole moments: a gateway to new physics
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)024 file missing A. Shindler
What we can learn about Lee-Yang zeros from lattice simulations of QCD
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)025 pdf S. Singh, P. Dimopoulos, J. Goswami, F. Karsch, C. Schmidt, K. Zambello, D.A. Clarke and F. Di Renzo
Universal properties of Yang-Lee edge singularity and QCD phase diagram
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)026 pdf V. Skokov
How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Way We Do Science
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)027 file missing L. Tunstall
Properties and uses of approximate trivializing maps in lattice QCD
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)028 file missing J. Urban
∆S = 2 transitions beyond the standard model
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)029 file missing A. Vladikas
Poster Session
Taming NSPT fluctuations in O(N) Non-Linear Sigma Model: simulations in the large N regime
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)030 file missing P. Baglioni
Bootstrapping perturbative and non-perturbative defect correlators
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)031 pdf G.J.S. Bliard
The chiral condensate at large $N$ using volume reduction
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)032 pdf C. Bonanno, P. Butti, M. Garcia Perez, A. Gonzalez-Arroyo, K.I. Ishikawa and M. Okawa
$D$ and $D_s$ decay constants from $N_f = 2 + 1$ lattice QCD
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)033 pdf S. Collins, J. Heitger, F. Joswig, S. Kuberski and W. Soeldner
An update on supersphere non linear sigma model on the lattice
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)034 pdf I. Costa, V. Forini, A. Patella and J.H. Weber
GPU-accelerated Higher Representations of Wilson Fermions with HiRep
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)035 pdf S. Martins, E. Kjellgren, E. Molinaro, C. Pica and A. Rago
Determination of the gradient flow scale $t_0$ from a scale-setting approach combining Wilson and Wilson twisted mass valence quarks
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)036 pdf A. Saez-Gonzalvo, A. Conigli, J. Frison, G. Herdoiza and C. Pena
Lee-Yang edge singularities in QCD: From Fourier coefficients to parametrizations of the universal scaling functions
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)037 file missing C. Schmidt
Provenance model for Lattice QCD
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)038 pdf W. Soeldner, T. Auge, G. Bali, M. Klettke, B. Ludäscher, S. Weishäupl and T. Wettig
Sphaleron Rate from Lattice Gauge Theory
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)039 file missing J.H. Weber
Octet baryon charges with Nf=2+1 non-perturbatively improved Wilson fermions
PoS(EuroPLEx2023)040 pdf S. Weishäupl, G. Bali, S. Collins and W. Söldner

When the link to the pdf file is not available, the contribution in question has not yet been accepted for publication.