FPCP2015 - (other fpcp conferences)
May 25-29, 2015
Nagoya, Japan
published January 22, 2016
"Flavor Physics & CP violation 2015" (FPCP 2015) was held in Nagoya, Japan, at Nagoya University, from May 25 to May 29 2015. This is the 13th meeting of the series of annual conferences started in Philadelphia, PA, USA in 2002. The aim of the conference is to review developments in flavor physics and CP violation, in both theory and experiment, exploiting the potential to study new physics at the LHC and future facilities. The topics include CP violation, rare decays, CKM elements with heavy quark decays, flavor phenomena in charged leptons and neutrinos, and also interplay between flavor and LHC high Pt physics. The FPCP2015 conference had more than 140 participants, including researchers from abroad and many young researchers (postdocs and students). The conference consisted of plenary talks and poster presentations. The plenary talks include 2 overview talks, 48 review talks, and 2 talks for outlook in theories and experiments, given by world leading researchers. There was also a special lecture by Prof. Makoto Kobayashi, one of the Nobel laureates in 2008. The poster session had 41 contributions. Many young researchers presented their works. These proceedings contain written documents for these plenary and poster presentations. The full scientific program and presentation materials can be found at http://fpcp2015.hepl.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp/. We would like to thank the International Advisory Committee for their invaluable assistance in coordinating the scientific program and in helping to identifying many speakers. Thanks are also due to the Local Organizing Committee for tireless efforts for smooth running of the conference and very enjoyable social activities. We also thank the financial supports provided by Japanese Scociety for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) unfer the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “Probing New Physics with Tau-Lepton” (No. 26220706), by Nagoya University under the Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities, and by Inoue Foundation for Science.
conference main image
Non-leptonic B decays
Semileptonic & leptonic B decays
Lattice QCD
Rare K
Top, Higgs, ...
Charm physics
HF production/Spectroscopy
Future B experiments/Outlook/Closing
Challnges for New Physics in the Flavor Sector
W. Altmannshofer
Theoretcail prospects for B physics
R. Fleischer
Non-leptonic B decays
Theoretical status of non-leptonic heavy meson decays
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R. Sinha
Mixing-induced CP violation in Bd decays
K. Miyabayashi
Mixing-induced CP violation in Bs decays
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S. Akar
Recent measurements of the UT angles (incl. $\gamma$ from $B\rightarrow Dh$)
M. Roehrken
Charmless Hadronic B decays
Y. Goh, B. Cheon and Y. Unno
Hadronic B decays
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E. Rodrigues
Baryonic B decays
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M. Rotondo
Semileptonic & leptonic B decays
Theoretical status of rare and semileptonic heavy meson decays
C. Bobeth
Electroweak Penguin: $b\rightarrow sll$
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C. Linn
Inclusive radiative electroweak penguin decays: $b\rightarrow s \gamma$
Purely leptonic and radiative leptonic B decays from the e+e- B-factories
C.S. Park
New $D^* \tau \nu$ result from LHCb + non-B semileptonics
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G. Ciezarek
New $B\rightarrow D^* \tau \nu$ result from Belle
Lattice QCD
FLAG: Lattice QCD Tests of the Standard Model and Foretaste for Beyond
A. Vladikas
Lattice QCD Calculation of direct CP violation and long distance effects in kaon mixing and rare decays
N.H. Christ
Rare K
Rare kaon decay: challenges and perspectives
Rare Kaon Decay Experiments and Future Plan
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T. Nomura
Top, Higgs, ...
Interplay between LHC and flavor-physics
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J.M. Camalich
LHC Run-2 Commisioning Status: ATLAS, CMS and LHCb
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S. Zimmermann
Top quark properties
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J.T. Linacre
Status of Higgs Boson Couplings and Searches
P. Onyisi
Searches for Beyond Standard Model Physics at the LHC: Run1 Summary and Run2 Prospects
A.M. Cakir
Light Higgs and dark gauge boson searches
A. Soffer
Bounds on new physics from electric dipole moments
Symmetry Tests with Slow Neutrons
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H.M. Shimizu
Charm physics
Charm physics theory
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J. F. Kamenik
Mixing and time-dependent CPV in charm decays
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F. Bianchi
Time-integrated CPV in cham decays
S. Perazzini
Recent Experimental Results on Semi-leptonic D Decays and Extraction of |Vcd(s)|
Lepton flavor violation: theory overview
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E. Passemar
cLFV searches using DC muon beam at PSI
S. Mihara
Experimental searches for the muon to electron conversion
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A. Sato
Majorana nature and flavor structures of massive neutrinos
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Z.z. Xing
Long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiments
A. Ichikawa
Overview of the Reactor-based Neutrino Experiments
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S.H. Seo
The Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment
F. Di Lodovico
HF production/Spectroscopy
Production and decay of HF baryons
Recent results in quarkonium production and decays
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P. Lewis
Exotic hadrons at hadron colliders
S. Stone
Exotics in leptonic machines
Spectroscopy of Heavy Quark Hadrons from QCD
Recent results in tau decays at Belle experiment
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K. Hayasaka
Low-energy hadronic cross sections and g-2
New Experiments to Measure the Muon Anomalous Gyromagnetic Ratio
Discussion on recent results
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T.E. Browder, W. Altmannshofer, C. Bobeth, J.M. Camalich, R. Fleischer, Z. Ligeti and R. Sinha
Future B experiments/Outlook/Closing
LHCb upgrade
U. Marconi
The Belle II experiment and SuperKEKB
M. Barrett
Theoretical Outlook
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Z. Ligeti
FPCP 2015 Summary Talk on Experiments
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K. Trabelsi
Lepton-Flavored Scalar Dark Matter with Minimal Flavor Violation
C.J. Lee
Way to crosscheck $\mu$-$e$ conversion in the case of no signals of $\mu\rightarrow e \gamma$ and $\mu\rightarrow 3e$
M. Yamanaka
Lepton-flavor-violation Higgs decay $h\rightarrow \mu \tau$ and muon anomalous magnetic moment in a general two Higgs double model
Improved analysis of the CLFV decay of muonic atoms $\mu e\rightarrow e e$
Y. Uesaka, Y. Kuno, J. Sato, T. Sato and M. Yamanaka
Search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation at the Mu2e Experiment
M. Roehrken
Development of Cylindrical Drift Chamber for COMET Phase-I
T.S. Wong
COMET Experiment searching for muon to electron conversion
Y. Nakazawa
Overview of the COMET Phase-I experiment
M.L. Wong
Search for mu-e conversion with DeeMe experiment at J-PARC MLF
T.M. Nguyen
Development of a high-rate-tolerant HV-switching multi-wire proportional chamber and its readout electronics for DeeMe experiment
N. Teshima
After proton background estimation for DeeMe experiment
D. Nagao
Upgrade of liquid xenon calorimeter for MEG II experiment with VUV sensitive MPPCs
S. Ogawa
Development of Positron Timing Counter with SiPM Readout for MEG II Experiment
K. Yoshida
Probing dark matter self-interaction in the Sun with IceCube-PINGU
C.S. Chen
Fermi-BOltzmann statistics of neutrinos and relativistic effective degrees of freedom in the early universe
J. Iizuka
AXEL: neutrinoless double beta decay search with a high pressure Xe gas TPC
First measurement of muon anti-neutrino disappearance by the T2K experiment
T. Hiraki
A new experiment at J-PARC to measure the neutrino cross section ratio between water and plastic
N. Chikuma
Measurement of T2K Anti-neutrino Beam Properties Using the INGRID On-axis Near Detector
T. Hayashino
Development of Scintillation Fiber Detector for the Next Generation of Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
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M. Yamamoto
Absolute branching fraction of Lambda_c hadronic decays at BES III
Direct CP violation in $\Lambda_b$ decays
Y.K. Hsiao and C.Q. Geng
Study of the $B_c\rightarrow J/\psi D_s$ and $B_c\rightarrow J/\psi D_s^*$ decays with the ATLAS detector
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D. Scheirich
The latest results on top quark pair cross-section measurement at the LHC-ATLAS experiment
K. Yamauchi
Dispersion relation of anti-D meson in the Chiral Density Wave
D. Suenaga and M. Harada
Kaon Decay into Three Photons Revisited
S.Y. Ho and J. Tandean
Impact of $K_L\rightarrow \pi^0 \nu \bar \nu$ decay on high scale SUSY
K. Yamamoto
Development of Acrylic Cherenkov Counter in the KOTO experiment
S. Shinohara
Development of Amplifier with Pulse Shaper for High Rate MWPC
I. Kamiji
Development of gas wire chambers for in-beam charged particle detector in the KOTO experiment
K. Nakagiri
Precise discussion on T-asymmetry with B-meson decays
H. Umeeda
Global Fits of the CKM Matrix with the scan Method
G. Eigen
Flavor violating Z' from SO(10) SUSY GUT in High-Scale SUSY
Y. Omura
GUT Scale Threshold Effect on Proton Decay
T. Kuwahara
Electroweak phase transition in the singlet-extended SM
K. Fuyuto
Cartan's Supersymmetry and the Decay of $H^0(0+, 125\,\text{GeV})$ to $\gamma \gamma$, $WW$ and $ZZ$
S. Furui
CEDM constraints in $E_6 \times SU(2)_F \times U(1)_A$ SUSY GUT model
Y. Shigekami
Probing New Physics with $q2$ distributions in $B\rightarrow D^* \tau \nu$
R. Watanabe
Study of anomalous tau lepton decay using chiral Lagrangian with vector mesons
T. Morozumi
New PID detector -TOP counter- for Belle II experiment
K. Inami, K. Matsuoka and K. Suzuki
Overview and Highlights of the Belle II Computing
Y. Kato and K. Hayasaka