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CD15 - (other cd conferences)
29 June 2015 - 03 July 2015
Pisa, Italy
published June 20, 2016
The 8th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics (CD2015) took place in Pisa from June 29 to July 3, 2015, and it was hosted by the Physics Department of University of Pisa and the Pisa branch of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN).

Following the tradition of this triennial series of Conferences, it attracted theorists and experimentalists of this research field, who were brought together to highlight the recent progress in the field of low energy QCD, and to discuss and explore the direction for future development. The conference consisted of plenary talks and three working groups.

More information on CD2015 can be found at http://agenda.infn.it/event/cd2015.

We would like to thank the working group organizers for their dedicated effort, namely:

Goldstone boson WG: Mario Antonelli (Frascati), Sebastien Descotes-Genom (Orsay), Andreas Juttner (Southampton), Emilie Passemar (LANL);

Hadron structure WG: J.P. Chen (Jlab), Martin Hoferichter (Bern), Patricia Solvignon (UNH/JLab), Andre' Walker-Loud (W&M);

Few-Body WG: Mohammad Ahmed (NCCU/TUNL), Dean Lee (NCSU), Assumpta Parreno (Barcelona), Akaki Rusetsky (Bonn).

We would like to express our special thanks also to our co-organizers, Ignazio Bombaci (Univ. of Pisa), Angela Bonaccorso (INFN - Pisa), Massimo D'Elia (Univ. of Pisa), Luca Girlanda (Univ. of Salento), Alejandro Kievsky (INFN - Pisa), Enrico Meggiolaro ( Univ. of Pisa), Silvano Simula (INFN - Roma 3), and Marco Sozzi (Univ. of Pisa), for their hard work and suggestions.

We would like to thank the International Advisory Committee for their very useful inputs to the CD2015 program.

The organizers would like to thank the excellent logistic and administrative support provided by the INFN-Pisa staff, and in particular the Conference Secretary Lucia Lilli, which was instrumental for the organization of the conference and for the all the help provided during CD2015 itself. We also would like to thank Asti Incentives & Congressi (AIC), the University of Salento and the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca for their support.

Finally, we would like to thank all the speakers and all the participants for their contributions and the friendly atmosphere that they helped to achieve.

In addition to the scientific program, a few social events took place during the conference. A reception was organized for the participants at Grand Hotel Duomo on Monday, June 29, in the evening, during which the Major of the City of Pisa, Marco Filippeschi, met and greeted the participants. Wednesday afternoon was reserved for an excursion to the nearby city of Lucca, where also a piano concerto by the distinguished pianist Dr. Young-Hyun Cho was given. The social dinner took place on Thursday evening in the cloister of Santa Maria del Carmine.

The upcoming Chiral Dynamics Workshop will take place in Durham, NC (USA) in 2018. We thank Mohammad Ahmed, Haiyan Gao, Calvin Howell, and Dean Lee for graciously taking the baton from us, and wish them all the best for a successful and pleasant conference.

Laura Elisa Marcucci & Michele Viviani

conference main image
Plenary talks
Leading Parallel Talks
Regular talks "Goldstone Boson" working group
Regular talks "Hadron Structure and Meson-Baryon Interaction" working group
Regular talks "Few-Body Physics" working group
Conference photo
Plenary talks
An overview of recent nucleon spin structure measurements at Jefferson Lab
K. Allada
Effective field theories and lattice QCD
C. Bernard
Kaons at CERN: The NA62 experimental program
A. Ceccucci
Dispersion relation for hadronic light-by-light scattering and the muon g-2
G. Colangelo, P. Stoffer, M. Hoferichter and M. Procura
Recent progress in hadron structure from Lattice QCD
M. Constantinou
Status of chiral perturbation theory for light mesons
G. Ecker
Meson resonances on the lattice
R. Edwards
Muon anomalous magnetic moment and hadronic vacuum polarization: Recent developments
S. Eydelman
Nuclear chiral EFT in the precision era
E. Epelbaum
The pion polarisability and more measurements on chiral dynamics at COMPASS
J. Friedrich
Extracting (pion) form factors from finite volume lattices
H. Fukaya
Probes for fundamental QCD symmetries and a dark gauge boson via light meson decays
L. Gan
Latest results on few-body physics from HigS
H. Gao, G. Laskaris and X. Yan
Photopion physics at MAMI
D. Hornidge
Nuclear physics from QCD on lattice
T. Inoue
Pion--nucleon scattering at low energies
B. Kubis, J. Ruiz de Elvira, M. Hoferichter and U.G. Meißner
Theoretical aspects of Chiral Dynamics
H. Leutwyler
QED corrections to hadronic processes in lattice QCD
V. Lubicz, N. Carrasco, G. Martinelli, C. Sachrajda, N. Tantalo, C. Tarantino and M. Testa
Polarisabilities of the proton and neutron from Compton scattering
J. McGovern, H. Grieshammer and D. Phillips
How well does the chiral expansion converge in nuclear and neutron matter?
F. Sammarruca, L. Coraggio, J.W. Holt, N. Itaco, R. Machleidt and L. Marcucci
Pion photo- and electro-production and the chiral MAID interface
S. Scherer, M. Hilt, B.C. Lenhart and L. Tiator
Studies of light nuclei in chiEFT: A status report
R. Schiavilla
Leading Parallel Talks
Leading logarithms for mesons and nucleons
J. Bijnens, K. Kampf and A. Vladimirov
Chiral methods at the electroweak scale
O. Cata
Eta and eta' physics at BESIII
S.s. Fang
Exploratory lattice QCD study of the rare kaon decay K+π+νˉν
N.H. Christ, X. Feng, A. Juttner, A. Lawson, A. Portelli and C. Sachrajda
Kππ decays and the Delta I = 1/2 rule
N. Garron
Form factor in VPγ transitions and study of the ηπ+ππ0 Dalitz plot at KLOE
S. Giovannella
Compton scattering and nucleon polarisabilities in chiral EFT: The next steps
H. Grieshammer, J. McGovern and D. Phillips
Evidence that the Lambda(1405) is a molecular antikaon-nucleon bound state
W. Kamleh, J. Hall, D. Leinweber, B. Menadue, B. Owen, A.W. Thomas and R. Young
Clustering in nuclei from ab initio nuclear lattice simulations
U.G. Meißner
Hermes results on 3D imaging of the nucleon
L.L. Pappalardo
Magnetic properties of light nuclei from lattice QCD
M. Savage
Hadronic parity violation in effective field theory
M. Schindler
Regular talks "Goldstone Boson" working group
Constraints on the omega-pi form factor from analyticity and unitarity
B. Ananthanarayan, I. Caprini and B. Kubis
Axial U(1) symmetry in the chiral symmetric phase of 2-flavor QCD at finite temperature
S. Aoki
The π0γγ decay rate and form factor
A. Bernstein
Combined analysis of the decays τKSπντ and τKηντ
R. Escribano
Precision measurement of the neutral pion radiative decay width at Jefferson Lab
A. Gasparian
Low-energy constants from ALEPH hadronic tau decay data
D. Boito, A. Francis, M. Golterman, R. Hudspith, R. Lewis, K. Maltman and S. Peris
From OPE to chiral perturbation theory in holographic QCD
D. Greynat, L. Cappiello and G. D'Ambrosio
Bl4 decays and the extraction of |Vub|
X.W. Kang, B. Kubis, C. Hanhart and U.G. Meißner
Isospin breaking effects in the K+e4 decays
M. Knecht, V. Bernard and S. Descotes-genon
Extraction of low energy QCD parameters from eta to 3π and beyond
M. Kolesar and J. Novotny
η-η mixing in Large-Nc ChPT: discussion, phenomenology, and prospects
P. Masjuan, P. Bickert and S. Scherer
a0-f0 mixing in the Khuri-Treiman equations for η3π
B. Moussalam and M. Albaladejo
Studies of the decay K+π+π0e+e at NA48
J. Pinzino
Masses, decay constants and electromagnetic form-factors with twisted boundary conditions
J. Relefors and J. Bijnens
The meson spectroscopy program with CLAS12 at Jefferson Laboratory
A. Rizzo
Chiral dynamics in the low-temperature phase of QCD
D. Robaina, B. Brandt, A. Francis and H.B. Meyer
Finite volume for masses and decay constants
T. Roessler and J. Bijnens
Pseudoscalar decays into lepton pairs from rational approximants
P. Sanchez-Puertas and P. Masjuan
Study of two and three meson tau lepton decay modes with Monte Carlo generator TAUOLA
O. Shekhovtsova
A dispersive treatment of Kl4 decays
P. Stoffer, G. Colangelo and E. Passemar
Status and prospects of the KOTO experiment
Y.C. Tung
Studies of the Ke4 decay at NA48
M. Zamkovský
Regular talks "Hadron Structure and Meson-Baryon Interaction" working group
Improved description of the nucleon polarizabilities with relativistic chiral effective field theory
J.M. Alarcón Soriano
Status of the OLYMPUS Experiment
R. Alarcon and L. Ice
Impact of the Delta (1232) resonance in neutral pion photoproduction in chiral perturbation theory.
L. Cawthorne and J. McGovern
New results for Compton scattering on deuterium: A better determination of the neutron electromagnetic polarizabilities
G. Feldman, L.S. Myers, J.R.M. Annand, J. Brudvik, K.G. Fissum, H. Grieshammer, K.G. Hansen, S.S. Henshaw, L. Isaksson, M.A. Kovash, M. Lundin, J.A. McGovern, A.M. Nathan, D.R. Phillips, B. Schroeder, K. Shoniyozov and S.C. Stave
Extending the baryon ChPT beyond the low-energy region
J. Gegelia
Chiral perturbation theory of hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen
F. Hagelstein and V. Pascalutsa
Chiral dynamics in the γppπ0 reaction
A. Hiller Blin, T. Ledwig and M.J. Vicente Vacas
The H-dibaryon in two flavor lattice QCD
P. Junnarkar, A. Francis, J. Green, C. Miao, T. Rae and H. Wittig
Constraints on the chiral unitary KN amplitude from piSigmaK photoproduction data
M. Mai
Evolution of the ˉKNπΣ system with M2π in a box from UchiPT
R. Molina Peralta and M. Doering
Octet baryon masses in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to O(p^4)
X.L. Ren, L. Geng and J. Meng
Combined analysis of πNπN and πNππN in ChPT
D. Siemens
Excited-state contamination in nucleon correlators from chiral perturbation theory
B. Tiburzi
Hadronic uncertainties and isospin violation in supersymmetric dark matter models
L. Tunstall, A. Crivellin, M. Hoferichter and M. Procura
The proton spin-dependent structure function, g2, at low Q2
R. Zielinski
Regular talks "Few-Body Physics" working group
Recent developments in neutron-proton scattering with lattice effective field theory
J.M. Alarcón Soriano
Compton scattering from 3He and 4He using an active target
J.R.M. Annand, B. Strandberg, H.J. Arends, A. Thomas, E. Downie, D. Hornidge, M. Morris and V. Sokoyan
Nuclear axial current in chiral effective field theory
A. Baroni
Application of low-energy theorems to NN scattering at unphysical pion masses
V. Baru, E. Epelbaum, A. Filin and J. Gegelia
Extracting neutron polarizabilities from Compton scattering on quasi-free neutron in γdγnp
B. Demissie and H. Grieshammer
Pion production in nucleon-nucleon collisions near threshold: complete NNLO calculation in chiral EFT
A. Filin, V. Baru, E. Epelbaum, C. Hanhart, H. Krebs and F. Myrher
Chiral two-nucleon dynamics, analyticity and dispersion relations
A. Gasparyan, E. Epelbaum and M.F.M. Lutz
The n3He experiment: Hadronic parity violation in cold neutron capture on 3He
M. Gericke
Progress in the quest for a realistic three-nucleon force
L. Girlanda, A. Kievsky, M. Viviani and L. Marcucci
Assessing theory errors using residual cutoff dependence
H. Grieshammer
Precise calculations of the deuteron quadrupole moment
F. Gross
Hyperons in nuclear matter studied in chiral EFT
J. Haidenbauer
Studies of Lambda-neutron interaction through polarization observables for final-state interactions in exclusive Lambda photoproduction off the deuteron
Y. Ilieva, T. Cao and N. Zachariou
Antinucleon-nucleon interaction and the related hadron physics
X.W. Kang
Chiral three-nucleon forces up to N4LO
H. Krebs
Nuclear matter calculations with chiral interactions
D. Logoteta, I. Bombaci and A. Kievsky
The nucleon-nucleon interaction up to sixth order in the chiral expansion
R. Machleidt, D. Rodríguez Entem, N. Kaiser and Y. Nosyk
Recoil corrections in antikaon-deuteron scattering
M. Mai, V. Baru, E. Epelbaum and A. Rusetsky
Causality constraint on bound states and scattering with zero-range force, or do perturbative pions deserve another chance?
V. Pascalutsa
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of electromagnetic moments and transitions in A<=10 nuclei with two-body chiEFT currents
S. Pastore
Scattering cluster wave functions on the lattice using the adiabatic projection method
A. Rokash, M. Pine, S. Elhatisari, D. Lee, E. Epelbaum and H. Krebs
Study of the electroweak processes in the two and three-nucleon systems with local chiral forces
R. Skibinski, J. Golak, K. Topolnicki, H. Witala and A. Elmeshneb
Experimental tests of nuclear interaction models in few-nucleon systems
E. Stephan, S. Kistryn and A. Kozela
Elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering and breakup with chiral forces
H. Witala, J. Golak, R. Skibinski and K. Topolnicki
Nuclear electric dipole moment of light nuclei in the gaussian expansion method
N. Yamanaka and E. Hiyama
Glueball decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model
F. Bruenner and A. Rebhan
Muon capture on the deuteron
A. Elmeshneb and J. Golak
Single and double Dalitz decays of pi^0, eta and eta' through rational approximants
S. Gonzàlez Solís
Chiral symmetry breaking and monopoles
M. Hasegawa, A. Di Giacomo and F. Pucci
Hyperon forward spin polarizability gamma0 in baryon chiral perturbation theory
A. Hiller Blin, T. Gutsche, T. Ledwig and V. Lyubovitskij
Hypernuclear decay of strangeness -2 hypernuclei
J. Maneu and A. Parreno
Roper mass in chiral perturbation theory
X.L. Ren
The a_0(980) revisited
T. Wolkanowski-Gans and F. Giacosa
Status of chiral-scale perturbation theory
R.J. Crewther and L. Tunstall
Conference photo
Conference photo
M. Viviani and L.E. Marcucci