RADCOR 2013 - (other radcor conferences)
22-27 September 2013
Lumley Castle Hotel, Durham, UK
published March 25, 2014
The era of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Geneva is now well underway. The LHC detectors are measuring fundamental scattering reactions with unprecedented experimental precision and it is clear that the interpretation of these high-quality data demands an equally high precision in the theoretical predictions. In order to connect the observed phenomena with the underlying theoretical models, one needs a precise understanding of the involved processes at the quantum level. Confronting the theoretical predictions for various processes in the Standard Model and beyond with the large amount of data which the LHC collected in 2011 and 2012, will enable more stringent tests of the theoretical interpretation of high energy scattering data and help to refine the theoretical tools ready for LHC running at even higher centre of mass energies. RADCOR 2013 will be crucial for future developments concerning LHC physics.
Higgs and resummation
Recent results from GENEVA
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C.W. Bauer
Two-loop applications of the program SecDec
S. Borowka and G. Heinrich
Multiloop integrals in dimensional regularization made simple
Transverse Parton Distribution Functions at Next-To-Next-To-Leading-Order
T. Lübbert, L.L. Yang and T. Gehrmann
Multi-loop Integrand Reduction via Multivariate Polynomial Division
Replacing 1-loop tensor reduction by contractions
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T. Riemann
An alternative subtraction scheme for NLO QCD calculations using Nagy-Soper dipoles
T. Robens, C.H. Chung and M. Bach
Compactifying formulas with FORM
J.A.M. Vermaseren
Top quark pairs at two loops, multiple polylogarithms and Reduze2
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A. von Manteuffel
Multi-boson production through gluon-gluon fusion at hadron colliders
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P. Agrawal
NLO EW corrections to pp\rightarrow WW\rightarrow 4f in double-pole approximation at the LHC
M. Billoni, S. Dittmaier, B. Jaeger and C. Speckner
Electoweak corrections to Z + 2 jets production at the LHC
A. Denner, L. Hofer, A. Scharf and S. Uccirati
O(alpha*alphas) corrections to Drell-Yan processes in the resonance region
S. Dittmaier, A. Huss and C. Schwinn
Dipole subtraction with random polarisations
D. Goetz, C. Schwan and S. Weinzierl
Diphoton + jet at NLO
N. Greiner, T. Gehrmann and G. Heinrich
Off-shell top-pair production at NLO QCD with massive bottoms
F. Cascioli, S. Kallweit, P. Maierhöfer and S. Pozzorini
Universality in W + jet production
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D.A. Kosower
Weak Corrections to Gauge-Boson Pair Production at the LHC and their Implementation into Generators
Next-to-leading order diphoton+2-jet production at the LHC
Z. Bern, L. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, S. Hoeche, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, D. Maitre and N.A. Lo Presti
Interfacing GoSam with Monte Carlo event generators
G. Luisoni
Status of OpenLoops and Simulation of H\rightarrow WW Backgrounds
P. Maierhöfer, F. Cascioli, S. Hoeche, F. Krauss, S. Pozzorini and F. Siegert
GoSam @ LHC: algorithms and applications to Higgs production
P. Mastrolia
Diphoton production in the ADD model to NLO+parton shower accuracy at the LHC
M.K. Mandal, P. Mathews, V. Ravindran and S. Seth
Dyck Words and Multi-Quark Amplitudes
Precise predictions for ttH(bb) backgrounds
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S. Pozzorini
NLO QCD corrections to WWbb production with leptonic decays in the light of top quark asymmetries
J. Schlenk, G. Heinrich and J. Winter
EW and QCD One-Loop Amplitudes with RECOLA
S. Uccirati, A. Denner, L. Hofer and A. Scharf
Tri-vector boson production at NLO with parton shower
V. Ravindran and P. Mathews
Helicity amplitudes for high-energy scattering processes
A. van Hameren
Event by event weighting at NLO
C. Williams, J. Campbell and W. Giele
NLO mass effects in bbbb production at the LHC
Colourful antenna subtraction
Bs\rightarrow mu^+ mu^- in the SM and B\rightarrow Xs gamma in the 2HDM at NNLO in QCD
New results for Higgs+jet at NNLO
F. Petriello
NNLO QCD corrections to dijet production at hadron colliders
J.R. Pires, N. Glover, A. Gehrmann-De Ridder, T. Gehrmann and J. Currie
Progress towards vector boson pair production at NNLO
D. Rathlev
Higgs boson pair production at the LHC: top-quark mass effects at NLO
M. Steinhauser
Towards two-loop QCD corrections to ZZ and WW production at LHC
L. Tancredi, T. Gehrmann and E. Weihs
Higgs and resummation
High Energy Jets and NLO
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J.R. Andersen
Jet broadening
Bounding the Higgs width using interferometry
NLO QCD corrections to Electroweak Higgs Boson Plus Three Jet Production at the LHC
F. Campanario, T. Figy, S. Plaetzer and M. Sjodahl
Progress on soft gluon exponentiation and long-distance singularities
PDFs for Higgs Physics
J.W. Huston
Threshold corrections to inclusive jet production at hadron colliders
M.C. Kumar and S.O. Moch
Beyond Reggeization for two- and three-loop QCD amplitudes
L. Magnea, V. Del Duca, G. Falcioni and L. Vernazza
Perturbative calculations for jet substructure
S. Marzani, M. Dasgupta and G. Salam
Resummed predictions for the jet-veto Higgs cross section
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M. Neubert
Higgs precision physics: the next step
G. Passarino
Higgs production in e and gamma collision
K. Sasaki, N. Watanabe, Y. Kurihara and T. Uematsu
Higher-order soft and Coulomb corrections to squark and gluino production at the LHC
C. Schwinn, M. Beneke, P. Falgari, J. Piclum and C. Wever
Soft Gluon Effects in Hard-Scattering Processes
Transition Form Factor in Higgs Production through Two-photon Processes
T. Uematsu, N. Watanabe, Y. Kurihara and K. Sasaki
Comparisons of Predictions from Exact Amplitude-Based Resummation Methods with LHC and Cosmological Data
B.F.L. Ward, S.K. Majhi, A. Mukhopadhyay and S.A. Yost
The number theory of radiative corrections
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D. Broadhurst
Towards QCD running in 5 loops: quark mass anomalous dimension
K. Chetyrkin
New 3-loop Wilson Coefficients for Deep-Inelastic Heavy Flavor Production
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A. De Freitas
TF^2 contributions to 3-loop Deep-Inelastic Wilson Coefficients
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Bluemlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, A. von Manteuffel, T. Pfoh, C.G. Raab, M. Round, C. Schneider and F. Wissbrock
Four-loop on-shell integrals: MSbar-on-shell relation and g-2
P. Marquard
Three-loop gauge beta function in non-simple gauge groups
L. Mihaila
A fresh look to (non)renormalizable QFTs
On The Determination Of Integral Bases For Virtual Corrections In Quantum Field Theory
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R. Schabinger
QCD thermodynamics at three loops: methods and results
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Y. Schröder
Top-quark Pair Production in a Running Mass Scheme
M. Dowling and S. Moch
Fixed order and total cross section results for heavy-quark pair production
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M. Czakon
Threshold production of unstable top