The LHCP conference series started in 2013 after a successful fusion of two international conferences, "Physics at Large Hadron Collider Conference" and "Hadron Collider Physics Symposium". The conference programme will be devoted to a detailed review of the latest experimental and theoretical results on collider physics, and recent results of the LHC Run II, and discussions on further research directions within the high energy particle physics community including both theory and experiment sides. The main goal of the conference is to provide intense and lively discussions between experimentalists and theorists in research areas such as the Standard Model Physics and Beyond, the Higgs Boson, Supersymmetry, Heavy Quark Physics and Heavy Ion Physics as well as the recent progress in the high luminosity upgrades of the LHC and future colliders developments.
Session : TeV-Scale BSM |
Novel signatures of additional Higgs bosons at the LHC PoS(LHCP2020)006 pdf |
Third-generation SUSY Searches at ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)008 pdf |
Soft Supersymmetry Searches at ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)009 pdf |
Searches for BSM Higgs bosons at ATLAS & CMS PoS(LHCP2020)011 pdf |
Searches for heavy resonances decaying to Higgs bosons at ATLAS & CMS PoS(LHCP2020)013 pdf |
Searches for heavy resonances at ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)015 pdf |
Diboson resonance and vector-like quark searches at ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)016 pdf |
Boosted object identification in searches in ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)017 pdf |
Session : Electroweak Physics |
EWK physics : Measurements and prospects from LHCb PoS(LHCP2020)020 pdf |
Electroweak precision measurements in CMS PoS(LHCP2020)019 pdf |
EFT validity issues in Vector Boson Scattering processes PoS(LHCP2020)023 pdf |
Multiboson measurements with Run 2 data at CMS PoS(LHCP2020)024 pdf |
Mixed QCD x EW corrections for Drell-Yan processes PoS(LHCP2020)026 pdf |
EWK physics prospects for the HL-LHC PoS(LHCP2020)029 pdf |
Session : Heavy ions |
Hard probes : jets and their kT broadening PoS(LHCP2020)030 pdf |
Recent results on hard and rare probes from ATLAS PoS(LHCP2020)031 pdf |
Recent results on hard and rare probes from ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)032 pdf |
Recent results on heavy flavor in small and large systems from ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)036 pdf |
Recent results on heavy flavor in small and large system from LHCb PoS(LHCP2020)037 pdf |
Recent results on collectivity in small systems from ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)039 pdf |
Session : Performance |
Vertexing detectors and vertexing performance in Run2 in ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)042 pdf |
Hadronic tau reconstruction and identification performance in ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)045 pdf |
Lepton and Photon reconstruction and identification performance in ATLAS and CMS in Run II PoS(LHCP2020)046 pdf |
PID performance in Run 2 at LHCb PoS(LHCP2020)047 pdf |
CMS : Jet and missing $E_{T}$ reconstruction PoS(LHCP2020)048 pdf |
Jet and missing transverse momentum reconstruction in ATLAS at the LHC PoS(LHCP2020)049 pdf |
ALICE : online-offline processing for Run 3 PoS(LHCP2020)053 pdf |
Session : Tools |
Generative Models in Event Simulation PoS(LHCP2020)055 pdf |
Applying Neural Importance Sampling to gluon scattering PoS(LHCP2020)056 pdf |
Constructing PineAPPL grids on hardware accelerators PoS(LHCP2020)057 pdf |
Novel tools and challenges for jet physics in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC PoS(LHCP2020)061 pdf |
Analysis description languages for the LHC PoS(LHCP2020)065 pdf |
Session : Top physics |
Off-shell effects in ttbar + photon/Z production at the LHC PoS(LHCP2020)066 pdf |
Inclusive and differential ttBar cross sections in ATLAS experiment PoS(LHCP2020)067 pdf |
Measurement of inclusive and differential cross sections of tt and tt in association with heavy flavours crosssections in CMS PoS(LHCP2020)068 pdf |
Inclusive and differential single-top cross sections from ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)069 pdf |
Top Quark Properties from ATLAS PoS(LHCP2020)071 pdf |
Measurements of top quark properties with the CMS experiment PoS(LHCP2020)072 pdf |
Top mass and width from CMS and ATLAS PoS(LHCP2020)073 pdf |
Search for new phenomena in top quark interactions PoS(LHCP2020)075 pdf |
Rare top quark production in ATLAS ($t\bar{t}t\bar{t}$, $tqZ$, $tq\gamma$) PoS(LHCP2020)076 pdf |
Rare top quark production in CMS PoS(LHCP2020)077 pdf |
Session : Upgrades & Future |
Perspectives for particle identification in ALICE using silicon-based timing detectors PoS(LHCP2020)078 pdf |
Timing for the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade PoS(LHCP2020)080 pdf |
Timing for the CMS Phase-II Upgrade PoS(LHCP2020)081 pdf |
Accessing HH at ATLAS and CMS with the HL-LHC PoS(LHCP2020)082 pdf |
LHCf Program for Run III PoS(LHCP2020)089 pdf |
TOTEM, detector and physics PoS(LHCP2020)090 pdf |
Session : Plenary I : Upgrades |
ATLAS upgrades PoS(LHCP2020)094 pdf |
Session : Plenary II : Top physics |
Measurements of top quark properties at the LHC PoS(LHCP2020)099 pdf |
Session : Dark Sectors BSM |
Searches for long-lived particles in ATLAS PoS(LHCP2020)107 pdf |
Searches for long-lived particles in LHCb PoS(LHCP2020)108 pdf |
Dark sector searches with the ATLAS and CM Sexperiments PoS(LHCP2020)111 pdf |
MoEDAL, FASER and future experiments targeting dark sector and long-lived particles PoS(LHCP2020)112 pdf |
Session : Flavour Physics |
Leptonic decays of light hadronic states and rare $B$ decays PoS(LHCP2020)113 pdf |
Electroweak Penguin Decays PoS(LHCP2020)114 pdf |
Lepton flavour violation and universality tests at LHCb PoS(LHCP2020)115 pdf |
CP-violation in charm (LHCb) PoS(LHCP2020)117 pdf |
CP violaion in B decays PoS(LHCP2020)120 pdf |
Measurement of the CP-violating phase phi_s in the Bs -> J/Psi phi channel at 13 TeV by CMS PoS(LHCP2020)121 pdf |
Session : Higgs Physics (SM Differential Higgs) |
New tools and parton shower for Higgs theoretical predictions PoS(LHCP2020)128 pdf |
Higgs boson measurements in third generation decay channels (excluding ttH) with ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)130 pdf |
NLO QCD corrections to Higgs boson pair production PoS(LHCP2020)131 pdf |
Recent results on HH production from ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)132 pdf |
Combination of Higgs measurements from ATLAS and CMS : couplings and k- framework PoS(LHCP2020)136 pdf |
Interpretation of ATLAS and CMS Higgs measurements in STXS and EFT PoS(LHCP2020)137 pdf |
Session : QCD Physics |
Vector bosons and jets at the LHC PoS(LHCP2020)141 pdf |
Jet measurements with ALICE : substructure, dead cone, charm jets PoS(LHCP2020)143 pdf |
Measurements of event shapes and jet substructure with ATLAS Run 2 data PoS(LHCP2020)144 pdf |
Impact of LHC jet data on Parton Distribution Functions PoS(LHCP2020)145 pdf |
Soft QCD results from ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)147 pdf |
Soft-QCD and diffractive processes in ATLAS PoS(LHCP2020)148 pdf |
Soft-QCD and diffractive processes at CMS and TOTEM PoS(LHCP2020)149 pdf |
Session : Plenary V : Higgs Physics |
What we learned about the Higgs boson PoS(LHCP2020)159 pdf |
The Higgs portal: Constraints on New Physics PoS(LHCP2020)160 pdf |
Higgs sector: What we would like to know PoS(LHCP2020)161 pdf |
Session : Plenary VI : Electroweak Physics |
Multiboson measurements in CMS and ATLAS PoS(LHCP2020)164 pdf |
Session : Plenary VII : BSM-1 (TeV scale) |
Experimental SUSY overview PoS(LHCP2020)166 pdf |
SMEFT and searches for new physics PoS(LHCP2020)169 pdf |
Session : Joint QCD + Heavy Ions |
Associated production in pp and heavy ion collisions PoS(LHCP2020)172 pdf |
Multiplicity dependent production of X(3872) PoS(LHCP2020)173 pdf |
Session : Joint BSM |
DM interpretations of heavy resonances and BSM-Higgs searches in ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)176 pdf |
X17 anomaly and prospects for its verification with NA64 experiment PoS(LHCP2020)177 pdf |
Session : Joint Higgs + Top |
Measurements of tt+X in ATLAS and CMS PoS(LHCP2020)178 pdf |
Recent ttH measurements with ATLAS PoS(LHCP2020)179 pdf |
Sensitivity to EFT operators from top and Higgs measurements PoS(LHCP2020)181 pdf |
Session : Joint QCD + Flavour |
Quarkonia production in ATLAS and CMS experiments PoS(LHCP2020)185 pdf |
Session : Plenary VIII : Flavour Physics |
Theoretical Aspects of the Flavour Sector PoS(LHCP2020)187 pdf |
CPV in B-hadron decays PoS(LHCP2020)190 pdf |
Session : Plenary IX : BSM-2 (dark sector) |
Searches for unconventional signatures and long-lived particles PoS(LHCP2020)194 pdf |
Session : Outreach |
Netzwerk Teilchenwelt : An outreach network in Germany PoS(LHCP2020)197 pdf |
LHC open data for the world to see PoS(LHCP2020)199 pdf |
Science & Art at the 42nd Hot-Air Balloon Festival ans the Balloon Museum in Château-d'Oex PoS(LHCP2020)201 pdf |
Session : Closing plenary |
Report from Young Scientist Fora at LHC PoS(LHCP2020)202 pdf |
Report on outreach activities at LHC PoS(LHCP2020)203 pdf |
Poster session |
Probe pT-dependent flow vector fluctuations with ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)207 pdf |
A muon tracking algorithm for Level 1 trigger in the CMS barrel muon chambers during High Luminosity -LHC PoS(LHCP2020)208 pdf |
Beam-test evaluation of the precision timing capabilities of a CMS HGCAL prototype PoS(LHCP2020)209 pdf |
HPS@L1 algorithm for the upgraded CMS level-1 hadronic tau trigger for the HL-LHC PoS(LHCP2020)211 pdf |
Precise luminosity determination at CMS PoS(LHCP2020)214 pdf |
Searches for heavy diboson resonances in semi--leptonic final states in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector PoS(LHCP2020)217 pdf |
Search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model in events with large b-jet multiplicity using the ATLAS detector at the LHC PoS(LHCP2020)218 pdf |
Search for supersymmetry with photons PoS(LHCP2020)219 pdf |
Dark photon searches with the ATLAS detector at the LHC PoS(LHCP2020)220 pdf |
The Forward Diffractive Detector for ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)221 pdf |
Z boson production in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV PoS(LHCP2020)223 pdf |
Quarkonia production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)224 pdf |
ALICE measurements of coherents rho0 photoproduction in Pb--Pb ultraperipheral collisions PoS(LHCP2020)225 pdf |
ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Commissioning for LHC Run-3 PoS(LHCP2020)226 pdf |
ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger from Run-2 to Run-3 PoS(LHCP2020)227 pdf |
ATLAS Open Data: Data visualisation and educational physics analysis to re-discover the Higgs boson PoS(LHCP2020)228 pdf |
ATLAS Public Engagement : The CERN Open Days Experience PoS(LHCP2020)229 pdf |
ATLAS Virtual Visits - Take part from anywhere in the world PoS(LHCP2020)230 pdf |
Collider probes of real triplet scalar dark matter PoS(LHCP2020)232 pdf |
Development of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC PoS(LHCP2020)233 pdf |
Energy dependence of light neutral meson $p_{\rm T}$ spectrum produced in pp collisions at the LHC measured in ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)234 pdf |
Formalism of hydrodynamics with spin degrees of freedom PoS(LHCP2020)236 pdf |
Light (anti)nuclei production in high energy nuclear collisions at the LHC with ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)239 pdf |
Measurement of the combined online and offline $b$-jet identification efficiency with $t\bar{t}$ events using a likelihood method in the ATLAS detector PoS(LHCP2020)240 pdf |
Measurement of the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with a vector boson and decaying to a pair of b-quarks in p-p collisions at 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector PoS(LHCP2020)241 pdf |
Modified lepton couplings and the Cabibbo-angle anomaly PoS(LHCP2020)242 pdf |
Projected ATLAS Electron and Photon Trigger Performance in Run 3 PoS(LHCP2020)244 pdf |
Small-Strip Thin Gap Chambers for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment PoS(LHCP2020)245 pdf |
The ATLAS Hardware Track Trigger performance studies for the HL-LHC PoS(LHCP2020)247 pdf |
The ATLAS Inner Detector Trigger performance in pp collisions at 13 TeV during LHC Run 2 PoS(LHCP2020)248 pdf |
The ATLAS Muon Trigger Design and Performance PoS(LHCP2020)249 pdf |
The Fast Interaction Trigger Upgrade for ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)251 pdf |
The Forward Search Experiment PoS(LHCP2020)252 pdf |
The phase-I upgrade of the ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger PoS(LHCP2020)253 pdf |
The Two Hemispheres Method for Searches of Multijet BSM Signals PoS(LHCP2020)254 pdf |
UPC : a powerful tool for \ensuremath{{\mathrm J}/\psi}\xspace photoproduction analysis in ALICE PoS(LHCP2020)255 pdf |