PoS - Proceedings of Science

QCD Evolution 2015

QCDEV2015 - (other qcdev conferences)
May 26-30, 2015
Jefferson Lab (JLAB), Newport News Virginia, USA
published March 10, 2016
These are the proceedings of the QCD Evolution 2015 Workshop which was held 26–30 May, 2015 at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia, USA. The workshop is a continuation of a series of workshops held during four consecutive years 2011, 2012, 2013 at Jefferson Lab, and in 2014 in Santa Fe, NM. With the rapid developments in our understanding of the evolution of parton distributions including low-x, TMDs, GPDs, higher-twist correlation functions, and the associated progress in perturbative QCD, lattice QCD and effective field theory techniques we look forward with great enthusiasm to the 2015 meeting. A special attention was also paid to participation of experimentalists as the topics discussed are of immediate importance for the JLab 12 experimental program and a future Electron Ion Collider.
conference main image
Main session
Tuesday, May 26, Morning 2
Tuesday, May 26, Afternoon 1
Tuesday, May 26, Morning 1
Tuesday, May 26, Afternoon 2
Wednesday, May 27, Morning 1
Wednesday, May 27, Morning 2
Wednesday, May 27, Afternoon 1
Wednesday, May 27, Afternoon 2
Thursday, May 28, Morning 1
Thursday, May 28, Morning 2
Thursday, May 28, Afternoon 1
Thursday, May 28, Afternoon 2
Friday, May 29, Morning 1
Friday, May 29, Morning 2
Friday, May 29, Afternoon 1
Friday, May 29, Afternoon2
Saturday, May 30, Morning
Main session
PoS(QCDEV2015)052 pdf L. Gamberg, A. Prokudin and A. Radyushkin
Tuesday, May 26, Morning 2
The Operator Structure of TMDs
PoS(QCDEV2015)005 pdf P. Mulders
Nuclear DIS with Spectator Tagging at EIC
PoS(QCDEV2015)006 file missing C. Weiss
SIDIS Transverse Spin Asymmetries at COMPASS: Multy-Dimensional Analysis
PoS(QCDEV2015)007 pdf B. Parsamyan
New JAM Global Analysis of Spin-Dependent Parton Distributions
PoS(QCDEV2015)008 file missing W. Melnitchouk
Tuesday, May 26, Afternoon 1
Pion Distribution Amplitude from Lattice QCD
PoS(QCDEV2015)009 pdf V. Braun, S. Collins, M. Gockeler, P. Perez-Rubio, A. Schafer, R. Schiel and A. Sternbeck
Pion Electromagnetic Form Factor in Virtuality Distribution Formalism
PoS(QCDEV2015)010 pdf A. Radyushkin
A_N in Single-Inclusive Particle Production from Proton-Proton Collisions
PoS(QCDEV2015)011 pdf D. Pitonyak, Y. Koike, K. Kanazawa and A. Metz
Tuesday, May 26, Morning 1
PoS(QCDEV2015)001 file missing H. Montgomery
Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Program
PoS(QCDEV2015)002 file missing R. McKeown
Tests of Novel QCD Phenomena at Jlab
PoS(QCDEV2015)003 pdf S.J. Brodsky
The Light-Front Energy-Momentum Tensor
PoS(QCDEV2015)004 pdf C. Lorcé
Tuesday, May 26, Afternoon 2
Spin Physics at STAR : W and Forward Physics
PoS(QCDEV2015)012 file missing A. Ogawa
Wigner Distributions and Orbital Angular Momentum of Quarks and Gluons
PoS(QCDEV2015)013 pdf A. Mukherjee
Lepton-Hadron processes beyond NLO
PoS(QCDEV2015)014 file missing D. Anderle
Wednesday, May 27, Morning 1
Toward NNLL Resummation for Single- and Di-Hadron Production in Hadronic Collisions
PoS(QCDEV2015)015 pdf F. Ringer, W. Vogelsang, G. Sterman and P. Hinderer
The Nucleon g2 Spin Structure Function at Large x: Probing Color Forces
PoS(QCDEV2015)016 file missing Z.E. Meziani
New Tests of NRQCD from Quarkonia within Jets
PoS(QCDEV2015)017 pdf T. Mehen
Wednesday, May 27, Morning 2
Aspects of Lattice QCD Calculations of Transverse Momentum-Dependent Parton Distributions
PoS(QCDEV2015)018 pdf M. Engelhardt, B. Musch, T. Bhattacharya, J.R. Green, R. Gupta, P. Haegler, J. Negele, A. Pochinsky, A. Schafer, S. Syritsyn and B. Yoon
Orbital Angular Momentum in QCD and its Observability through Deep Inelastic Processes
PoS(QCDEV2015)019 pdf S. Liuti
Wednesday, May 27, Afternoon 1
Twist-3 spin Asymmetries in $\ell N \to h X$ Studied in Collinear Factorization
PoS(QCDEV2015)020 pdf A. Metz, L. Gamberg, K. Kanazawa, Z.B. Kang, D. Pitonyak, A. Prokudin and M. Schlegel
Single-Inclusive Leptoproduction of Hadrons and Jets at NLO
PoS(QCDEV2015)021 pdf M. Schlegel, P. Hinderer and W. Vogelsang
Resummation of Non-global Logs
PoS(QCDEV2015)022 file missing D. Neill
Wednesday, May 27, Afternoon 2
Linearly Polarized Gluon Effects in Unpolarized Collisions
PoS(QCDEV2015)023 pdf D. Boer
Momentum Imbalance Observables as a Probe of Gluon TMDs
PoS(QCDEV2015)024 pdf C. Pisano
Phenomenology of Gluon TMDs at NNLL
PoS(QCDEV2015)025 pdf M.G. Echevarria
Light Front Representation and Mechanical Picture of Peripheral Transverse Densities
PoS(QCDEV2015)026 file missing C. Granados
Thursday, May 28, Morning 1
The Role of Non-Perturbative Inputs in Determining the TMDs
PoS(QCDEV2015)027 file missing J. Qiu
TMD Evolution at Moderate Hard Scales
PoS(QCDEV2015)028 pdf T. Rogers and J. Collins
The JLab TMD Program at 6 GeV and 11 GeV
PoS(QCDEV2015)029 pdf A. Puckett
Thursday, May 28, Morning 2
Constraints on the Collins Function from New e^+e^- --> h_1 h_2 X Measurements in a Leading Order Analysis
PoS(QCDEV2015)030 pdf M.E. Boglione, M. Anselmino, U. D'Alesio, J.O.H. Gonzalez, S. Melis, F. Murgia and A. Prokudin
QCD Evolution for the Collins Asymmetries in Hard Process
PoS(QCDEV2015)031 pdf P. Sun
Studying Evolution at STAR with Jets
PoS(QCDEV2015)032 pdf R. Fatemi
Thursday, May 28, Afternoon 1
Non-Linear QCD Dynamics and Wilson Lines
PoS(QCDEV2015)033 pdf G.A. Chirilli
Spin-Orbit Coupling in an Unpolarized Heavy Nucleus
PoS(QCDEV2015)034 pdf attachments M. Sievert
TMD Evolution: the Small-x Perspective
PoS(QCDEV2015)035 pdf Y. Kovchegov and M. Sievert
Thursday, May 28, Afternoon 2
Rapidity Factorization and Evolution of Gluon TMDs
PoS(QCDEV2015)036 pdf I. Balitsky
Evolution of Gluon TMD from Low to Moderate x
PoS(QCDEV2015)037 pdf A. Tarasov
Friday, May 29, Morning 1
Theoretical Uncertainties and Dependence on the C_1, C_2, C_3 Parameters in the CSS Formalism in Drell-Yan and SIDIS
PoS(QCDEV2015)038 pdf S. Melis, M.E. Boglione, J. GONZALEZ Hernandez and A. Prokudin
Quark Orbital Angular Momentum
PoS(QCDEV2015)039 pdf M. Burkardt
Gluon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions: Beyond the Leading Order
PoS(QCDEV2015)040 pdf D. Wertepny
Friday, May 29, Morning 2
GPDs in the QCD Multi-Color Limit
PoS(QCDEV2015)041 pdf P. Schweitzer and C. Weiss
Bessel Weighted Asymmetries
PoS(QCDEV2015)042 pdf A. Prokudin, L. Gamberg, H. Avakian and P. Rossi
Friday, May 29, Afternoon 1
TMD Evolution Effects on e+e- Annihilation Into Hadrons
PoS(QCDEV2015)043 pdf M. Radici
TMD Fragmentation Function at NNLO
PoS(QCDEV2015)044 pdf A. Vladimirov
Quasi-Parton Distribution Functions: A Study in the Diquark Spectator Model
PoS(QCDEV2015)045 pdf I. Vitev, L. Gamberg, Z.B. Kang and H. Xing
Friday, May 29, Afternoon2
Gauge-Invariant Gluon TMD and Evolution in the Coordinate Space
PoS(QCDEV2015)046 pdf I. Cherednikov
Glauber Gluons in SCET and the BFKL Equation
PoS(QCDEV2015)047 pdf S. Fleming
Saturday, May 30, Morning
GPD program at COMPASS
PoS(QCDEV2015)048 pdf E. Fuchey
Twist Three Generalized Parton Distributions for Orbital Angular Momentum
PoS(QCDEV2015)049 pdf A. Rajan
Next-to-Leading Order Weighted Sivers Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering: Three-Gluon Correlator
PoS(QCDEV2015)050 pdf L.Y. Dai
Disentangling Spin Dependent GPDs Through Deeply Virtual Processes with Polarizations and Azimuthal Correlations
PoS(QCDEV2015)051 pdf G.R. Goldstein and S. Liuti