FAIRNESS 2022 was the seventh edition in a series of workshops designed to bring together excellent international young scientists with research interests focused on physics at FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) and was held on May 23-27 2022 in Paralia, Greece. The topics of the workshops cover a wide range of aspects in both theoretical developments and current experimental status, concentrated around the four scientific pillars of FAIR. FAIR is a new accelerator complex with brand new experimental facilities, that is currently being built next to the existing GSI facility close to Darmstadt, Germany.
The spirit of the conference is to bring together young scientists, e.g. young non-tenured scientists, postdocs and PhD students to present their work, to foster active informal discussions and build up of networks. Every participant in the meeting with the exception of the organizers gives an oral presentation, and all sessions are followed by an hour long discussion period. During the talks, questions are anonymously collected in a box to stimulate discussions. The broad physics program at FAIR is reflected in the wide range of topics covered by the workshop:
• Atomic and plasma physics, biophysics, material sciences and applications
• Nuclear structure, astrophysics and reactions
• Physics of hot and dense nuclear matter, QCD phase transitions and critical point
• Hadron Spectroscopy, Hadrons in matter and Hypernuclei
• Experimental programs APPA, CBM, HADES, PANDA, NUSTAR, as well as BES, NICA and the RHIC beam energy scan
For these different areas one invited speaker was selected to give a longer introductory presentation. The write-ups of the talks presented at FAIRNESS 2022 are the content of this issue of Proceedings of Science and have been refereed according to the PoS standard for peer review. This issue constitutes therefore a collection of the forefront of research that is dedicated to the physics at FAIR.
Main session |
Performance studies of strangeness production in central Pb-Pb collisions at sNN = 8.8 GeV with the NA60+ experiment at the CERN SPS
Solutions for humidity and temperature monitoring in the Silicon Tracking System of Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment: Sensors, Testing and DCS integration
Low-energy charmonium, bottomonium and tetraquark production cross-sections from a statistical model
Diagnostic Capabilities provided by an Ultra-Fast Multi-Wavelength Pyrometer
Exploring the quark-hadron phase transition with gravitational waves
Kilonova emission from realistic neutron star merger simulations
X-ray spectroscopy of few-electron uranium ions for tests of QED
Performance studies for the mCBM experiment campaigns in 2022
Computation of masses of quarkonium bound states using heavy quark potentials from lattice QCD
Electromagnetic Counterparts of Neutron Star Mergers: Signatures of Heavy r-Process Element Nucleosynthesis
Exploring the nucleon structure: Fragmentation Functions from $e^+ e^−$ annihilation experiment
Quasi-free (p,2p) reactions in inverse kinematics for studying the fission yield dependence on temperature
Exploring jet transport coefficients in the strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma
Impact of hadronic interactions and conservation laws on cumulants of conserved charges in a dynamical model
Black-hole formation in mergers of spinning neutron stars
Effective spectral function of the $\rho$ meson via lifetime analysis in hadronic transport
Four-quark states from functional methods
Investigation of hadronic exit channels of the $𝝅^− +^{12} 𝑪$ reaction at an incident momentum of 0.7 GeV/c
QCD’s equation of state from Dyson-Schwinger equations
Approaching the Continuum Limit of the Deconfinement Critical Point for $N_f=2$ Staggered Fermions
Equation of state of hot hyperonic neutron star core
Reconstruction of Charged Kaons and $\phi(1020)$ from Ag+Ag Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.55$ GeV
Finite volume effects in the extended linear sigma model via low momentum cutoff
Convergence of Atomic Data for Kilonova Modelling
Further probing the neutron star equation of state via frequency deviations in universal relations
Precision Physics with Stored Exotic Ions: Storage Ring Mass Spectrometry
CBM performance for the measurement of (multi)strange hadrons’ anisotropic flow in Au+Au collisions at FAIR
CBM Silicon Tracking System integration: from module production to ladder assembly
Charged pion emission in Ag+Ag collisions with a center-of-mass energy of \sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.55 GeV
Statistical Thermodynamics within Hadron resonance gas (HRG) model including magnetic field at the CBM Experiment
Extraction of global event features in heavy-ion collision experiments using PointNet
Charged pion production in few-GeV heavy-ion collisions measured with HADES
Lattice QCD at finite temperature and density: present and future
The new Forward Tracker System for the HADES FAIR Phase-0 experiment
Implementation of a constant fraction algorithm for improved time resolution of metallic magnetic calorimeter measurements
Bottomonium results and prospects at Belle II
(Anti)(hyper)nuclei production in small collision systems measured with ALICE at the LHC
Reconstruction of neutral mesons via photon conversion method in Ag-Ag collisions at 1.58A GeV with HADES
Neutral mesons flow and yields in AgAg@1.58 AGev at HADES
Core-Collapse Simulations of Very Massive Star: Gravitational Collapse, Black-hole Formation, and Beyond
Performance of the mSTS detector in O+Ni collisions at 2 AGeV with the mCBM setup at SIS18
pp Scattering from Standard to the Unknown with PANDA@HADES
Characterising the hot and dense fireball with virtual photons at HADES
Monte Carlo radiative transfer for neutron star merger simulations
A neural network reconstruction of the neutron star equation of state via automatic differentiation
Analytic model for the gravitational wave emission from neutron star merger remnants
The soup that is not too hot
Production and decay of hyperons in p+p reactions measured with HADES
Upgrade and commissioning of the ALICE muon spectrometer
Neutrinos and their impact on the nucleosynthesis in binary neutron star mergers
Application of the Three-fluid Hydrodynamics-based Generator THESEUS to CBM. Proton rapidity- transverse mass spectra reconstruction and correction
Fission isomer studies with the FRS
Deep Learning for inverse problems in nuclear physics
Calculation of Radiative Recombination Rates for Hydrogen-Like Ions at High-Z
Critical Endpoint of QCD and Baryon Number Fluctuations in a Finite Volume