PoS - Proceedings of Science

Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory

LL2024 - (other Loops and Legs conferences)
April 14-19, 2024
Wittenberg, Germany
published September 17, 2024
Entries on ADS

LL2022 is a biennial workshop comprising the most recent results and advanced techniques of perturbative quantum field theory (QFT) as well as their confrontation to experimental results.

Plenary 1
Parallel A
Parallel B
Parallel 1
Parallel 2
Parallel 3
Parallel 4
Plenary 3
Parallel 5
Parallel 6
Parallel 7
Parallel 8
Plenary 4
Plenary 1
NNLO corrections to Z+H production at lepton colliders
PoS(LL2024)001 pdf A. Freitas and Q. Song
Confronting a Standard Model extension with a dark U(1) gauge sector with the prediction for the W-boson mass
PoS(LL2024)002 pdf S. Dittmaier, J. Rehberg and H. Rzehak
Taming the N3LO corrections to semileptonic $b \to u$ decay
PoS(LL2024)005 pdf M. Fael and J. Usovitsch
Non-Planar Two-Loop Amplitudes for Five-Parton Scattering
PoS(LL2024)006 pdf G. De Laurentis
Parallel A
Elliptic Feynman integrals needed for NNLO QCD corrections to dijet production
PoS(LL2024)007 pdf E. Chaubey, T. Ahmed, M. Kaur and S. Maggio
Four-loop two-mass tadpoles and the $\rho$ parameter
PoS(LL2024)008 pdf S. Abreu, A. Behring, A.J. McLeod and B. Page
The Electron Self-Energy at 2 and 3 Loops
PoS(LL2024)009 pdf C. Nega
Worldline integration of photon amplitudes
PoS(LL2024)011 pdf N. Ahmadiniaz, V.M. Banda Guzmán, J. Edwards, M.A. Lopez-Lopez, C.M. Mata, L.A. Rodriguez Chacón, C. Schubert and R. Shaisultanov
No-$\pi$ schemes for multi-coupling theories
PoS(LL2024)012 pdf I. Jack
Perspective on properties of renormalization schemes at high loops
PoS(LL2024)013 pdf J. Gracey
Parallel B
Electroweak corrections to gg -> HH: Factorizable contributions
PoS(LL2024)014 pdf H. Zhang, K. Schönwald, M. Steinhauser and J. Davies
Higgs pair production at NNLO
PoS(LL2024)015 pdf J. Davies
Higgs Self-Coupling and Yukawa Corrections to Higgs Boson Pair Production
PoS(LL2024)016 pdf M. Kerner
Update on technical aspects of $B$ meson mixing at NNLO
PoS(LL2024)019 pdf P. Reeck
2-loop Quarkonium Hamiltonian (Non-annihilation Channel)
PoS(LL2024)020 pdf Y. Sumino
Parallel 1
Subleading operators and $\gamma_5$-scheme dependence in SMEFT for Higgs boson pair production
PoS(LL2024)021 pdf G. Heinrich, S. Di Noi, R. Gröber, J. Lang, L. Scyboz and M. Vitti
Advances at the $\gamma_5$-Frontier
PoS(LL2024)022 pdf P. Kühler, D. Stöckinger and M. Weißwange
Causality and differential cross sections
PoS(LL2024)024 pdf G. Rodrigo
Loop Tree Duality with generalized propagator powers: numerical UV subtraction for two-loop Feynman Integrals
PoS(LL2024)025 pdf D. Artico
Notes on graphical functions with numerator structure
PoS(LL2024)026 pdf O. Schnetz and S. Theil
Parallel 2
Higgs Pair Production in the 2HDM: Impact of Loop Corrections to the Trilinear Higgs couplings
PoS(LL2024)027 pdf S. Heinemeyer, M. Mühlleitner, K. Radchenko and G.R. Weiglein
Non-factorizable corrections to Higgs production in Vector Boson Fusion
PoS(LL2024)028 pdf M.M. Long
Challenges for analytic calculations of the massive three-loop form factors
PoS(LL2024)031 pdf A. De Freitas, J. Blümlein, P. Marquard and C. Schneider
Revealing Hidden Regions in Wide-Angle and Forward Scattering
PoS(LL2024)032 pdf S. Jones, E. Gardi, F. Herzog and Y. Ma
Parallel 3
Selection rules of canonical differential equations from intersection theory
PoS(LL2024)035 pdf J. Chen
Evaluating Parametric Integrals in the Minkowski Regime without Contour Deformation
PoS(LL2024)036 pdf S. Jones, A. Olsson and T. Stone
Interpolation of rational functions in loop calculations by using p-adic numbers
PoS(LL2024)037 pdf H. Chawdhry
Analytic Evaluation of Multiple Mellin-Barnes Integrals
PoS(LL2024)039 pdf S. Banik and S. Friot
Parallel 4
Top-quark loops in $gg \to ZZ$ at NLO in QCD
PoS(LL2024)040 pdf M. Vitti
Photon pair production: full NNLO corrections in QCD with heavy quark mass dependence
PoS(LL2024)041 pdf F. Coro
Third order QCD predictions for W and Z-boson production
PoS(LL2024)044 pdf T. Neumann
QCD corrections to Top-Quark Decay at $\alpha_s^3$
PoS(LL2024)045 pdf L. Chen, X. Chen, X. Guan and Y.Q. Ma
Three loop amplitudes for V/H+jet production
PoS(LL2024)046 pdf C.C. Mella
Plenary 3
The three-loop single-mass heavy flavor corrections to deep-inelastic scattering
PoS(LL2024)047 pdf J. Blümlein, A. Behring, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider and K. Schönwald
Two-loop amplitude computation with HELAC
PoS(LL2024)051 pdf C. Papadopoulos, G. Bevilacqua, D. Canko and A. Spourdalakis
Leading Twist-Two Gauge-Variant Counterterms
PoS(LL2024)087 pdf T. Yang, A. von Manteuffel and T.Z. Yang
Parallel 5
NNLO corrections to SIDIS coefficient functions
PoS(LL2024)054 pdf L. Bonino, T. Gehrmann, M. Löchner, K. Schönwald and G. Stagnitto
Anomalous dimensions of leading twist operators to four loops
PoS(LL2024)058 pdf G. Falcioni
Full and approximated NLO predictions for like-sign W-boson scattering at the LHC
PoS(LL2024)059 pdf S. Dittmaier, C. Schwan and R. Winterhalder
Parallel 6
Nonleptonic B-decays at NNLO
PoS(LL2024)061 pdf M. Egner
N3LO corrections to zero-jettiness soft function
PoS(LL2024)063 pdf A. Pikelner and C.Y. Wang
N-jettiness soft function at NNLO in QCD
PoS(LL2024)064 pdf I. Pedron and P. Agarwal
Refactorisation and subtraction
PoS(LL2024)066 pdf L. Magnea, C. Milloy, C. Signorile-Signorile and P. Torrielli
Parallel 7
ALARIC: A NLL accurate Parton Shower algorithm
PoS(LL2024)067 pdf F. Herren
Progress towards High-energy logarithmic resummation at full next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy
PoS(LL2024)068 pdf J.R. Andersen
Energy-energy correlations on tracks: factorization and resummation
PoS(LL2024)069 pdf M. Jaarsma, Y. Li, I. Moult, W.J. Waalewijn and H.X. Zhu
Towards the next Kira release
PoS(LL2024)070 pdf F. Lange, J. Usovitsch and Z. Wu
New multiloop capabilities of FeynCalc 10
PoS(LL2024)071 pdf V. Shtabovenko
Auxiliary mass flow method for master integrals around non-analytic points
PoS(LL2024)072 pdf G. Fontana
Status of two-loop automation in OpenLoops
PoS(LL2024)073 pdf M. Zoller and N. Schär
Parallel 8
Three loop vertices with massive particles
PoS(LL2024)074 pdf K. Schönwald
Antenna subtraction for final-state radiation at N$^3$LO
PoS(LL2024)075 pdf P. Jakubčík
A subtraction scheme at NLO exploiting the privilege of kT-factorization
PoS(LL2024)076 pdf A. van Hameren
Locally finite amplitude for multi Higgs production in gluon fusion at two loops
PoS(LL2024)077 pdf J. Karlen
Numerical integration of the double- and triple-box integrals using threshold subtraction
PoS(LL2024)078 pdf M. Vicini and D. Kermanschah
LASS, the numerics
PoS(LL2024)079 pdf A. Kardos, G. Bevilacqua, B. Chargeishvili, S.O. Moch and Z. Trocsanyi
Analysis of $(n+1)$ and $n$-parton contributions for computing QCD jet cross sections in the local analytic subtraction scheme
PoS(LL2024)080 pdf B. Chargeishvili, G. Bevilacqua, A. Kardos, S.O. Moch and Z. Trocsanyi
Plenary 4
Radiative corrections to nuclear processes
PoS(LL2024)081 pdf A. Czarnecki
Two-loop virtual amplitudes for $q\bar{q} \to t\bar{t}H$ production (the N$_f$-part)
PoS(LL2024)082 pdf V. Magerya
Towards QCD at five loops
PoS(LL2024)084 pdf A. Maier, P. Marquard and Y. Schröder
Regge poles and cuts and the Lipatov vertex
PoS(LL2024)085 pdf S. Abreu, G. Falcioni, E. Gardi, C. Milloy and L. Vernazza
Polylogarithms from diagrams with elliptic obstructions
PoS(LL2024)086 pdf D. Broadhurst