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CORFU2023 - (other corfu conferences)
23 April - 6 May , and 27 August - 1 October, 2023
Corfu, Greece
published July 31, 2024
Entries on ADS

These are the Proceedings of the scientific activities of CORFU2023, the 23rd Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, which took place from April 23 to May 6, and August 27 to October 1, 2023.  The Workshops were hosted by the European Institute for Sciences and their Applications (EISA) in the conference center of the former Royal Palace Garden of Mon Repos and in the Corfu Municipal Theater in Corfu, Greece. The Corfu2023 activities consisted of six Workshops, one special event, and one School, bringing together world-class scientists and young researchers to interact and forge new collaborations.

Specifically, the CORFU2023 hosted the following sessions: 
◼ Apr 23 - Apr 29, 2023: Workshop on Future Accelerators
◼ Apr 30 - May 06, 2023: Workshop on Theoretical Particle Cosmology in the Early and Late Universe
◼ Aug 27 - Sep 07, 2023: Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
◼ Sep 04, 2023: George Fest 2023: Celebrating the Life and Work of George Zoupanos
◼ Sep 06 - Sep 13, 2023: Workshop on Tensions in Cosmology
◼ Sep 12 - Sep 19, 2023: Workshop on Quantum Gravity, Strings and the Swampland
◼ Sep 18 - Sep 25, 2023: Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String Theory, Gauge Theory and Related Physical Models
◼ Sep 24 - Oct 01, 2023: KICC-Villum Summer School on Gravitational Waves

Editorial Board

Agathos, Michalis  KICC/DAMTP - U Cambridge
Anagnostopoulos, Konstantinos  NTU Athens
Aschieri, Paolo  U. del Piemonte Orientale
Basilakos, Spyros  National Observatory of Athens
Capozziello, Salvatore  U Napoli
Cardoso, Vitor  NBI - U Copenhagen, IST Lisbon
Chatzistavrakidis, Athanassios  Bošković Institute
Di Valentino, Eleonora  U Sheffield
Gair, Jonathan  AEI Potsdam, U Cambridge
Giataganas, Dimitrios  National Sun Yat-sen University
Gnecchi, Alessandra  INFN, Padova
Kalinowski, Jan  Warsaw U.
Kehagias, Alexandros  NTU Athens
Kordas, Konstantinos  Aristotle U. Thessaloniki
Kortner, Oliver  Max Planck Inst. für Physik
Levi Said, Jackson  U Malta
Neubert, Matthias  Johannes Gutenberg U. Main
Nishimura, Jun  KEK & SOKENDAI
Rebelo, Margarida Nesbitt  T.U. Lisbon
Rosseel, Jan  Rudjer Boskovic Inst.
Saridakis, Emmanuel  National Obervatory of Athens
Simon, Frank  Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Sperhake, Ulrich  KICC/DAMTP - U Cambridge
Szabo, Richard  Heriot-Watt University
Tamarit, Carlos Miguel  Technische U. München
Vitale, Patricia  U. Napoli & INFN
Zoupanos, George (Chair)  NTU Athens


Editorial Board

  • George Zoupanos
    Physics Department, National Technical University, Athens, Greece
Workshop on Future Accelerators
Workshop on Theoretical Particle Cosmology in the Early and Late Universe
Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
Workshop on Tensions in Cosmology
Workshop on Quantum Gravity, Strings and the Swampland
Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String Theory, Gauge Theory and Related Physical Models
G. Zoupanos
Remembering George Lazaridis
Workshop on Future Accelerators
Hybridization and assembly of LGAD devices for the HGTD ATLAS upgrade
V. Gautam and  On behalf of the ATLAS HGDT group
QCD and top phenomena at future colliders
QCD higher-order corrections current status and prospects
C. Papadopoulos
Selecting long-lived particles in the first trigger level at the LHC
L. Pica and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Dual-readout calorimeter development for future High-Energy Physics Experiments
A. Pareti and  on behalf of the IDEA Dual Readout Group
Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
S. Polacek and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
The ATLAS ITk Strip Detector for the Phase-II LHC Upgrade
A. Garcia Alonso and  On behalf of the ATLAS ITk Collaboration
B Physics: From Present to Future Colliders
M. Blanke
Electroweak Multiplets as Dark Matter candidates: A brief review
Workshop on Theoretical Particle Cosmology in the Early and Late Universe
Gravitational Wave from Graviton Bremsstrahlung during Reheating
Baryogenesis with relativistic bubble walls
M. Vanvlasselaer
Gravity as a Portal to Reheating, Leptogenesis and Dark Matter
B. Barman, S. Cléry, R. T. Co, Y. Mambrini and K. A. Olive
High-Scale SUSY from Sgoldstino Inflation
C. Pallis
Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
20 years of Θ+
M. Praszalowicz
Triple-leptoquark interactions for tree- and loop-level proton decays
I. Dorsner
CP violating asymmetries in D0PP decays
F. Buccella
Constraining new physics with hyperon decays
G. Valencia
Confronting CP symmetry of order 4 with experimental data
I. Ivanov and D. Zhao
Dark Matter in ATLAS and CMS
B. Sahu, B. Gomber and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Naturally small neutrino mass from asymptotic safety
E.M. Sessolo, A. Chikkaballi and K. Kowalska
Quantum field theory at finite time and neutrino oscillations
M. Blasone, F. Giacosa, L. Smaldone and G. Torrieri
Phenomenology with trans-Planckian asymptotic safety
K. Kowalska, W. Kotlarski, D. Rizzo and E.M. Sessolo
Flavor and Fluctuations
S. Nicolis
Future 21cm constraints on dark matter energy injection: Application to ALPs
L. Lopez Honorez
Looking for charged detector-stable particles at the LHC
V.A. Mitsou
Recent topics in the analysis of neutrino mass-mixing parameters
E. Lisi, F. Capozzi, E. Di Valentino, A. Marrone, A. Melchiorri, N. Nath and A. Palazzo
Neutrino Mixing Sum Rules and Littlest Seesaw Models
S.F. King
Dimensional reduction of a 10D,N=1E(8) over a modified flag manifold to Split NMSSM
G. Patellis, W.R. Porod and G. Zoupanos
Constraining Higgs sectors of BSM models - the case of 95 GeV "Higgs"
W. Kotlarski and J. Kalinowski
Taking advantage of entanglement in B factories to measure the weak phase gamma
F.J. Botella
Anomalies and Dynamics in Strongly-coupled Gauge Theories. New Criteria for Different Phases and Lessons from Supersymmetric Theories
K. Konishi, S. Bolognesi and A. Luzio
CP Violation in BK+ Decays: New Opportunities in the High-Precision Era
A. Rehult, R. Fleischer, E. Malami and K. Vos
Flavour changing phenomenology of supersymmetric Z' model
A. Mukhaeva
Predictions for composite Higgs models from gauge/gravity dualities
W.R. Porod
Robust intermittency analysis in heavy ion collisions: overcoming challenges through novel techniques.
Higgs criticality in and beyond the SM
T. Steingasser
An Exotic Path to Glue states Decay
J.M. Frere
Supergeometric Approach to Quantum Field Theory
V. Gattus and A. Pilaftsis
BRST formalism of Weyl Invariant Gravity and Confinement of Massive Tensor Ghost
Torsion-induced axions in string theory, quantum gravity and the cosmological tensions
N. Mavromatos, P. Dorlis and S.N. Vlachos
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Tunneling Potential
J. Espinosa
Nonlocal Gravity, Dark Energy and Conformal Symmetry: Testing the Hierarchies of Anomaly-Induced Actions
C. Coriano, S. Lionetti, M.M. Maglio and R. Tommasi
On Formulating the Non-Geometric Scalar Potentials
G.K. Leontaris and P. Shukla
Workshop on Tensions in Cosmology
Alleviating both H0 and σ8 tensions through Tsallis entropy
M. Petronikolou, S. Basilakos, A. Lymperis and E. Saridakis
Landscape, Swampland and extra dimensions
I. Antoniadis, L.A. Anchordoqui and D. Lüst
Studying the Supernova Absolute Magnitude Constancy with Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations
Dark Energy from topology change at the foam level
S. Tsilioukas and E. Saridakis
Renormalization group approaches to Quantum Gravity and Tensions in Modern Cosmology
V. Zarikas
Domain Walls and Hubble constant Tension
H.B. Nielsen and C. Froggatt
The Hubble parameter of the Local Distance Ladder from dynamical dark energy with no free parameters
M. Van Putten
Static and radiative cylindrically symmetric spacetimes
L.Á. Gergely, A. Fóris and B. Racskó
Workshop on Quantum Gravity, Strings and the Swampland
Landscape, Swampland and extra dimensions
I. Antoniadis, L.A. Anchordoqui and D. Lüst
A point of view of gravity
H.B. Nielsen
Yano F structures and extended Supersymmetry in a BiLP
U. Lindstrom
Charged massive spin 2 and 3/2 propagation in a constant electromagnetic background
K. Benakli, W. Ke and B. Le Floch
de Sitter Connectivity from Holographic Entanglement
V. Franken
Holographic description of closed FRW cosmologies and time-dependent ER=EPR
F. Rondeau
A formalism for the ambiguities of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation
E. Kaimakkamis and K. Sil
Superconformal Symmetry and Index Theory
C. Sanli, J. Raeymaekers" and D. Van den Bleeken"
Doubled Structures of Algebroids in Gauged Double Field Theory
H. Mori and S. Sasaki
Carroll Fermions
E. Bergshoeff, A. Campoleoni, A. Fontanella, L. Mele and J. Rosseel
Black hole thermodynamics in natural variables: the BTZ case
K. Hristov and R.G. Pozzi
Reflections on an M-theoretic Emergence Proposal
R. Blumenhagen, N. Cribiori, A. Gligovic and A. Paraskevopoulou
Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String Theory, Gauge Theory and Related Physical Models
Doubly κ-deformed Yang models, Born - selfdual κ-deformed quantum phase spaces and two generalizations of Yang models
J. Lukierski and A. Pachol
The Tensor Track VIII: Stochastic Analysis
V. Rivasseau
The Fuzzy Onion: An Initial Study
S. Kovacik, J. Tekel and M. Hrmo
ϱ-Poincaré: bicrossproduct structure, -products and quantum Lie algebra
The effects of SUSY on the emergent spacetime in the Lorentzian type IIB matrix model
M. Hirasawa, K. Anagnostopoulos, T. Azuma, K. Hatakeyama, J. Nishimura, S. Papadoudis and A. Tsuchiya
Renormalization group and quantum error correction
A. Tsuchiya, T. Kuwahara, R. Nasu and G. Tanaka
Toward the application of large-N deconfinement to SU(3) QCD
H. Watanabe
String Geometry Theory and The String Vacuum
The fractional quantum Hall effect on a sphere and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem
B. Dolan and C.H.M. Aonghus
(Non)renormalizable noncommutativity in (non)uniform phase
D. Prekrat, D. Ranković, M. Minić, N.K. Todorović-Vasović, S. Kovacik and J. Tekel
Entanglement entropy and horizon temperature in conformal quantum mechanics
M. Arzano, A. D’Alise and D. Frattulillo
If the universe were curved and noncommutative
S. Franchino-Vinas and S. Mignemi
A less commutative version of quarkonium masses
B. Bukor and J. Tekel
Staggered bosons and Kahler-Dirac bosons
D. Berenstein, S. Catterall and P.N.T. Lloyd
Doubled Structures of Algebroids in Gauged Double Field Theory
H. Mori and S. Sasaki