CORFU2022 - (other corfu conferences)
28 August - 1 October, 2022
Corfu, Greece
published November 08, 2023
Entries on ADS

These are the Proceedings of the scientific activities of CORFU2022, the 22nd Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, which took place from August 28th to October 1st, 2022.  The Workshops were hosted by the European Institute for Sciences and their Applications (EISA) in the conference center of the former Royal Palace Garden of Mon Repos and in the Corfu Municipal Theater in Corfu, Greece. The Corfu2022 activities consisted of eight Workshops and two Memorial Days, bringing together world-class scientists and young researchers to interact and forge new collaborations.

Specifically, the CORFU2022 hosted the following sessions:
   • Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond, 28 August – 08 September 2022
   • Workshop on Features of a Quantum de Sitter Universe, 29 Aug – 04 September 2022
   • Graham Ross Memorial Day, 01 September 2022
   • Kostas Kounnas Memorial Day, 04 September 2022
   • Workshop on Holography and the Swampland, 04 - 10 September 2022
   • Workshop on Tensions in Cosmology, 07 - 12 September 2022
   • Workshop on Celestial Amplitudes and Flat Space Holography, 11 - 18 September 2022
   • Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String Theory, Gauge Theory and Related Physical Models, 18 - 25          September 2022
   • Workshop on Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (RPT) Normal Tissue Effects in the Clinic (TEC): RPT-TEC-2022, 24 - 29 September           2022
   • Workshop on Trends in Hardware and Software for Monitoring and Understanding Earthquake Dynamics, 28 September -                       01October 2022

All talks can be found on the homepage of CORFU2022: 

Editorial Board

Anagnostopoulos, KonstantinosNTU
Anninos, DionysiosKing's
Anous, TarekU.
Aschieri, PaoloU. del Piemonte
Avlonitis, MarkosIonian
Capozziello, SalvatoreU. di Napoli "Federico II"
di Valentino, EleonoraU. of
Fotopoulos, AngelosNortheastern
Giataganas, DimitriosNational Sun Yat-sen
Kalinowski, JanWarsaw
Kehagias, AlexandrosNTU
Mena, OlgaIns. de Fisica Corp.
Pan, SupriyaPresidency
Partouche, HerveCNRS - Ecole
Rebelo, Margarida NesbittT.U.
Rosseel, JanRudjer Boskovic
Said, Jakson LeviU. of
Saridakis, EmmanuelNational Obs. of
Steinacker, HaroldVienna
Szabo, RichardHeriot-Watt
Toumbas, NicolaosU. of

Editorial Board Chair

  • George Zoupanos
    Physics Department, National Technical University, Athens, Greece
Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
Workshop on Features of a Quantum de Sitter Universe
Workshop on Holography and the Swampland
Workshop on Tensions in Cosmology
Workshop on Celestial Amplitudes and Flat Space Holography
Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String Theory, Gauge Theory and Related Physical Models
G. Zoupanos
Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
Dusty dark matter bubbles of a new vacuum stopped in Earth and radiating 3.5 keV X-rays
C.D. Froggatt and H.B. Nielsen
A string-inspired running-vacuum-model of cosmology, primordial-black-hole dark matter, and the current tensions in cosmological data
N. Mavromatos
Planck formula for the gluon parton distribution in the proton
F. Buccella, L. Bellantuono and R. Bellotti
Anomalies, 𝜼 , 𝜼’ as keys to glueballs.
J.M. Frere
Measurements of quartic coupling and vector boson scattering in ATLAS
D. Pyatiizbyantseva and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
The current status of εK in lattice QCD
W. Lee and  on behalf of the SWME collaboration
A Reduced basis for CP violation in SMEFT at colliders and its application to Diboson production
J. Touchèque and C.C. Degrande
Status of dark matter in S3-symmetric 3HDM
A. Kuncinas
Tri-Resonant Leptogenesis
A. Pilaftsis, P. Candia da Silva, D. Karamitros and T. McKelvey
Towards the first kaonic deuterium measurement with the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, M. Bazzi, D. Bosnar, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, M. Carminati, A. Clozza, G. Deda, K. Dulski, C. Fiorini, I. Friščić, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, M. Iwasaki, A. Khreptak, P. Levi Sandri, S. Manti, J. Marton, M. Miliucci, P. Moskal, F. Napolitano, S. Niedźwiecki, H. Onishi, K. Piscicchia, Y. Sada, A. Scordo, F. Sgaramella, M. Silarski, D.L. Sirghi, F.C. Sirghi, M. Skurzok, A. Spallone, K. Toho, M. Tuchler, C. Yoshida and J. Zmeskal
Charmed hadron lifetimes
J. Gratrex, B. Melic and I. Nišandžić
Meson decays in invisible ALP
S. Rigolin and A.W. Mario Guerrera
Complete complemetarity relations and quantifiers of quantum correlations in neutrino oscillations
M. Blasone, S. De Siena and C. Matrella
Origin of mass scales in scale-symmetric extension of Standard Model
P. Michalak
Graham Ross - My Memories
S. Pokorski
Graham Ross, Semi-Classical v Loops and Quantum Gravity
D.R.T. Jones
Reduction of couplings and Finite unified theories
M. Mondragon, S. Heinemeyer, J. Kalinowski, W. Kotlarski, G. Patellis, N. Tracas and G. Zoupanos
Seeking de Sitter vacua in the string landscape
G.K. Leontaris and P. Shukla
Scale invariant SM and inhomogeneous universe
Dark matter from sterile-sterile neutrino mixing
P. Di Bari
Indirect dark-matter search with gamma-rays experiments : status and future plans from 300 KeV to 100 TeV
A. Morselli
Searches for Supersymmetry with the ATLAS and CMS detectors
V.A. Mitsou and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Higgs properties and supersymmetry
F. Mahmoudi
Clustering and visualisation tools to study high dimensional parameter spaces: B anomalies example
G. Valencia and U. Laa
Dark Energy from a New Confining Force
On the old and new muon g-2 puzzle
P. Paradisi
4D Einstein Gauss-Bonnet Gravity without a Dilaton
C. Coriano, M. Creti, S. Lionetti, M.M. Maglio and R. Tommasi
Starobinsky-type B-L Higgs inflation Leading beyond MSSM
C. Pallis
Scale-Invariant Model for Gravitational Waves and Dark Matter
A. Karam, M. Kierkla and B. Świeżewska
Precision test of the muon-Higgs coupling at a high-energy muon collider
J. Reuter
Noisy SUSY
S. Nicolis
Decoupled SUSY-SU(5) and Proton Decay: The role of flavor violation
Novel leptoquark pair production @LHC
I. Dorsner
Challenges in Particle Physics and Cosmology
I. Antoniadis and A. Chatrabhuti
Analytic false-vacuum decay rate in the thin-wall approximation
M. Matteini, M. Nemevsek and L. Ubaldi
Neutrinos in an SU(5) global F theory model
Holography in anomaly flow in orbifold gauge theory
Y. Hosotani
Hunting scalar partners of the Higgs boson at the LHC
W.R. Porod
Grand unification, small vs large representations, hadron colliders and all that
G. Senjanovic and M. Zantedeschi
Workshop on Features of a Quantum de Sitter Universe
A 3d perspective on de Sitter quantum field theory
Characters, Quasinormal Modes, and Quantum de Sitter Thermodynamics
Y.T.A. Law
From von Neumann algebras to quantum de Sitter
Workshop on Holography and the Swampland
Scattering, IR dynamics and entanglement
N. Toumbas and A. Irakleous
Learning from superstring massive states
K. Benakli
A Consistent Limit of 11D Supergravity
E. Bergshoeff, C. Blair, J. Lahnsteiner and J. Rosseel
Supergravity EFTs and swampland constraints
N. Cribiori and F. Farakos
Local supersymmetries and three-charge black holes
Workshop on Tensions in Cosmology
Model selection results from different BAO datasets -- DE models and ΩKCDM
D. Staicova
Tensions with cosmological singularities: Should we try to avoid their appearance?
A. Kamenshchik, R. Casadio and I. Kuntz
A robust explanation of CMB anomalies with a new formulation of inflationary quantum fluctuations
S. K. Kumar and J. Marto
Asymptotic Safety and the Cosmic Coincidence Problem
V. Zarikas
Domain walls of low tension in Cosmology
C.D. Froggatt and H.B. Nielsen
Alleviating the σ8 tension via Soft Cosmology and Modified Gravity
C. Tzerefos and E. Saridakis
Quantum vacuum, a cosmic chamaleon
C. Moreno-Pulido and J. Sola Peracaula
Observational Tensions in Kinetically Coupled Quintessence
E. Teixeira
The many tensions with dark-matter based models and implications on the nature of the Universe
P. Kroupa, E. Gjergo, E. Asencio, M. Haslbauer, J. Pflamm-Altenburg, N. Wittenburg, N. Samaras, I. Thies and W. Oehm
The Hubble constant tension: current status and future perspectives through new cosmological probes
M. Dainotti, B. De Simone, G. Montani;, T. Schiavone; and G. Lambiase.
The H0 tension and the physics of the neutrino sector
A.J. Cuesta
Spatial curvature and periodic boundary conditions in cosmology
The multipolar structure of the local expansion rate
C. Marinoni, B. Kalbouneh and J. Bel
Resolving Dark Matter Tension: The impact of dynamical friction due to fuzzy dark matter on satellites with non-spherically symmetric potentials
K. Gourgouliatos and A. Vitsos
Explaining the Hubble tension and dark energy from α-attractors
K. Dimopoulos, L. Brissenden and S. Sánchez López
Cosmology under the fractional calculus approach: a possible H0 tension resolution?
G. Leon Torres, M.A. García-Aspeitia, G. Fernandez-Anaya, A. Hernández-Almada, J. Magaña and E. González
BBN constraints in models that alleviate the H0 tension
P. Asimakis and E. N. Saridakis
The interacting galaxy cluster "El Gordo" a massive blow to ΛCDM cosmology
E. Asencio
A look beyond ΛCDM: the quest for a more comprehensive model of cosmology
Is 𝑴𝑩 really a constant?
D. Benisty
Extensions to ΛCDM at Intermediate Redshifts to Solve the Tensions ?
Resolving Hubble Tension with New Gravitational Scalar Tensor Theories
S. Banerjee, M. Petronikolou and E. N. Saridakis
The H0 tension alleviated through ultra-light primordial black holes: an information insight through gravitational waves
T. Papanikolaou
Solving the Hubble tension à la Ellis & Stoeger 1987
J. Wagner
Workshop on Celestial Amplitudes and Flat Space Holography
Celestial soft dressings from generalised Wilson lines
K. Nguyen, A. Rios Fukelman and C. White
Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String Theory, Gauge Theory and Related Physical Models
On the propagation across the big bounce in an open quantum FRW cosmology
E. Battista and H. Steinacker
Spin 1/2 from Gluons
A.P. Balachandran
Non-commutative coordinates from quantum gravity
M.B. Fröb, A. Much and K. Papadopoulos
Quantum tunneling in the real-time path integral by the Lefschetz thimble method
J. Nishimura
The emergence of expanding space-time in the Lorentzian type IIB matrix model with a novel regularization
M. Hirasawa, K. Anagnostopoulos, T. Azuma, K. Hatakeyama, J. Nishimura, S. Papadoudis and A. Tsuchiya
Towards removal of striped phase in matrix model description of fuzzy field theories
J. Tekel, M. Subjakova, D. Prekrat, D. Ranković, S. Kovacik and K.N. Todorović Vasović
The Fuzzy Onion: A Proposal
S. Kovacik and J. Tekel
Quantum 𝑵 = 2 Minkowski Superspace
R. Fioresi and J. Razzaq
Gauge theory, sigma models and generalised geometry
Spinning particles and background fields
Twistor approach to higher-spin theories and matrix model
-perturbative solutions of quantum Snyder and Yang models with parameters describing spontaneous symmetry breaking
J. Lukierski and A. Pachol
Quantum properties of U(1)-like gauge theory on κ-Minkowski
K. Hersent
Poisson gauge theory: a review
M. Kurkov
T-duality as correspondences of categorified principal bundles with adjusted connections
C. Saemann and H. Kim
BV quantization of braided scalar field theory
D. Bogdanović, M. Dimitrijevic Ciric, V. Radovanović and R. Szabo
The beauty of curved momentum space
S. Franchino-Vinas, S. Mignemi and J.J. Relancio
Emergent geometric phase in time-dependent noncommutative quantum system
A. Chakraborty
Group-Theoretical Classification of 1/16-BPS states of D=4 Conformal Supersymmetry
V. Dobrev
General O(D)-equivariant fuzzy hyperspheres via confining potentials and energy cutoffs