This year the Corfu2021 activities consist of one school and seven workshops, bringing together world class scientists and young researchers to interact and forge new collaborations. In parallel to the main scientific programme, a rich programme of outreach activities is planned. This includes master classes for high school students, seminars for high school teachers, open talks for the general public, a CERN exhibition and interviews in the media (TV, radio and newspapers).
Preface |
Workshop on Connecting Insights in Fundamental Physics: Standard Model and Beyond |
Unsung Heros of Science - Graham Garland Ross (1944-2021)
Status of the Quantum Statistical Approach to the Parton Distributions
Intermittency analysis in heavy ion collisions: a review of the current status and challenges.
Symmetries of spin amplitudes: applications for factorization and Monte Carlo solutions
Progress on Multiloop calculations
Unbiased proton intermittency analysis for the detection of the QCD critical endpoint in ion collisions
Dilatonic (Anti-)de Sitter Black Holes and Weak Gravity Conjecture
New Physics Implications and prospects of LHCb flavour anomalies
A novel approach to 𝝉 → ℓ + invisible
Dimensional Regularization of Topological Terms in Dilaton Gravity
LHC phenomenology of unusual top partners in composite Higgs models
Relating the phase of CKM and PMNS matrices in 2HDM
Linear electron-positron colliders as future Higgs factories
Constraining extended scalar sectors at current and future colliders
Searching for light dark matter with the PADME experiment
A Simplified Twin Pati-Salam theory of flavour with a TeV scale vector leptoquark
Neutrino mixing, entanglement and the gauge paradigm in quantum field theory
Mass hierarchies from residual modular symmetries
Explaining the Flavour Anomalies with Heavy Scalars
Gravi/dark photons in D-brane and holographic models, and the hypercharge portal
τBc in the Standard Model
Overview of neutrino electromagnetic properties
On nonsupersymmetric Pati-Salam string models
Time evolution of the lepton numbers of Majorana neutrinos in the Schrodinger picture versus Heisenberg picture
Gravitational waves from neutrino mass genesis
Chiral oscillations in three-flavor neutrino mixing
Sensitivity to dark matter production at future e+e− colliders
Non-Unitary Mixing matrices in Neutrino and Vector-like quark Models
The Minimal SU(5) Unification Model
Supersymmetry searches in ATLAS and CMS
Pole Inflation in Supergravity
Geometrising the Micro-Cosmos on a Supermanifold
Phenomenology of the super-weak U(1) extension of the standard model
Type IIB moduli stabilisation, inflation and waterfall fields
Why is Parity Restored?
Nanometer Size Dirty Dark Matter Pearls, 𝒆−-signal, IMP or SIDM, not WIMP
Sub-GeV Dark Matter and X-rays
Search for Dark Matter in association with an energetic photon in pp collisions at √(s)=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
Running Vacuum and the ΛCDM tensions
Phenomenology of Supersymmetric Trinification resulting from the Dimensional Reduction of a N=1, 10D, E8 Theory
Very Special Relativity Axial Anomaly
Gauge Field Theory Vacuum and Cosmological Inflation
The neutrino problem in string models
Workshop on Celestial Amplitudes and Flat Space Holography |
Schwarzian transformations at null infinity
Workshop on New Developments in Quantum Gravity and String Theory |
Uses of Killing-Yano Tensors
Wavefunction of the universe: Diffeomeorphism invariance and field redefinitions
Formation of primordial black holes after inflation in supergravity
New results in AdS/CFT in low dimensions from massive Type IIA
Type IIB S-folds: flat deformations, holography and stability
Supersymmetry breaking, brane dynamics and the swampland
Confining strings, axions and glueballs in the planar limit
Large Field Distances from EFT strings
Bubbles of nothing and AdS instabilities
Extracting Bigravity from String Theory
Obstacles for dS in Supersymmetric Theories
Dirac sigma models from gauging the nonlinear sigma models and its BV action
L∞-algebra and braided field theory
De Sitter, gravitino mass and the swampland
Properties of Non-relativistic Neveu-Schwarz Gravity
DLCQ, Non-Lorentzian Supergravity, and T-Duality
IR Constraints on Gyromagnetic Ratios
Quantum Features in a de Sitter Universe |
Reconstructing dS3 with Wilson Lines
Five questions about higher-spin holography in de Sitter space
The de Sitter group and its presence at the late-time boundary
Wavefunctionals/S-matrix techniques in de Sitter
Geodesics, complexity and holography in (A)dS_2
Humboldt Kolleg on Quantum Gravity and Fundamental Interactions |
Blackhole Information
Extracting Bigravity from string amplitudes
Entanglement Islands, AdS-Massive Gravity and Holography
Quantum gravity on finite spacetimes and dynamical mass
The L∞-structure of noncommutative gravity
Disk amplitudes of closed strings in the pure spinor formalism
Classical space-time geometry and the weak gravity regime in the IKKT matrix model
Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Field Theory and Gravity |
To the memory of our friend John Andrew Madore
Aspects of higher dimensional quantum Hall effect: Bosonization, entanglement entropy
Entanglement Entropy and Matter-gravity Couplings for Fuzzy Geometry
Quantum matrix geometry in the lowest Landau level and higher Landau levels
Carbon pseudospheres and the BTZ black hole
The continuum limit of the modular discretization of AdS2
Fuzzy field theories in the string modes formalism
New Results in SU(N) Gauge Matrix Models - Chiral Anomaly and Light Hadron Masses
Integrable models from non-commutative geometry, with applications to 3d dualities
Numerical sign problem and the tempered Lefschetz thimble method
Signature change of the emergent space-time in the IKKT matrix model
Target space entanglement in the matrix model for bubbling geometry
Recent progress on Membrane Theory
IIB matrix model, bosonic master field, and emergent spacetime
Large-N limit as a second quantization
Emergence of classical spacetimes in canonical tensor model
Twisted R-Poisson Sigma Models
Fuzzy de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spaces
Unfolding, higher spins, metaplectic groups and resolution of classical singularities
Getting hot without accelerating: vacuum thermal effects from conformal quantum mechanics
Quantum Principal bundle and Non Commutative differential calculus
Metric algebroid in Double Field Theory
Integrability of the modular vector field and quantization
Matrix-Formulated Noncommutative Gauge Theories of Gravity
Gauge Theories on kappa-Minkowski spaces: Results and prospects.
Noncommutative spaces and superspaces from Snyder and Yang type models
The Nicolai map for supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and application to the supermembrane
Chaos in Matrix Gauge Theories with Massive Deformations
Microscopic black holes as probes for quantum gravity
Heisenberg Parabolic Subgroup of SO*(8) and Invariant Differential Operators
Twisted geometry for submanifolds of Rn
Lie trusses and heaps of Lie affebras
School on Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach |
Quantum field theory and the structure of the SM
Statistics for Data Analysis
Quantum Gravity in 30 Questions
Lectures on classical and quantum cosmology
Astrophysical sources and acceleration mechanisms
Gamma rays: propagation and detection
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays: propagation and detection
Neutrino physics
Doubly special relativity and relative locality
Workshop on Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach |
Physics of the universe transparency in a deformed kinematics
Effects of new physics in neutrino propagation
Cosmological radiation density and neutrino NSI with electrons
Finite Planck-scale-modified relativistic framework in Finsler geometry
Testing curvature-induced in-vacuo dispersion with gamma-ray-bursts
The basis of Lorentzian Quintessential Inflation
Constraining Lorentz Invariance Violation using the muon content of extensive air showers measured at Pierre Auger Observatory
Cosmological parameters from different Baryon Acoustic Oscillations dataset