Lattice 2009, the XXVII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, was held from July 26-31, 2009 at the Lakeview Hotel, Beijing, China, hosted by Institute of Theoretical Physics, Center for High Energy Physics of Peking University.
The scientific program contained 20 plenary session talks and 245 parallel session contributions (talks and posters). The conference topics included: algorithms and machines, applications beyond QCD, chiral symmetry, hadron spectroscopy, hadron structure, nonzero temperature and density, standard-model parameters and renormalization, theoretical developments, vacuum structure and confinement, weak decays and matrix elements.
We would like to thank the members of International Advisory Committee for their help in planning the scientific programme. Thanks also go to all the speakers and delegates who helped to make the conference a great success.
Plenary |
QPACE -- a QCD parallel computer based on cell processors PoS(LAT2009)001 pdf |
Status of dynamical ensemble generation PoS(LAT2009)002 pdf |
QCD on GPUs: cost effective supercomputing PoS(LAT2009)003 pdf |
Exploring chiral dynamics with overlap fermions PoS(LAT2009)004 pdf |
Light hadron masses and decay constants PoS(LAT2009)005 pdf |
Finite-temperature QCD PoS(LAT2009)006 pdf |
Lattice studies of hadrons with heavy flavors PoS(LAT2009)007 pdf |
Multi-hadron systems PoS(LAT2009)008 pdf |
Simulating QCD at finite density PoS(LAT2009)010 pdf |
Study of QCD critical point using canonical ensemble method PoS(LAT2009)011 pdf |
Non-perturbative renormalization PoS(LAT2009)012 pdf |
Kaon physics from lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)013 pdf |
The CKM matrix and flavor physics from lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)014 pdf |
Strongly and slightly flavored gauge theories PoS(LAT2009)015 pdf |
Non-lattice simulation of supersymmetric gauge theories as a probe to quantum black holes and strings PoS(LAT2009)016 pdf |
Recent results from BESII and BESIII PoS(LAT2009)017 pdf |
Lattice study of nuclear forces PoS(LAT2009)019 pdf |
Status and prospects for the calculation of hadron structure from lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)018 pdf |
International Lattice Data Grid: Turn on, plug in,and download PoS(LAT2009)020 pdf |
Algorithm & Machines |
Force-gradient integrators PoS(LAT2009)021 pdf |
Simulating Wilson fermions without critical slowing down PoS(LAT2009)022 pdf |
Stout-link smearing in lattice fermion actions PoS(LAT2009)023 pdf |
Can complex Langevin dynamics evade the sign problem? PoS(LAT2009)024 pdf |
A nested Krylov subspace method for the overlap operator PoS(LAT2009)025 pdf |
Moving topological charge over the hill in HMC PoS(LAT2009)026 pdf |
Make life simple: unleash the full power of the parallel tempering algorithm PoS(LAT2009)027 pdf |
Multigrid HMC algorithm for Ginsparg-Wilson fermions PoS(LAT2009)030 pdf |
The role of multigrid algorithms for LQCD PoS(LAT2009)031 pdf |
Investigating the critical slowing down of QCD simulations PoS(LAT2009)032 pdf |
One-flavor algorithm for Wilson and domain-wall fermions PoS(LAT2009)033 pdf |
TWQCD's dynamical DWF project PoS(LAT2009)034 pdf |
Improving chiral property of domain-wall fermions by reweighting method PoS(LAT2009)035 pdf |
Extending the eigCG algorithm to non-symmetric linear systems with multiple right-hand sides PoS(LAT2009)036 pdf |
Performance of PHMC and HMC algorithms in Nf=4 LQCD with twisted Wilson quarks PoS(LAT2009)037 pdf |
Analysis and Visulizaiton tools for Lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)038 pdf |
Development of lattice QCD Tool Kit on cell broadband engine processor PoS(LAT2009)039 pdf |
Eigenspectrum noise subtraction methods in lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)041 pdf |
Replica-exchange cluster algorithm PoS(LAT2009)042 pdf |
Krylov subspace methods and the sign function: multishifts and deflation in the nonhermitian case PoS(LAT2009)043 pdf |
Applications beyond QCD |
Traces of a fixed point: Unravelling the phase diagram at large Nf PoS(LAT2009)044 pdf |
Phase diagram of adjoint QCD at weak coupling and finite volume PoS(LAT2009)046 pdf |
Lattice supersymmetry with Hopf algebra for the link approach PoS(LAT2009)047 pdf |
Volume independence of large-N QCD with adjoint fermions PoS(LAT2009)048 pdf |
Lattice QCD with 8 and 12 degenerate quark flavors PoS(LAT2009)049 pdf |
Dimensional reduction and the phase diagram of 5d Yang-Mills theory PoS(LAT2009)050 pdf |
Lattice supersymmetry: some ideas from low dimensional models PoS(LAT2009)051 pdf |
Scaling properties of many-fermion systems form MCRG studies PoS(LAT2009)052 pdf |
N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the lattice PoS(LAT2009)053 pdf |
Upper and lower Higgs boson mass bounds from a lattice Higgs-Yukawa model with dynamical overlap fermions PoS(LAT2009)054 pdf |
Nearly conformal gauge theories on the lattice PoS(LAT2009)055 pdf |
Running of the coupling and quark mass in SU(2) with two adjoint fermions PoS(LAT2009)056 pdf |
Calculating the running coupling in strong electroweak models PoS(LAT2009)058 pdf |
Monte Carlo-approach to turbulence PoS(LAT2009)061 pdf |
Monte Carlo study of a Fermi gas with infinite scattering length PoS(LAT2009)062 pdf |
Search for the IR fixed point in the Twisted Polyakov Loop scheme PoS(LAT2009)063 pdf |
Study of Aoki phase in Nc=2 gauge theories with fundamental and adjoint fermions PoS(LAT2009)064 pdf |
Layer Worlds: dimensional reduction without compactification PoS(LAT2009)065 pdf |
Study of the running coupling constant in 10-flavor QCD with the Schroedinger functional method PoS(LAT2009)066 pdf |
Simulations of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory PoS(LAT2009)268 pdf |
Chiral Symmetry |
Heavy-light mesons in the epsilon regime PoS(LAT2009)067 pdf |
Understanding the Aoki phase PoS(LAT2009)068 pdf |
Topological Susceptibility in the Chiral Effective Theory of QCD PoS(LAT2009)069 pdf |
The epsilon regime of chiral perturbation theory with Wilson-type fermions PoS(LAT2009)070 pdf |
Mixed action computations on fine dynamical lattices PoS(LAT2009)071 pdf |
Finite-volume corrections to low-energy constants from the partially quenched effective theory PoS(LAT2009)073 pdf |
Minimally doubled fermions at one-loop level PoS(LAT2009)075 pdf |
Role of the Wilson-mass parameter in the overlap-Dirac topological charge density PoS(LAT2009)076 pdf |
SU(2) chiral fits to MILC data PoS(LAT2009)077 pdf |
Wilson fermions in the epsilon regime PoS(LAT2009)078 pdf |
Results from MILC's SU(3) chiral perturbation theory analysis PoS(LAT2009)079 pdf |
Numerical study of chiral magnetic effect in quenched SU(2) lattice gauge theory PoS(LAT2009)080 pdf |
NLO and NNLO chiral fits for 2+1 flavor DWF ensembles PoS(LAT2009)081 pdf |
$O(a^2)$ improvement of the overlap-Dirac operator PoS(LAT2009)082 pdf |
Vector and axial currents in Wilson chiral perturbation theory PoS(LAT2009)084 pdf |
Topological quantum fluctuations in lattice QCD with overlap Dirac quarks PoS(LAT2009)085 pdf |
Spectral study of a chiral limit without chiral condensate PoS(LAT2009)086 pdf |
Hadron Spectroscopy |
Continuum results for light hadrons from 2+1 flavor DWF ensembles PoS(LAT2009)087 pdf |
Excited hadrons in n_f = 2 QCD PoS(LAT2009)088 pdf |
Static-static-light baryonic potentials PoS(LAT2009)089 pdf |
Charmed-strange meson specturm from the overlap fermions on 2+1 flavor PoS(LAT2009)090 pdf |
Baryon spectrum and nucleon decay from 2+1 flavor DWF QCD PoS(LAT2009)091 pdf |
B Meson Spectroscopy with NRQCD and HISQ PoS(LAT2009)092 pdf |
Toward the scaling limit of the charm spectrum using domain wall and relativistic heavy quark PoS(LAT2009)094 pdf |
Mesonic and Baryonic correlation functions at fine lattice spacings PoS(LAT2009)095 pdf |
Chiral properties of light mesons with $N_f=2+1$ overlap fermions PoS(LAT2009)096 pdf |
Two-particle Correlation Functions with Distilled Propagators PoS(LAT2009)097 pdf |
S-wave \pi K scattering length from lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)098 pdf |
Charmed hadron interactions PoS(LAT2009)099 pdf |
Two pion scattering, I=0 and disconnected diagrams in lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)101 pdf |
Results from 2+1 SLiNC fermions PoS(LAT2009)102 pdf |
Spectroscopy of light tetraquark states PoS(LAT2009)103 pdf |
First results of ETMC simulations with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions PoS(LAT2009)104 pdf |
Bottom hadrons from lattice QCD with domain wall and NRQCD fermions PoS(LAT2009)105 pdf |
Spectroscopy and decay constants from nonperturbative HQET at order 1/m PoS(LAT2009)106 pdf |
Flavor-singlet mesons in $N_f=2+1$ QCD with dynamical overlap quarks PoS(LAT2009)107 pdf |
Two-flavor lattice QCD study of lambda(1405) PoS(LAT2009)108 pdf |
Scattering from finite size methods in lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)109 pdf |
Physical point simulations in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)110 pdf |
Heavy-light mesons in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)111 pdf |
Excited-nucleon spectroscopy with 2+1 fermion flavors PoS(LAT2009)112 pdf |
Mixing of charmonia with $D\bar{D}/c\bar{u}u\bar{c}$ states PoS(LAT2009)113 pdf |
Heavy quarkonium mass splittings with Fermilab heavy quarks and 2+1 flavors of improved staggered sea quarks PoS(LAT2009)115 pdf |
Towards precise relativistic b quarks on the lattice PoS(LAT2009)116 pdf |
Scaling and ChPT description of pion observables from N_f=2 twisted mass QCD PoS(LAT2009)117 pdf |
Positive parity excited states of the nucleon PoS(LAT2009)118 pdf |
Derivation of L\"uscher's finite size formula for $N\pi$ and $NN$ system PoS(LAT2009)119 pdf |
Low-energy $D^{*+}D^0_1$ scattering and the resonance-like structure $Z^+(4430)$ PoS(LAT2009)120 pdf |
Scaling study of the relativistic corrections to the static potential PoS(LAT2009)122 pdf |
Progress on Four Flavor QCD with the HISQ Action PoS(LAT2009)123 pdf |
Hadron Structure |
Nucleon sigma term and strange quark content in 2+1-flavor QCD with dynamical overlap fermions PoS(LAT2009)124 pdf |
Nucleon structure close to the physical point PoS(LAT2009)125 pdf |
Energy dependence of nucleon-nucleon potentials in lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)126 pdf |
Nucleon electromagnetic form factors with 2+1 flavors of domain wall fermions PoS(LAT2009)127 pdf |
Progress toward the chiral regime in lattice QCD calculations of the neutron electric polarizability PoS(LAT2009)128 pdf |
The pion form factor from 2+1 dynamical flavors lattice QCD using the O(a) improved Wilson-clover quark formalism PoS(LAT2009)129 pdf |
Nucleon structure functions from dynamical (2+1)-flavor domain wall fermions PoS(LAT2009)131 pdf |
Repulsive core of the NN potential and operator product expansion PoS(LAT2009)132 pdf |
Baryon-baryon potentials in the flavor SU(3) limit from lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)133 pdf |
Nucleon strangeness form factors from N_f=2+1 clover fermion lattice PoS(LAT2009)134 pdf |
Baryon axial charges from chirally improved fermions - first results PoS(LAT2009)135 pdf |
Generalized parton distributions of the nucleon from twisted mass QCD PoS(LAT2009)136 pdf |
The strangeness of the nucleon in 2+1 flavor QCD PoS(LAT2009)137 pdf |
A non-perturbative operator product expansion PoS(LAT2009)138 pdf |
Quark structure from the lattice operator product expansion PoS(LAT2009)139 pdf |
Calculation of nucleon strange quark content with dynamical overlap quarks PoS(LAT2009)141 pdf |
Nucleon form factors from high statistics mixed-action calculations with 2+1 flavors PoS(LAT2009)142 pdf |
A new approach for g-2 PoS(LAT2009)143 pdf |
Neutron electric polarizability PoS(LAT2009)144 pdf |
Nucleon form factors using dynamical twisted mass fermions PoS(LAT2009)145 pdf |
On the structure of heavy-light mesons PoS(LAT2009)148 pdf |
Strangeness and charm content of the nucleon PoS(LAT2009)149 pdf |
B-physics on current lattices with maximally twisted Wilson fermions PoS(LAT2009)151 pdf |
Central and tensor Lambda-nucleon potentials from lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)152 pdf |
Omega-baryon electromagnetic form factors from lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)155 pdf |
N to Delta transition form factors with NF=2+1 domain wall fermions PoS(LAT2009)156 pdf |
Charged particles in background electric fields PoS(LAT2009)158 pdf |
Nonzero Temperature and Density |
Quark number fluctuations at high temperatures PoS(LAT2009)159 pdf |
Phase diagram and critical point evolution in NLO and NNLO strong coupling lattice PoS(LAT2009)160 pdf |
On the analytic continuation of the critical line PoS(LAT2009)161 pdf |
Proper heavy-quark potential in a spectral decomposition from the thermal Wilson loop PoS(LAT2009)162 pdf |
QCD thermodynamics with HISQ action PoS(LAT2009)163 pdf |
Deconfining phase transition on a double-layered torus PoS(LAT2009)164 pdf |
Heavy-quark free energy at finite temperature with 2+1 flavors of improved Wilson quarks in fixed scale approach PoS(LAT2009)165 pdf |
Charmonium correlators and spectral functions at finite temperature PoS(LAT2009)169 pdf |
Effects of the charm quark on the QCD equation of state PoS(LAT2009)170 pdf |
Fluctuations, correlations and the sign problem in QCD PoS(LAT2009)171 pdf |
Thermodynamics of the strongly interacting gluon plasma in the large-N limit PoS(LAT2009)172 pdf |
Singularities of QCD in the complex chemical potential plane PoS(LAT2009)173 pdf |
Third moments of conserved charges in QCD phase diagram PoS(LAT2009)174 pdf |
The QCD equation of state and transition at finite temperature PoS(LAT2009)175 pdf |
QCD equation of state for physical quark masses PoS(LAT2009)176 pdf |
Anomaly at finite density and chiral fermions on lattice PoS(LAT2009)177 pdf |
Properties of the SU(Nc) gluon plasma PoS(LAT2009)178 pdf |
Gluon propagators and center vortex at finite temperature PoS(LAT2009)179 pdf |
The Chiral Transition in QCD: on the quark mass dependence of Goldstone fluctuations PoS(LAT2009)180 pdf |
The chiral magnetic effect in 2+1 flavor QCD+QED PoS(LAT2009)181 pdf |
Isospin breaking in 2+1 flavor QCD+QED PoS(LAT2009)182 pdf |
Determination of QCD phase diagram from the imaginary chemical potential PoS(LAT2009)183 pdf |
QCD thermodynamics with colour-sextet quarks PoS(LAT2009)184 pdf |
Properties of canonical fermion determinants with a fixed quark number PoS(LAT2009)185 pdf |
Random matrix analysis of the QCD sign problem PoS(LAT2009)186 pdf |
Pure gauge glueballs at finite temperature PoS(LAT2009)187 pdf |
Entanglement entropy of SU(3) and SU(2) Yang-Mills theories at finite temperature PoS(LAT2009)188 pdf |
Phase diagram of a chiral random matrix model with 2+1 flavors PoS(LAT2009)189 pdf |
Towards the equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks in the fixed scale approach PoS(LAT2009)190 pdf |
Wilson fermions with imaginary chemical potential PoS(LAT2009)191 pdf |
Analytic continuation in QCD-like theories at finite density and finite isospin PoS(LAT2009)192 pdf |
Nuclear physics from strong coupling QCD PoS(LAT2009)193 pdf |
Chiral Lagrangian and spectral sum rules for two-color QCD at high density PoS(LAT2009)195 pdf |
Evaluation of Israel-Stewart parameters in lattice gauge theory PoS(LAT2009)196 pdf |
Finite size scaling and universality in SU(2) at finite temperature PoS(LAT2009)197 pdf |
Equation of state at finite density from imaginary chemical PoS(LAT2009)198 pdf |
On the phase structure of lattice QCD with twisted-mass Wilson fermions at non-zero temperature PoS(LAT2009)266 pdf |
The Dirac operator spectrum: a perturbative approach PoS(LAT2009)209 pdf |
Standard-Model Parameters and Renormalization |
Chirally rotated Schrodinger functional: non-perturbative tuning in the quenched approximation PoS(LAT2009)199 pdf |
Two-loop renormalization of fermion bilinears on the lattice PoS(LAT2009)200 pdf |
One loop matching factors for staggered bilinear operators with improved glue PoS(LAT2009)201 pdf |
Non-perturbative calculation of Z_m using Asqtad fermions PoS(LAT2009)202 pdf |
NSPT calculations in the Schrodinger Functional formalism PoS(LAT2009)203 pdf |
A formulation of domain wall fermions in the Schrodinger functional PoS(LAT2009)204 pdf |
Perturbative renormalization of GPDs to O(a^2), for various fermion/gluon PoS(LAT2009)205 pdf |
Determination of $\alpha_s$ in 2+1-flavor QCD through vacuum polarization function PoS(LAT2009)207 pdf |
Determination of the running coupling constant $\alpha_s$ for Nf=2+1 QCD with the Schrodinger functional scheme PoS(LAT2009)208 pdf |
QCD Lambda parameter from Landau-gauge gluon and ghost correlations PoS(LAT2009)210 pdf |
High loop renormalization constants for Wilson fermions/Symanzik improved gauge action PoS(LAT2009)211 pdf |
$\Lambda_{QCD}$ from gluon and ghost propagators PoS(LAT2009)212 pdf |
Theoretical Developments |
Wilson loops at finite N in 2D PoS(LAT2009)213 pdf |
Upper bound on the cutoff in the Standard Model PoS(LAT2009)214 pdf |
Eguchi-Kawai model with dynamical adjoint fermions PoS(LAT2009)215 pdf |
Exact lattice supersymmetry PoS(LAT2009)216 pdf |
Anomaly cancellation for anisotropic lattice fields with extra dimensions PoS(LAT2009)217 pdf |
Dyson's instability in lattice gauge theory PoS(LAT2009)218 pdf |
CP invariance of chiral gauge theories and Majorana-Yukawa couplings on the lattice PoS(LAT2009)219 pdf |
Infinite-N limit of the eigenvalue density of Wilson loops in 2D SU(N) YM PoS(LAT2009)220 pdf |
Fractality of the penrose tiling in coordination Cayley’s tree graphs representation method PoS(LAT2009)221 pdf |
Symmetries and exponential error reduction in YM theories on the lattice: theoretical aspects and simulation results PoS(LAT2009)029 pdf |
Vacuum Structure and Confinement |
Chiral phase transition in a chiral random matrix model with three flavors PoS(LAT2009)222 pdf |
The spectrum of closed loops of fundamental flux in D=3+1 SU(N) gauge theories PoS(LAT2009)223 pdf |
Comparing the vacuum structure of quenched and dynamical configurations PoS(LAT2009)224 pdf |
From decay to complete breaking: Pulling the strings in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory PoS(LAT2009)225 pdf |
The lattice infrared Landau gauge gluon propagator: the infinite volume limit PoS(LAT2009)226 pdf |
Self-dual gauge fields and domain wall fermion zero modes PoS(LAT2009)227 pdf |
Gauge-independent derivation of "abelian" dominances and magnetic monopole dominance in the string tension PoS(LAT2009)228 pdf |
Towards a precise determination of the topological susceptibility in the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory PoS(LAT2009)229 pdf |
Coulomb gauge gluon propagator on anisotropic lattices PoS(LAT2009)230 pdf |
Quantum effective action of multi-instanton configurations from lattice field theory PoS(LAT2009)231 pdf |
Topological configurations of Yang-Mills field responsible for magnetic-monopole loops as quark confiner PoS(LAT2009)232 pdf |
Chromoelectric and chromomagnetic fields for the static gluon-quark-antiquark system PoS(LAT2009)233 pdf |
The lattice ghost propagator in Landau gauge up to three loops using numerical stochastic perturbation theory PoS(LAT2009)234 pdf |
Vortex structure in KvBLL instantons PoS(LAT2009)235 pdf |
Wilson loops in very high order lattice perturbation theory PoS(LAT2009)236 pdf |
The Landau gauge gluon propagator in 4D SU(2) lattice gauge theory revisited: Gribov copies and scaling properties PoS(LAT2009)237 pdf |
Gauge invariance of the color confinement mechanism due to the Abelian dual Meissner effect PoS(LAT2009)238 pdf |
Integrable structures in LGTs near the deconfinement transition PoS(LAT2009)239 pdf |
Gluon chains and the quark-antiquark potential PoS(LAT2009)240 pdf |
Weak Decays and Matrix Elements |
Radiative corrections to the m(oving)NRQCD action and heavy-light operators PoS(LAT2009)241 pdf |
Form factors for rare B/Bs decays with moving NRQCD and stochastic PoS(LAT2009)242 pdf |
Neutral B-meson mixing from dynamical lattice QCD with chiral light quarks and static b-quarks PoS(LAT2009)243 pdf |
Stochastic propagators in semileptonic form factor calculations PoS(LAT2009)244 pdf |
$B^0$-$\bar{B}^0$ mixing with Fermilab heavy quarks PoS(LAT2009)245 pdf |
$\pi^0$ to two-photon decay in lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)246 pdf |
D semi-leptonic decay form factors with HISQ charm and light quarks PoS(LAT2009)247 pdf |
Determining the Kl3 form factors directly at zero momentum transfer PoS(LAT2009)248 pdf |
D and B leptonic decay constants from lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)249 pdf |
Charm semileptonic form factors from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD PoS(LAT2009)250 pdf |
Recent results on B mixing and decay constants from HPQCD PoS(LAT2009)251 pdf |
Dynamical lattice computation of the Isgur Wise functions $\tau_{1/2}$ and $\tau_{3/2}$ PoS(LAT2009)253 pdf |
$\Delta I = 3/2$, $K \to \pi \pi$ decays with light, non-zero momentum PoS(LAT2009)254 pdf |
G parity boundary conditions and delta I = 1/2, K - pi pi decays PoS(LAT2009)255 pdf |
Vector and scalar form factors for K- and D-meson semileptonic decays from twisted mass fermions with Nf = 2 PoS(LAT2009)257 pdf |
BK in the Standard Model and beyond with Nf=2 tmQCD PoS(LAT2009)258 pdf |
The ratio fK/fpi in QCD PoS(LAT2009)259 pdf |
O(a^2) corrections to one-loop matrix elements of four-fermion operators with improved fermion/gluon actions PoS(LAT2009)260 pdf |
Determination of $B_K$ using improved staggered fermions (I) PoS(LAT2009)261 pdf |
Determination of $B_K$ using improved staggered fermions (II) PoS(LAT2009)262 pdf |
Determination of $B_K$ using improved staggered fermions (III) PoS(LAT2009)263 pdf |
Determination of $B_K$ using improved staggered fermions (IV) PoS(LAT2009)264 pdf |