The annual lattice conference is the premier conference for lattice gauge theory. The latest developments and results in lattice gauge theory are reported in this conference, and attendees get to know the state-of-the-art of lattice calculations around the world. New ideas and collaborations are often inspired through presentations and discussions at this annual gathering.
Plenary |
From FRIB to Lattice QCD
Lattice QCD and nuclear physics for searches of physics beyond the Standard Model
Progress in Multibaryon Spectroscopy
QCD at non-zero density and phenomenology
Progress and prospects of lattice supersymmetry
Review on Composite Higgs Models
Precise determinations of quark masses
Hints and challenges in heavy flavor physics
Recent Progress on the QCD Phase Diagram
Review of Lattice QCD Studies of Hadronic Vacuum Polarization Contribution to Muon g−2
Leading hadronic contribution to muon g-2 from lattice QCD and the MUonE experiment
Review of Lattice Muon g−2 HLbL Calculation
Hadron Spectroscopy and Resonances : Review
The path from finite to infinite volume: Hadronic observables from lattice QCD
Theory Challenges in EIC Physics
Systematics in nucleon matrix element calculations
A Lattice Story of Proton Spin
Recent Developments in x-dependent Structure Calculations
Challenges of Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering
Machines and Algorithms for Lattice QCD
Lattice QCD on modern GPU systems
Tensor Networks and their use for Lattice Gauge Theories
Path optimization method with use of neural network for the sign problem in field theories
Simulating quantum field theory with a quantum computer
Algorithms and Machines |
Fourier acceleration, the HMC algorithm and renormalizability
Numerical Implementation of Gauge-Fixed FourierAcceleration
Ensemble Quasi-Newton HMC
Multi-level integration for meson propagators
Solving DWF Dirac Equation Using Multisplitting Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient
Communication-avoiding optimization methods for fermion matrix inverters
Multigrid for Wilson Clover Fermions in Grid
Three Dirac operators on two architectures with one piece of code and no hassle
Simulating Quantum Chromodynamics coupled with Quantum Electromagnetics on the lattice
Machine learning for multi-scale action matching
Challenges Implementing non-Abelian SU(2) Quantum Chromodynamics Gauge Links On a Universal Quantum Computer
Clover HMC and Staggered Multigrid on Summit/Volta
OpenCL Library for Computing Disconnected Contributions using FPGAs
AVX-512 extension to OpenQCD 1.6
Simulation of dynamical (u,d,s,c) domain-wall/overlap quarks at the physical point
Applications beyond QCD |
Taking the continuum limit in Lattice Quantum Gravity
Curvature Correlators in Lattice Quantum Gravity
Lattice quantum gravity with scalar fields
U(1) vacuum, Chern-Simons diffusion and real-time simulations
Renormalization on the fuzzy sphere
Chiral Symmetry |
The η′ mass on 2+1 flavor DWF lattices
Exploring the convergence of SU(2) HBChiPT
Baryons and Interactions in Magnetic Fields
Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions |
Gluonic structure of spin-1 meson as it becomes unstable using variationally optimized operators
3-body quantization condition in unitary isobar formalism
The Slope of Form Factors from Lattice QCD
Constraint HMC algorithms for gauge-Higgs models
String breaking with 2+1 dynamical fermions using the stochastic LapH method
Computation of hybrid static potentials from optimized trial states in SU(3) lattice gauge theory
Resonance properties from lattice energy levelsusing chiral effective field theory
The new lattice action and spectrum of the light andmedium-mass nuclei
Strong Decay Analysis of Bottom Mesons
Towards leading isospin breaking effects in mesonic masses with open boundaries
Analysis of systematic error in hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to muon g-2
Nucleon-pion-state contamination in the lattice determination of the axial form factors of the nucleon
A new method for suppressing excited-state contaminations on the nucleon form factors
Controlling Excited-State Contributions to Nucleon Isovector Charges using Distillation
Pion-pion scattering with physical quark masses
Calculating the ρ radiative decay width with lattice QCD
Lattice QCD spectroscopy for hadronic CP violation
Numerical study of QED finite-volume effects using lattice scalar QED
Towards lattice-assisted hadron physics calculations based on QCD n-point functions
Bethe-Salpeter wavefunctions of hybrid charmonia
Scattering phase shift determinations from atwo-scalar field theory
Kπ scattering and excited meson spectroscopy using the Stocastic LapH method
Hadron-Hadron Interactions from Nf=2+1+1 Lattice QCD: π−K scattering length
Kπ scattering and the K∗(892) resonance in 2+1 flavor QCD
DK scattering and Ds0(2317)
Finite volume matrix elements of two-body states
Progress report on the relativistic three-particlequantization condition
Relations between scattering amplitude and Bethe-Salpeter wave function in quantum field theory
Scattering length from BS wave function inside the interaction range
Roper State from Overlap Fermion
Coupling to Multihadron States with Chiral Fermions
The H dibaryon from lattice QCD with SU(3) flavorsymmetry
Comparison between models of QCD with and without dynamical charm quarks
Bc spectroscopy using highly improved staggered quarks
Charmed baryon spectrum in 2+1-flavor Lattice QCD
On chiral extrapolations of coupled-channel reaction dynamics for charmed mesons
Coupled channel scattering of vector and scalar charmonium resonances on the lattice
J/ψ-nucleon scattering in P+c pentaquark channels
Towards the P-wave nucleon-pion scattering amplitude in the Δ (1232) channel: interpolating fields and spectra
Towards the P-wave nucleon-pion scattering amplitude in the Δ (1232) channel
HAL QCD method and Nucleon-Omega interaction with physical quark masses
Baryon interactions at physical quark masses in Lattice QCD
Three neutrons from Lattice QCD
Charmonium-nucleon interactions from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
Hadron Structure |
Light-cone PDFs from lattice QCD
Quasi-PDFs from Twisted mass fermions at the physical point
Matching the quasi parton distribution in a momentum subtraction scheme
Excited state analysis in the quasi-PDF matrix elements
Lattice Calculation of Parton Distribution Function from LaMET
Progress on parton pseudo distributions I
Progress on parton pseudo distributions II
Lattice QCD calculation of the nucleon hadronic tensor
Nucleon Structure Functions from the Feynman-Hellmann Theorem
Calculation of Pion Valence Distribution form Hadronic Lattice Cross Sections
Structure of pion and kaon from lattice QCD
Kaon Distribution Amplitude from Lattice QCD and the Flavor SU(3) Symmetry
Moments of pion distribution amplitude using operator product expansion on the lattice
Pion and Kaon Distribution Amplitudes from lattice QCD: towards the continuum limit
Direct lattice-QCD calculation of pion valence quark distribution
Renormalized quasi parton distribution function of pion
Pion quasi parton distribution function on a fine lattice
PDFs in small boxes
Higher moments of parton distribution functions
Pion distribution amplitude from Euclidean correlation functions: Universality and higher-twist effects
Transverse spin structure of octet baryons
Quark orbital angular momentum in the proton evaluated using a direct derivative method
Determination of nucleon sigma terms I
Determination of nucleon sigma terms II
Strange nucleon form factors with Nf=2+1 O(a)-improved Wilson fermions
The strange quark contribution to the spin of the nucleon
Do not measure correlated observables, but train an artificial intelligence to predict them
Calculation of Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments Induced by Quark Chromo-Electric Dipole Moments and the QCD θ-term
Nucleon Physics with All HISQ Fermions
Updates on Nucleon Form Factors from Clover-on-HISQ Lattice Formulation
Nucleon form factors on a (10.8fm)^4 lattice at the physical point in 2+1 flavor QCD
Nucleon electromagnetic form factors at high Q2 from Wilson-clover fermions
The Stochastic Feynman-Hellmann Method
Pion Form Factor with Overlap Fermion
Nucleon isovector axial charge in 2+1-flavor domain-wall QCD with physical mass
Nucleon charges and quark momentum fraction with Nf=2+1 Wilson fermions
Neutral weak axial form factor and neutrino-nucleon scattering
Isovector and flavor diagonal charges of the nucleon from 2+1+1 flavor QCD
Status of HVP calculation by RBC/UKQCD
Exclusive Channel Study of the Muon HVP
Isospin breaking corrections to the HVP at the physical point
On isospin breaking in τ decays for (g−2)μ from Lattice QCD
Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon with dynamical QCD+QED
The leading hadronic contribution to the running of the Weinberg angle using covariant coordinate-space methods
HISQ 2+1+1 light quark hadronic vacuum polarization at the physical point
The hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to (g−2)μ from 2+1 flavours of O(a) improved Wilson quarks
HVP contribution of the light quarks to the muon (g - 2) including isospin-breaking corrections with Twisted-Mass fermions
Nucleon Form factor calculation using DWQCD
Nucleon form factors from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions at the physical point
Neutral pion transition form factor in coordinatespace
Nonzero Temperature and Density |
Complex Langevin for Lattice QCD
Can the complex Langevin method see the deconfinement phase transition in QCD at finite density?
Stabilising complex Langevin simulations
Exploring the phase diagram of finite density QCD at low temperature by the complex Langevin method
Investigating the Phase Structure of Large N Unitary Matrix Models using Complex Langevin Method
Towards Lefschetz thimbles regularization of heavy-dense QCD
Beyond Thimbles: Sign-Optimized Manifolds for Finite Density
Deforming Path Integration Contours: Application to Finite Density Thirring Model
Flowing Gauge Theories: Finite-Density QED1+1
Axial U(1) symmetry and Dirac spectra in high-temperature phase of Nf=2 lattice QCD
The fate of axial U(1) in 2+1 flavor QCD towards the chiral limit
Topological Susceptibility in Nf=2 QCD at Finite Temperature -- Volume Study
Topological Susceptibility to High Temperatures via Reweighting
Topological structures in finite temperature QCD
Simulation of Scalar Field Theories with Complex Actions
Worldline Approach to Few-Body Physics on the Lattice
Low temperature condensation and scattering data
The curvature of the QCD crossover line
Higher order fluctuations form imaginary chemical potential
QCD phase diagram for finite imaginary chemical potential with HISQ fermions
Phase structure of three flavor QCD in external magnetic fields using HISQ fermions
Equation of state near the first order phase transition point of SU(3) gauge theory using gradient flow
Equation of state in 2 + 1 flavor QCD at high temperatures
Study of energy-momentum tensor correlation function in Nf=2+1 full QCD for QGP viscosities
Thermodynamics for SU(2) pure gauge theory using gradient flow
Topology of two-color QCD at low temperature and high density
First calculation of ˆq on a quenched SU(3) plasma
Progress on the nature of the QCD thermal transition as a function of quark flavors and masses
Chiral phase transition in (2 + 1)-flavor QCD
Chiral transition via the Banks-Casher relation
Measuring of chiral susceptibility using gradient flow
Continuum extrapolation of the critical endpoint in 4-flavor QCD with Wilson-Clover fermions
Large Nc Thermodynamics with Dynamical Fermions
Unwrapping phase fluctuations in one dimension
Taylor expansion and the Cauchy Residue Theorem for finite-density QCD
Ab initio calculations of nuclear thermodynamics
The Anderson transition in QCD with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass quarks: overlap analysis
Thermodynamics at strong coupling on anisotropic lattices
Temporal Correlators in the Continuous Time Formulation of Strong Coupling Lattice QCD
Hadronic spectrum calculations in the quark-gluon plasma
Spectral functions from machine learning
Meson correlation functions at high temperature QCD: SU(2)CS symmetry vs. free quarks
Physics beyond the Standard Model |
Neutron-antineutron oscillations from Lattice QCD at the physical point
Proton decay matrix element on lattice at physical pion mass
Neutron Electric Dipole Moment from Beyond the Standard Model
Non-perturbative generation of elementary fermion mass: a numerical study
Towards models with an unified dynamical mechanism for elementary particle masses
Indications for infrared conformal behaviour of SU(2) gauge theory with Nf=3/2 flavours of adjoint fermions
Progress in the lattice simulations of Sp(2N) gauge theories
Phase structure of strongly interacting four-fermion theory
Non-perturbative gauge-fixing
Tantalizing dilaton tests from a near-conformal EFT
Probing the composite light scalar of the sextet model for dilaton fingerprints
Is SU(3) gauge theory with 13 massless flavors conformal?
Fate of a recent conformal fixed point and β-function in the SU(3) BSM gauge theory with ten massless flavors
On two-flavor QCD(adj)
On the calculation and use of non-zero momentum correlators in lattice simulations.
The large-mass regime of confining but nearly conformal gauge theories
Composite phenomenology as a target for lattice QCD
Updated spectroscopy for SU(3) with eight fundamental flavors
Baryon spectrum of SU(4) composite Higgs theory with two distinct fermion representations
Phase structure of multiflavor gauge theories: Critical exponents of Fisher zeros near the endpoint
Baryonic states in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
Investigations of N = 1 supersymmetric SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
Supersymmetric and conformal theories on the lattice: from super Yang-Mills towards super QCD
N=1 Supersymmetric SU(3) Gauge Theory - Towards simulations of Super-QCD
N=1 Supersymmetric SU(3) Gauge Theory - Pure Gauge sector with a twist
Phase structure of N=1 super Yang-Mills theory from the gradient flow
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization |
Quark mass determinations with the RI-SMOM scheme and HISQ action
SMOM - ¯MS Matching for BK at Two-loop Order
Renormalization of CP-Violating Pure Gauge Operators in Perturbative QCD Using the Gradient Flow
Towards non-perturbative matching of three/four-flavor Wilson coefficients with aposition-space procedure
ZS/ZP from three-flavour lattice QCD
O(a) improved quark mass renormalization for a non-perturbative matching of HQET to three-flavor QCD
Expansion coefficient of the pseudo-scalar density using the gradient flow in lattice QCD
Light and strange quark masses for Nf=2+1 simulations with Wilson fermions
Test of factorization for the long-distance effects from charmonium in B→Kℓ+ℓ−
Scale Setting on the MDWF in Gradient Flow HISQ Action With the Omega Baryon
Corrections to Dashen's theorem from lattice QCD and quenched QED
Theoretical Developments |
Towards a Dual Representation of Lattice QCD
Weak coupling limit of 2+1 SU(2) LGT and mass gap.
The critical endpoint in the 2-d U(1) gauge-Higgs model at topological angle θ=π
Gauss's Law, Duality, and the Hamiltonian Framework of Lattice Gauge Theory
Finite-size scaling of Polyakov's loop in the 2D Abelian Higgs model
Investigation of the 1+1 dimensional Thirring model using the method of matrix product states
Gaussian states for the variational study of (1+1)-dimensional lattice gauge models
A tensorial toolkit for quantum computing in lattice gauge theory
Tensor network study of two dimensional lattice ϕ4 theory
Z2 gauge theory with tensor renormalization group
Quantum field theory on a causal set
Fermions on Simplicial Lattices and their Dual Lattices
Prospects for Lattice QFTs on Curved Riemann Manifolds
A Lattice Study of Renormalons in Asymptotically Free Sigma Models
Non perturbative physics from NSPT: renormalons, the gluon condensate and all that
Lattice N=4 three-dimensional super-Yang-Mills
Beyond Complex Langevin Equations: a ProgressReport
Simulations of gaussian systems in Minkowski time
Scattering in Euclidean formulations of relativistic quantum theory
Bag representation for composite degrees of freedom in lattice gauge theories with fermions
Interacting Bosons at Finite Angular Momentum Via Complex Langevin
Machine learning inspired analysis of the Ising model transition
The perturbative SU(N) one-loop running coupling in the twisted gradient flow scheme
Non-perturbative renormalization of operators in near-conformal systems using gradient flow
Renormalization group properties of scalar field theories using gradient flow
Critical behavior of the hopping expansion from the Functional Renormalization Group
SYM flow equation in N=1 SUSY
Critical Point and Deconfinement in Stochastic Thermal Fields
Vacuum Structure and Confinement |
Lattice Computation of the Ghost Propagator in Linear Covariant Gauges
Spatial structure of the color field in the SU(3) flux tube
Confinement of quarks in higher representations in view of dual superconductivity.
Linear confinement and stress-energy tensor around static quark and anti-quark pair -- Lattice simulation with Yang-Mills gradient flow --
Visualizations of Centre Vortex Structure in Lattice Simulations
Localization transition in SU(3) gauge theory
Localization and topology in high temperature QCD
Weak Decays and Matrix Elements |
Improvements to Nucleon Matrix Elements within a θ Vacuum from Lattice QCD
Towards a determination of the nucleon EDM from the quark chromo-EDM operator with the gradient flow
Scalar, Axial and Tensor Matrix elements in light nuclei
Nuclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from Lattice QCD
Short Range Operator Contributions to 0νββ decay from LQCD
The Kℓ3 form factor from four-flavor lattice QCD and |Vus|
Calculation of K→πlν form factor in Nf=2+1 QCD at physical point on (10fm)3
Radiative corrections to decay amplitudes in lattice QCD
QED corrections to leptonic decay rates
Control of SU(3) symmetry breaking effects in calculations of B meson decay constant
D meson semileptonic decay form factors at q2=0
Heavy-quark physics with a tmQCD valence action
First results for charm physics with a tmQCD valence action
Charmed (and heavier) meson decay constants and heavy neutral meson mixing in the continuum limit using 2+1f of domain wall fermions
Masses and decay constants of B(∗)c mesons with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
Heavy quark scaling of B→πℓν form factors with Möbius domain wall fermions
Kaon Matrix Elements from Coarse Lattices
Studies of I=0 and 2 ππ scattering with physical pion mass
Update on the improved lattice calculation of direct CP-violation in K decays
Follow-up on non-leptonic Kaon decays at large Nc
Progress on the study of electromagnetic corrections to K→ππ decay
QED-corrected Lellouch-Luescher formula for K→ππ decay
Bs→D(∗)slν form factors using heavy HISQ quarks
B→D∗ℓν at non-zero recoil
Update on B→D∗ℓν form factor at zero-recoil using the Oktay-Kronfeld action
2018 update of εK with lattice QCD inputs
Beyond the standard model kaon mixing with physical masses.
Results for the mass difference between the long- and short-lived K mesons for physical quark masses
Hypercubic effects in semileptonic decays of heavy mesons, toward B→πℓν with Nf=2+1+1 Twisted fermions
B→πℓν and B→πℓℓ decays with HISQ/NRQCD valence quarks on Nf=2+1 asqtad ensembles.
Semileptonic decays of B(s) mesons to light pseudoscalar mesons on four-flavor HISQ ensembles
Semi-leptonic form factors for Bs→Kℓν and Bs→Dsℓν
Determining the Efficacy of different parameterizations of the z-expansion
Flavor anomalies & the lattice
Poster reception |
On the definition of schemes for computing leading order isospin breaking corrections
Four fermion condensates in SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory on a lattice
Perturbative calculation of Zq at the one-loop level using HYP-smeared staggered quarks
10 Years of QUDA
Prony methods for extracting excited states
Meson electromagnetic form factors from lattice QCD
First Glimpse of Glue Parton Distribution Function from Lattice QCD
Light-neutrino exchange and long-distance contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay
Eigenvector Continuation with Auxiliary Field Monte Carlo
Lattice QCD codes on Taihu-Light
Lattice Calculation of the Proton Charge Radius
Mass Splittings in a Linear Sigma Model
Relational databases for lattice data analysis
Determination of the Nf=12 step scaling function using Möbius domain wall fermions
Inclusive decay structure function for B→Xcℓν: a comparison of a lattice calculation with the heavy quark expansion
The properties of D1-branes from lattice super Yang--Mills theory using gauge/gravity duality
Split Grid and Block Lanczos Algorithm for Efficient Eigenpair Generation
Porting DDalphaAMG solver to K computer
B→D(∗)ℓν form factors from Nf=2+1 QCD with Möbius domain-wall quarks
Positive-parity Baryon Spectra on Isotropic Lattice
Implementation of the conjugate gradient algorithm in Lattice QCD on FPGA devices
Investigating volume effects for Nf=2 twisted clover fermions at the physical point
Lattice calculation of neutron electric dipole moment with overlap fermions
Lattice QCD on upcoming ARM architectures
Towards a new lattice QCD code: performances and first applications
Matching of Nf=2+1 CLS ensembles to a tmQCD valence sector
Hyperon Axial Couplings at Physical Pion Mass
Complex Langevin: Boundary terms and application to QCD
High Precision Statistical Landau Gauge Lattice Gluon Propagator Computation
Disconnected hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2 with HISQ
Towards the spectrum of flavour-diagonal pseudoscalar mesons in QCD+QED
Reweighting Lefschetz Thimbles
LQCD Outreach |
Publicizing Lattice Field Theory through Visualization
Quantum3 - Learning QCD through Intuitive Play
Quantum Kate - a model for physics outreach