More than 410 participants from many countries attended the symposium. The scientific programme contained 22 plenary talks and 343 parallel contributions (including posters). Most of these are recorded in this proceedings. There was also a plenary talk about the life of Hamilton by Dr Luke Drury and a session about the International Lattice Data Grid.
On behalf of the organising committee, the editors (Alan Irving, Craig McNeile and Chris Michael) would like to acknowledge the following:
We would like to thank the members of the International Advisory Committee for their help and guidance in planning the scientific programme of the conference. Many thanks also to all the speakers for the time and effort they put into preparing their talks.
We are grateful to our sponsors Hewlett Packard, IBM, SGI, Aer Lingus, Failte Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, the Hamilton Mathematics Institute TCD and the Institute of Physics for their financial support.
Nicola Boutall and Audrey Crosbie provided invaluable administrative help and support from their free time. Paulene McKeever and Niav Miller staffed the registration desk and processed the conference registration and accommodation. We are indebted to the system adminstrators in the School of Mathematics who worked hard (and late) to provide network support for the conference.
Finally, thanks to all the conference delegates who travelled to Dublin and helped to make the week a resounding success.
Organizing committee
Allton Chris, Hands Simon, Irving Alan, Kenna Ralph, McNeile Craig, Michael Chris (chairman), Peardon Mike, Ryan Sinead, Sexton Jim
Plenary Session |
Lattice QCD and string theory
Lattice QCD with light Wilson quarks
Recent results from unquenched light sea quark simulations
CLEO-c confronts high precision lattice
Phases of planar QCD on the torus
Dirac-Kahler fermions and exact lattice supersymmetry
Progress in Kaon Phenomenology from Lattice QCD
Hadronic decays
Quark mass dependence of baryon properties
Neutron electric dipole moment with two flavors of domain wall fermions
High Precision Fundamental Constants using Lattice Perturbation Theory
CKM matrix and CP violation in the continuum
CKM matrix with lattice QCD - the full determination using recent results
Twisted mass lattice QCD: Recent developments and results
A nearly perfect ink? Theoretical challenges arising from the RHIC data
The QCD phase diagram at zero and small baryon density
Confinement and the center of the gauge group
Quenched Disordered Ferromagnets
Performance of machines for lattice QCD simulations
Nuclear Physics and Lattice QCD
Theoretical issues with staggered fermion simulations
Simulations in Early-Universe Theory
Hadron spectrum and quark masses |
Volume dependence of spectral weights and the pentaquark state
Light baryon spectroscopy and diquark correlations in quenched QCD with overlap quarks on a large lattice.
Update on pi and K Physics
The Exotic Baryon Θ+(1540) on the Lattice
Scalar glueball and meson spectroscopy in unquenched lattice QCD with improved staggered quarks
Study of Flavour singlet meson in two-flavour Domain Wall QCD
Charmonium spectroscopy on dynamical anisotropic lattices
Density-density correlators using all to all propagators
Magnetic polarizability of hadrons in the background field method
The hadron spectrum from twisted mass QCD with a strange quark
Twisted mass fermions: neutral pion masses from disconnected contributions.
I=1/2 Scalar and Axial Vector Mesons
OPE Analysis of QCD Potential and Determination of Lambda_MSbar
Asymptotic Scaling and Monte Carlo Data
Scaling test of dynamical Wilson twisted mass fermions with DBW2 gauge action
Automated Methods in Chiral Perturbation Theory on the Lattice
Disconnected Loops with Twisted Mass Lattice QCD
Light-Quark FLIC Fermion Simulations of the 1-+ Exotic Meson
Pseudoscalar mass and decay constant in Lattice QCD with Exact Chiral Symmetry
Matrix elements and baryon spectroscopy from unquenched lattice QCD with improved staggered quarks.
Light hadron spectroscopy in quenched QCD with overlap quarks on a large lattice.
Lattice QCD with Nf=2 light Wilson fermions: the phase structure and scaling
Scaling test of the P4-improved staggered fermion action.
Determining the low energy parameters of Wilson Chiral Perturbation Theory
Staggered Lattice Artifacts in 3-Flavor Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory
Power Counting Regime of Chiral Extrapolation and Beyond
Chiral and Continuum Extrapolation of Partially-Quenched Hadron Masses
Wilson chiral perturbation theory for 2+1 flavors
Maximal twist and the spectrum of quenched twisted mass lattice QCD
Studying diquark correlations in the nucleon by means of lattice QCD simulations
Searching for diquarks in hadrons
Diquark properties from lattice QCD
Moments of Generalized Tensor Parton Distributions
Hadron structure with light dynamical quarks: generalized parton distributions
Light hadron spectrum and quark masses in 2+1 flavor QCD
Two Loop Partially Quenched and Finite Volume Chiral Perturbation Theory Results
The pion mass in finite volume to two loops
Finite Size Effects in Excited Baryon Spectroscopy
Bound state spectrum in the finite volume
Hybrid Exotic Meson Decay Width
Meson decay constants from Nf=2 clover fermions
Anisotropic lattice QCD study of pentaquark baryons in spin 3/2 channel
Mass Spectra of Pentaquarks -- Overlap Fermion versus Wilson Fermion
Pentaquark search with spatially non-trivial operators
Spin-3/2 Pentaquark Resonance Signature
A study of tetraquark mesonium on the lattice with overlap fermion
The Quark Structure of Pentaquarks
Lattice QCD Evidence for Exotic Tetraquark Resonance
Search for the S=+1 pentaquarks in quenched lattice QCD
Dynamical twisted mass fermions
Role of the Clover operator in lattice QCD at maximal twist close to the chiral limit
Dynamical Wilson twisted mass fermions: a scaling analysis
Baryon spectroscopy with spatially improved quark sources
Combining quark and link smearing to improve extended baryon operators
Quark masses from quenched overlap fermions
A determination of the strange quark mass for unquenched clover fermions using the AWI
Non-perturbatively Renormalized Light Quark Masses with Two Dynamical Fermions
Light meson masses and decay constants in a 2+1 flavour domain wall QCD
Operator product expansion and quark condensate from LQCD in coordinate space
Double poles in Lattice QCD with mixed actions
Pseudoscalar Singlet Physics with Staggered Fermions
Isovector and Isoscalar Scalar Mesons with All-to-all Propagators
Effects of partial quenching and staggered fermions on the scalar correlator
Charmonium Spectrum with all-to-all propagators
Interaction studies of a heavy-light meson-baryon system
Pentaquark search with spatially non-trivial operators (II)
Lowest Order Hadronic Contribution to the Muon g-2
Electromagnetic mass difference on the lattice
A study of the N to Delta transition form factors in full QCD.
Electromagnetic properties of hadrons with two flavors of dynamical domain wall fermions
The static quark potential in 2+1 flavour Domain Wall QCD from QCDOC
Probing the chiral limit of m_pi and f_pi in 2+1 flavor QCD with domain wall fermions from QCDOC
Gauge Action Effects on 3 Flavor QCD with Domain Wall Fermions
Heavy-light mesons with domain wall fermions
Excited meson spectroscopy with chirally improved fermions
Baryons in 2+1 flavour Domain Wall QCD
Algorithms and machines |
Reducing the beta-shift in domain wall fermion simulations.
Status of the APENet project
Shifted unitary orthogonal methods for the overlap inversion
An Investigation of an Alternative Compute Platform for Lattice QCD
A (P)HMC algorithm for N_F=2+1+1 flavours of twisted mass fermions
Lattice QFT with FermiQCD
U.S. Lattice Clusters and the USQCD Project
Polynomial Filtering for HMC in Lattice QCD
Improving the dynamical overlap algorithm
Fermionic observables in Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory
Transnational Access to Mass Storage Capacity for Computational QCD
Biased Metropolis-Heatbath Algorithms for Lattice Gauge Theory
The PACS-CS Project
A new efficient cluster algorithm for the Ising model
Efficient Cluster Algorithms for CP(N-1) Models
The locality of the fourth root of the staggered fermion determinant in the interacting case.
Algorithm Shootout: R versus RHMC
Speeding up the HMC algorithm: Some new results
Full QCD algorithm for 2+1 light flavours with the FP action
HMC algorithm with multiple time scale integration and mass preconditioning
Chiral fermions |
Isospin breaking and the chiral condensate
Locality and Scaling of Quenched Overlap Fermions
Low energy constants from the Chirally Improved Dirac operator D_CI
Numerical implementation of U(1) chiral lattice gauge theories in two-dimensions
Overlap fermion with topology conserving gauge action
Implementing Hybrid Monte Carlo with stout-smeared chirally improved Dirac operators.
Non-perturbative renormalisation for overlap fermions
Pion form factor with chirally improved fermions
Low-lying spectrum for lattice Dirac operators with twisted mass
Neutron electric dipole moment on lattice QCD
Localization of lattice fermions: lessons for overlap
Scaling tests for overlap fermions
First results from dynamical chirally improved fermions
Low-mode averaging for baryon correlation functions
Meson correlators in a finite volume near the chiral limit
Low Energy Constants from the zero mode contribution to the pseudo-scalar correlator
Chiral condensate and spectral flows on 2+1 flavours Domain Wall QCD from QCDOC
Towards a chiral gauge theory by deconstruction in AdS5
A practical construction of U(1) chiral lattice gauge theories
Overlap hypercube fermions in QCD with light quarks
Dynamical overlap fermions: place-holding
Dynamical overlap fermions: simulation and physics results
Localisation and chiral symmetry in 2+1 flavour domain wall QCD
Non-exotic 1-+ Mesons from Overlap Fermion
Localization of Low Lying Eigenmodes for Chirally Symmetric Dirac Operator
UV-filtered overlap fermions
Comparison of Chiral Fermion Methods
Finite temperature and density |
The chiral transition of N_f=2 QCD with fundamental and adjoint fermions
Two color QCD beyond the BEC regime.
Thermodynamics using P4-improved staggered fermion action on QCDOC
Phase Structure of Lattice QCD with Wilson and Neuberger Quarks at Finite Temperature and Density
Sonification of lattice data: the spectrum of the Dirac operator across the deconfinement transition
Bottomonium correlations and spectral functions at zero and finite temperature.
Remarks on the Maximum Entropy Method applied to finite temperature lattice QCD
2+1 flavor QCD thermodynamics with stout-link improved staggered fermions
The Equation of State for QCD with 2+1 Flavors of Quarks
Critical temperature in QCD with two flavors of dynamical quarks
The chiral transition in two-flavor QCD
2+1 flavor QCD thermodynamics with stout-link improved staggered fermions (2)
The critical end point of QCD
Searching for the critical endpoint in QCD with two quark flavors
Operator relations and chemical effects on chiral dynamics in QCD
The QCD phase diagram at finite density
Meson correlation functions at high temperature
Finite density simulations via canonical approach
The 3-states Potts model as a heavy quark finite density laboratory
The canonical approach to Finite Density QCD
Series representation; Pade' approximants and critical behavior in QCD at nonzero T and mu
Lattice QCD with chemical potential: the properties of hadrons at the extreme conditions
The high density region of QCD in a large mass and chemical potential model
Probing the chiral phase transition of N_f=2 clover fermions with valence overlap fermions
Quark number and charge fluctuations in finite temperature QCD
A new method for computation of QCD thermodynamics: EOS, specific heat and speed of sound
Non-perturbative plaquette in 3d pure SU(3)
The pressure and a possible hidden Hagedorn transition at large-N
Charmonium spectral functions in Nf=2 QCD
The screening length in hot QCD
Grand Canonical Potential for a Static Quark-Anti-quark Pair at finite chemical potential
Casimir Scaling of domain wall tensions in the deconfined phase of D=3+1 SU(N) gauge theories.
Spatial string tension revisited
Gauge invariance in a Z_2 hamiltonian lattice gauge theory
On meson spectral functions at high temperature and nonzero momentum
QCD level density from maximum entropy method
J/Psi at high temperatures in anisotropic lattice QCD
Heavy quark diffusion and lattice correlators
Transport Coefficient of Gluon Plasma from Lattice QCD
Large-N_f behavior of the Yukawa model: analytic results.
The deconfining phase transition for SU(N) theories in 2+1 dimension
Four-loop plaquette in 3d with a mass regulator
The temperature dependence of the pion form factor
Equation of State of Gluon Plasma from Gribov Region
Static quark anti-quark free and internal energy in 2-flavor QCD and bound states in the QGP
Heavy quark free energies and Debye screening masses at finite temperature and density
Heavy two- and three-quark free energies at finite T
Non-universality of string tension ratios and gluon confinement at finite temperature
Screening of sources in higher representations of SU(N) gauge theories at zero and finite temperature
Two-colour Lattice QCD with dynamical fermions at non-zero density versus Matrix Models
Chiral Limit of Two-Color QCD at Strong Couplings
Finite-temperature chiral transition in QCD with quarks in the fundamental and adjoint representation
Dirac eigenvalue correlations in quenched QCD at finite density
Zero density heavy quark SU(2) gauge theory and the Stefan-Boltzmann limit
Heavy quark physics |
Extracting |V_ub| from Omnes Dispersion Relations and Lattice QCD
Onium Masses with Three Flavors of Dynamical Quarks
Heavy quark propagators with increased precision using domain decomposition
B_s meson excited states from the lattice
Predictions from Lattice QCD
B and D meson semileptonic decays in three-flavor lattice QCD.
Study of 1/m corrections in HQET
Heavy quark masses from Fermilab Fermions
Radiative Transitions in Charmonium
The determination of decay constants f_D_s and f_D in three-flavor lattice QCD
Pionic couplings ˆg and ˜g in the static limit.
Static-light hadrons on a dynamical anisotropic lattice
B0-B0bar mixing in the static approximation from the Schrödinger Functional and tmQCD
Low-energy J/Psi-Hadron Interactions from Quenched Lattice QCD
Determination of the spin-dependent potentials with the multi-level algorithm
NRQCD results on the MILC extra coarse ensemble
Bs-Bsbar mixing with chiral light quark action
B meson decays at high velocity from mNRQCD
B semileptonic decays with 2+1 dynamical quark flavors
B→D∗ℓν with staggered chiral perturbation theory
The B Meson Decay Constant in Full QCD
A strategy for the computation of mb including 1/m terms
A quenched study of mb in HQET beyond the leading order
Non-perturbatively determined relativistic heavy quark action
Quenched Scaling Study of Charm and Bottom Systems with a Relativistic Heavy Quark Action
Lattice and renormalons in heavy quark physics
Improvement and renormalisation |
Two-loop evaluation of large Wilson loops with overlap fermions: the b-quark mass shift, and the quark antiquark potential
Perturbative renormalization in parton distribution functions using improved actions
Topological charge renormalization: A test case for 3-loop vacuum calculations using improved actions and Symanzik improved gluons
Scaling test of quenched Wilson twisted mass QCD at maximal twist
Restoring chiral symmetry to O(a^2) for dynamical Wilson fermions
Towards a non-perturbative computation of the RGI strange quark mass with two dynamical flavors.
Dimensional regularization of Schrödinger Functional correlation functions
The Schrödinger functional with chirally rotated boundary conditions
Tuning anisotropies for dynamical gauge configurations
Wilson fermions quark bilinears to three loops
Perturbative renormalisation of quark bilinear operators for overlap fermions with and without stout links and improved gauge action
Testing Fermion Actions: Scaling in the Schwinger Model
Renormaliation-group blocking the fourth root of the staggered determinant
Spin and Higgs models |
QMC simulations of Heisenberg ferromagnet
Magnetic field production after inflation.
QED_3 on a space-time lattice: a comparison between compact and noncompact formulation
Properties of phase transitions of higher-order
Three Dimensional N=2 Supersymmetry on the Lattice
Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis
Vortex-Line Percolation in a Three-Dimensional Complex Ginzburg-Landau Model
Vortex Proliferation and the Dual Superconductor Scenario for Confinement: The 3D Lattice Higgs Model
Fermion propagators in QED3 with velocity anisotropies
Infrared behaviour of massless QED in three space-time dimensions
Simulations of the F model on planar phi-4 Feynman diagrams
Evaporation/Condensation of Ising Droplets
Cutoff effects in the O(N) sigma model at large N.
Classical simulation of quantum lambda phi^4
Theoretical developments |
Large-N QCD at strong transverse gauge coupling
Large N
Matrix models, quantum gravity and the spectral dimension
Is there a third-order phase transition in quenched QCD?
Numerical Results for Normal Modes in Lattice QCD
Unitary Evolution on a Discrete Phase Space
Lattice simulations of Born-Infeld non-linear QED
Simulating the scalar field on the fuzzy sphere
Field Theory Simulations on a Fuzzy Sphere - an Alternative to the Lattice
The scaling of QED in a Non-commutative Spacetime
Chiral phase transition as an Anerson transition in the instanton liquid model for QCD
Perturbative renormalisation of the chiral Gross-Neveu model
Monte-Carlo simulation of the chiral Gross-Neveu model
Lattice superspace
Dynamical supersymmetry breaking and phase diagram of the lattice Wess-Zumino model
Symmetry and scaling in the Q-exact lattice (2,2) 2d Wess-Zumino model.
Perturbative study of the supersymmetric lattice model from matrix model
Phase Diagram of Quark Matter from Finite Temperature and Density Effective Action of Color SU(3) Lattice QCD in the Strong Coupling Limit
Supersymmetric Yang-Mills quantum mechanics in various dimensions
Leibniz rule and exact supersymmetry on the lattice: the case of supersymmetric quantum mechanics
The study of SU(3) super Yang-Mills quantum mechanics.
Towards an algebraic approach to the discretisation of fermions.
Chiral fermions at low computational cost using finite element methods.
Kosterlitz-Thouless transition on the worldsheet of the QCD string
Evidence for the BFKL Pomeron from String/Gauge Duality
Gauge theories on a five-dimensional orbifold
The Status of D-Theory
Phase transitions and non-analyticities in large Nc gauge theories
Testing Topology Conserving Gauge Actions for Lattice QCD
Stochastic Perturbation Theory and the Gluon Condensate
Lattice QCD at maximal twist
The IR gluon propagator from lattice QCD
Finite volume effects in gluon propagator
Topology and confinement |
Ergodic SO(3); monopole condensation and vortex free energy
Deconfinement phase transitions in external fields
Topology with dynamical overlap fermions
The running coupling in lattice Landau gauge with unquenched Wilson fermion and KS fermion
The glue-ball spectrum of pure percolation
Gribov horizon under the (lattice) microscope
Studying glueball masses in non-Abelian LGT with the LW algorithm
An Abelian two-Higgs model and high temperature superconductivity
Gauge invariant 'monopoles' and color confinement mechanism.
Low eigenvalue topology with dynamical overlap fermions
Index Theorem and Random Matrix Theory for Improved Staggered Quarks
More evidence of localization in the low-lying Dirac spectrum
Localization properties of the topological charge density and the low lying eigenmodes of overlap fermions.
Topologically non-trivial field configurations - interplay of vortices and Dirac eigenmodes
Color confinement in lattice Landau gauge with unquenched Wilson and KS fermions
Lattice study of color confinement mechanism in Coulomb gauge
Instanton Quarks and Confinement
Laplacian modes for calorons and as a filter
Toplogical clusters in SU(2) gluodynamics at finite temperature and the evidence for KvB calorons
Towards SU(2) invariant formulation of the monopole confinement mechanism
The Anatomy of String Breaking
QCD string from D0 branes
Nonperturbative investigation of the diquark potential
RG decimation-based approach to confinement and computation on coarser lattices
High accuracy simulations of d=4 SU(3) qcd-string
Real-time dynamics of proton decay
A toy model of (grand) unified monopoles
The pseudoparticle approach for solving path integrals in gauge theories
Study of the systematic errors in the calculation of renormalization constants of the topological susceptibility on the lattice
The parameter dependence of the topology change and the scaling properties of the topology conserving gauge action
Calculation of Overlap-Based Topological Charge Density Correlator in Pure-Glue QCD
String tensions and deconfinement transition in the SU(4) center vortex model
Center Vortex Model for SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory
The Center Vortex Field Propagator
Liquid crystal defects of Yang-Mills theory in Landau gauge
't Hooft loops and perturbation theory
D-branes and Topological Charge Fluctuations in QCD
Localized eigenmodes of the covariant lattice Laplacian
Eigenmodes of Covariant Laplacian in SU(2) Yang-Mills vacuum: higher representations
Bianchi Identities and Degeneracy of Chromomagnetic Fields in SU(2) Gluodynamics
Geometry of three dimensional vacuum domains in four dimensional SU(2) gluodynamics.
Gauge invariance of the Abelian dual Meissner effect in pure SU(2) QCD
Infrared exponents of Yang-Mills theory
Understanding the U(1) problem through dyon configuration in the Abelian projection
Cho-Faddeev-Niemi decomposition of lattice Yang-Mills theory and evidence of a novel magnetic condensation.
Studying the infrared region in Landau gauge QCD
The Gluon Propagator in Lattice Landau Gauge with twisted boundary conditions
Weak matrix elements |
Non-degenerate quark mass effect on B_K with a mixed action.
Pion form factors in two-flavor QCD
K_l3 form factor with two flavors of dynamical domain-wall quarks
Calculating B_K using a mixed action
B_7; B_8 and chiral Ward identities
Ds Meson Decay Constant f_Ds from Quenched Lattice QCD with Overlap Fermions
3-point functions from twisted mass lattice QCD at small quark masses
Four quark operators in maximally twisted Wilson LQCD
Correlation functions for Delta S=1 transitions in the chiral limit
On the determination of low-energy constants for Delta S=1 transitions
Estimating domain wall fermion chiral symmetry breaking
Preliminary Study of (B_K) on 2+1 flavor DWF lattices from QCDOC
Dynamical determination of B_K from improved staggered quarks
B_K in Staggered Chiral Perturbation Theory
The axial charge of the nucleon on the lattice and in chiral perturbation theory
K→ππ from electroweak penguins in Nf=2 domain-wall QCD
Delta I = 3/2 kaon weak matrix elements with non-zero total momentum
Partially Twisted Boundary Conditions in Lattice Simulations
Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon g-2 from lattice QCD: Methodology
Low energy couplings from topological zero mode wave functions
Kaon semileptonic decay form factors in two-flavor QCD
Chiral extrapolation of hyperon vector form factors
Finite-Volume Effects in Moving Frames
Structure of the pion from full lattice QCD
Aspects of twist-two matrix elements
Generalized parton distributions from full lattice QCD
Nucleon structure from quenched overlap fermions
Second moment of the pion's distribution amplitude
Kaon B-parameter with NF=2 Wilson fermions