The 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference, or ICRC 2019, is a physics conference organized biennially by the Commission on Astroparticle Physics (C4) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) since 1947, where physicists from the world present the results of their research in Astroparticle Physics.
The meeting covers cosmic-ray physics, neutrino physics, gamma-ray astronomy, dark matter, particle astrophysics, and detector techniques in these fields.
This collection of the proceedings, in the intention of the editors, will provide a detailed state-of-the-art account of the status of the Astroparticle Physics topics discussed at the conference. We thank all the participants and contributors who made this possible.
At the ICRC 2019 open ceremony a public lecture was delivered by Prof. Alan Watson, from the University of Leeds.
Sessions |
Index |
Highlight Talks |
Invited Talks |
CRD - Cosmic Ray Direct |
CRI - Cosmic Ray Indirect |
DM - Dark Matter |
GRD - Gamma Ray Direct |
GRI - Gamma Ray Indirect |
NU - Neutrino |
SH - Solar & Heliospheric |
Index |
List of Collaborations
Highlight Talks |
The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the International Space Station
Latest Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
Multi-Messenger Observations of GRBs: The GW connection
Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory
Probing High-Energy Hadronic Interactions with Extensive Air Showers
Results from the Mediterranean neutrino detectors
Non-Gamma-ray Applications of TeV Telescopes
High-energy neutrinos from persistent and transient activities of compact objects
Parker Solar Probe: The Initial Solar Encounters
Major Changes in Understanding of GRBs: Discovery of Teraelectron Volt Gamma-Ray Emission
Cosmogenic Evidence for Past SEP Events
Combined Dark Matter searches towards dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT, HAWC, HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS
Highlights from the Telescope Array experiment
Recent Results of Cosmic Ray Measurements from IceCube and IceTop
Seeing >100 TeV Gamma Rays with Extensive Air Shower Arrays
Results from IceCube
Progresses of the Dark Matter Particle Explorer experiment
Invited Talks |
Cosmic Ray Detectors and Observational Breakthroughs in Atmospheric Electricity
Particle acceleration & where do high-energy cosmic ray come from?
Gamma-ray Insights into Cosmic-ray transport
Cosmic Neutrinos and the Cosmic-Ray Accelerator TXS 0506+056
Thermal WIMPs on the Brink
Exploring the Extreme Universe with Gamma-ray Observatories
Physics and Astrophysics with Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Neutrinos
The Dynamical Role of Cosmic Rays in Galaxies
Multi-messenger Astrophysics with Gravitational Waves: Surprises So Far
Solar and Heliospheric Physics
Neutrinos at the 36 th International Cosmic Ray Conference 2019
Gamma rays: direct observations
News from Cosmic Ray Air Showers (Cosmic Ray Indirect - CRI Rapporteur)
Summary of the 36 th ICRC Gamma-ray Indirect sessions
Cosmic Ray Direct Observations
Indirect (and direct) dark matter searches at the ICRC 2019
The Origins of the Highest Energy Particles in Nature - where we've got to and where we go next
CRD - Cosmic Ray Direct |
Measurements of Heavy Cosmic Ray Nuclei Fluxes with CALET
Elemental Source Composition Measurements and the Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays – ACE-CRIS Observations of UH Elements
GAPS: Searching for Dark Matter using Antinuclei in Cosmic Rays
AMS-02 Antiprotons are Consistent with a Secondary Astrophysical Origin
Vela as the Source of Galactic Cosmic Rays above 100 TeV
Non-linear Diffusion of Cosmic Rays Escaping from Supernovae Remants in the Cold Partially Neutral Atomic and Molecular Phases
Cosmic Rays and Magnetic Fields in the Core and Halo of the Starburst M82: Implications for Galactic Winds
Simulating Cosmic Ray Driven Outflows from the Large Magellanic Cloud
Outreach, Investigation, Muons, and the South Atlantic Anomaly
The on-orbit calibration of DArk Matter Particle Explorer
Interplanetary Magnetic Field Parameters Affecting Cosmic Ray Forbush Decrease
Study of Hysteresis Effect between Cosmic Ray Intensity and Solar Indices
Study of a Large Forbush Decrease of July 2017
On-orbit performance of the ISS-CREAM SCD
Properties of Primary Protons, Helium, Carbon and Oxygen Nuclei Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
Cosmic-Ray Lithium Isotopes with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
Precision Measurement of the Daily Proton and Helium Fluxes in Cosmic Rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
Checking the Reconstructed Energy of the DAMPE Experiment with Geomagnetic Cutoff CR-Nuclei
Performance Characteristics of the Ionospheric Neutron Content Analyzer (INCA)
Fitting B/C cosmic-ray data in the AMS-02 era
Precision Measurement of the Monthly Proton and Helium Fluxes in Cosmic Rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
Precision Measurement of Cosmic Ray Deuterons with Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
Cosmic ray detection and Identification at Antarctica in a ground level experiment with NTD
Helium spectrum in the Cosmic Rays measured by the DAMPE detector
On the Spectrum of Electrons Accelerated in Supernova Remnants
Multi-messenger constraints to the local emission of cosmic-ray electrons
Production cross sections of cosmic antiprotons in the light of new data from the NA61 and LHCb experiments
Overall Status of the High Energy Cosmic Radiation Detection Facility Onboard the Future China's Space Station
Charge Measurement of Cosmic Ray Nuclei with the PSD of DAMPE
Neural Networks for Electron Identification with DAMPE
Core-collapse Supernovae as Cosmic Ray Sources
Novel Radiation Detector Based on a Metal
Study of the lateral distribution functions of electron and muon bundles using Trasgo detectors
Unveiling the Origin of Cosmic-ray Leptons in Light of the Recent HAWC TeV-halo Observations
Characterization of plastic scintillator tiles equipped with SiPMs for the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) experiment
The TRISTAN Antarctic Cosmic Ray detector.
MIDAS: A particle identification tool for the TRAGALDABAS Cosmic Ray telescope.
Cosmic ray transport from AMS-02 B/C data: benchmark models and interpretation
Numerical Simulations of Cosmic-Ray Acceleration at Core-Collapse Supernovae
Cosmic-Ray Diffusion and Galactic Magnetic Field Models
Recurrent and non-recurrent galactic cosmic-ray flux short-term variations observed with LISA Pathfinder
A Novel Analytical Model of the Magnetic Field Configuration in the Galactic Center Explaining the Diffuse Gamma-Ray Emission
Hybrid Portable Low-cost and Modular Cosmic Ray Muon and Neutron Detector
Cosmic Ray Transport and the Parker Instability
Study on the 3D anisotropic propagation of Galactic cosmic rays
Propagation of Cosmic Rays and their Secondaries in the Intracluster Medium
Machine learning event reconstruction for the HEPD-01 detector
First use of CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors in space: the tracker of HEPD-02 based on the ALPIDE sensor
Penetration of Cosmic Rays into Dense Molecular Clouds
Three dimensional global test particle simulation of cosmic-ray acceleration and escape in supernova remnants
e/p Separation Study Using the ISS-CREAM Top and Bottom Counting Detectors
ISS-CREAM Flight Operation
On-orbit Performance of the ISS-CREAM Calorimeter
Measurements of light nuclei in albedo particles with the PAMELA experiment
Observation of Complex Time Structures in the Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron Fluxes by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
Towards Understanding the Origin of Cosmic-Ray Positrons
Towards Understanding the Origin of Cosmic-Ray Electrons
Search for Binary Black Holes in 10 years of Fermi/LAT Data with Information Field Theory
HNX/SuperTIGER Silicon Strip Detector Response to Nuclei in Lead Primary and Fragmented Test Beams
Galactic Cosmic Ray Energy Spectra for Heavy Elements (Ne to Zn) from ∼0.8 to ∼10 GeV/nuc with the SuperTIGER Instrument
Silicon Photomultiplier use in Particle Astrophysics and Heliophysics Missions
The spectra of electrons, positrons and anti-protons as fundamental tools to understand Cosmic Ray propagation in the Galaxy.
First Look on Fractional Charged Particles in Space Based on DAMPE Orbit Data
Track Reconstruction for ISS-CREAM Resulting in Improved Energy and Charge Resolutions
A Method of Alignment for Plastic Scintillator Detector of DAMPE
Measurement of the energy spectra of carbon and oxygen nuclei in cosmic rays with CALET
Self-Similar Solution for Cosmic Ray Spectra in Bilateral Supernova Remnants
Measurement of the Proton Spectrum with CALET on the ISS
Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Relativistic Jets: 3D MHD-test particle simulations and potential applications to Blazars
Cosmic ray small-scale anisotropies in quasi-linear theory
Stochastic cosmic ray sources and the TeV break in the all-electron spectrum
Breaks in interstellar spectra of positrons and electrons derived from time-dependent AMS data
Cosmic Ray Electron and Positron Spectrum with the PAMELA Experiment
The Heavy Nuclei eXplorer
Payload simulation of the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) with Geant4
GALPROP Code for Galactic Cosmic Ray Propagation and Associated Photon Emissions
Analysis of CALET Data for Anisotropy in Electron+Positron Cosmic Rays
Anisotropy Searches with DAMPE
Bare Neutron Counter and Neutron Monitor Response to Cosmic Rays During a 1995 Latitude Survey
Time profile of fluorescence in organic scintillator out to 10 microseconds
Acceleration and escape of first cosmic rays
Cosmic-Ray Helium Isotopes with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer.
Properties of Secondary Cosmic Rays Lithium, Beryllium and Boron Measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
Local Interstellar Cosmic Rays from Direct Measurements and from Multifrequency Observations of Interstellar Emissions
A Novel Approach to Calorimetry in Space: from CaloCube to HERD
Cosmic-ray Isotope Measurements with HELIX
The Tracking System of HERD
Portable and small Ultraviolet radiation detector to obtain the energy and rate of particles at different heights
REXUS-25 Rocket Flight of a CubeSat Cosmic-Ray Detector
Cosmic Ray Physics in the MeV-to-GeV Region
Energy spectra of very high energy cosmic rays accelerated in supernova remnants
Test beam results of the HERD prototype silicon microstrip detector
Recent Progress on the GAPS Time of Flight System
CALET Ultra Heavy Cosmic Ray Observations on the ISS
SuperTIGER-2 2018 Flight Payload Recovery and Preliminary Instrument Assessment
Analysis of the atmospheric effect on the TRAGALDABAS high resolution Cosmic Ray detector
Calibration of the Aerogel Tiles for the HELIX RICH
Search for Cosmic-Ray Antideuterons with BESS-Polar II
The High Energy Particle Detector onboard CSES-02 satellite
Front-end Electronics for the GAPS Tracker
Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass for the International Space Station (ISS-CREAM)
ISS-CREAM Instrument Description
Production of Silica Aerogel Radiator Tiles for the HELIX RICH Detector
Cosmic-Ray Elemental Spectra Measured with ISS-CREAM
The OLVE-HERO calorimeter prototype beam tests at CERN SPS.
Extended Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron Spectrum from CALET on the ISS
TeV--PeV hadronic simulations with DAMPE
An All-sky Search for Cosmic-ray Proton Anisotropy with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Is the B/C slope in AMS-02 data actually telling us something about the diffusion coefficient slope?
Performance of the deuteron mass reconstruction with the AMS-02 RICH detector
SuperTIGER Abundances of Galactic Cosmic-Rays for the Charge Interval Z=41-56
Measurement of the Cosmic-ray Proton + Helium Spectrum with DAMPE
Hadronic cross section validation in the DAMPE experiment
Anisotropy of Particle Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
Measurements of Antideuterons in Primary Cosmic Rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
The Design and Construction of the HELIX RICH Detector
Study of cosmic ray propagation using GALPROP with observation data
Monte Carlo Simulations of the ISS-CREAM Instrument
Using Z<=2 data to constrain cosmic ray propagation models
Antiproton Flux and Properties of Elementary Particle Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
Precision Measurements of the Positron Fraction and the Combined Electron and Positron Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
Development of desensitized nuclear emulsion films for exploring the composition of cosmic ray nuclei.
Properties of Primary Cosmic Rays Neon, Magnesium and Silicon Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
Precision Measurement of the Monthly Carbon and Oxygen Fluxes in Cosmic Rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
Particle acceleration by shock waves propagating in a non-uniform medium
Measurement of cosmic ray proton spectrum with the Dark Matter Particle Explorer
Observation of time evolution of cosmic ray electron and positron flux with Dark Matter Particle Explorer
Elemental analysis of Cosmic-Ray flux with DAMPE
The Status of DAMPE Satellite in Space
Ultra-heavy cosmic rays measurements with DAMPE
Towards Understanding the Origin of Cosmic RayElectrons with Precision Results from AMS on ISS
The selection and energy validation of heavy ions based on DAMPE orbit data
CRI - Cosmic Ray Indirect |
Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes atthe Telescope Array Cosmic Ray Detector
TALE FD Cosmic Rays Composition Measurement
High School Students’ Muon Underground Shielding Experiment (MUSE)
A first study on improving the spatial resolution of plastic scintillator based muon telescopes.
Cosmic Ray Spectrum and Composition from PeV to EeV from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Outreach Cosmic Ray Activities (OCRA): a program of Astroparticle Physics Outreach Events for High-School Students
Parametrization of Xmax distributions in the ultra-high energy regime
Preliminary results of the design and development of the data acquisition and processing system for the LAGO Collaboration
The spectrum of the light component of TeV cosmic rays measured with HAWC
Muon content in air showers between 10 PeV and 1 EeV determined from measurements with KASCADE-Grande
Comparison of Light Pulses’ Number Induced by Cosmic Radiations at Aircraft Flight Altitude using Experimental Data versus MCNP6
IceAct, small Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes for IceCube
MITO, a new directional muon telescope design. First observations
Performance optimization of air shower simulations with CORSIKA
Identification of cosmic rays deflected in the Galactic magnetic field from candidate sources
Influence of Galactic magnetic field on large scale anisotropies of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
Frequency-optimised radio air arrays for air-shower detection
Measurement of the electrical properties of a thundercloud through muon imaging by the GRAPES-3 experiment.
Dependence of hadronic interaction models in atmospheric electric field simulations for GRAPES-3.
Measurement of the Integral Intensity of Near Horizontal Muons with HAWC
Measurements of the very-forward energy in pp collisions at the LHC and constraints for cosmic ray air showers
First Results from NICHE and the NICHE-TALE Hybrid Detector
Combined Fit of the Spectrum and Composition from Telescope Array
TA 10 Year Stereo Composition Measurement
Search for Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from Space - the JEM-EUSO Program
An EAS-like event registered with the TUS orbitaldetector
The EUSO@Turlab Project: Tests of Mini-EUSO Engineering Model
Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of EAS with Delayed Particles.
Gamma-Ray Bursts as Sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays across the Ankle
EUSO-TA ground based fluorescence detector: analysis of the detected events
Mini-EUSO engineering model: tests in open-sky condition
Test benches for the upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory electronics
Microphysics of electron acceleration and heating at nonrelativistic perpendicular shocks of young supernova remnants
A Cosmic Rays Tracking System for the Stability Monitoring of Historical Buildings
The AMIGA underground muon detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory - performance and event reconstruction
The Aachen Muon Detector for testing the local production of Scintillating Surface Detectors for AugerPrime
Non-thermal emission from the reverse shock of the youngest galactic Supernova remnant G1.9+0.3
Towards an improved mass composition analysis with LOFAR
Anisotropies of the Highest Energy Cosmic-ray Events Recorded by the Pierre Auger Observatory in 15 years of Operation
Latest results for Proton-proton Cross Section Measurements with the TOTEM experiment at LHC.
The Shower Energy Scale with Air and Water Cherenkov Techniques in LHAASO experiment
The Issue with Diffusive Shock Acceleration
The role of re-acceleration in the understanding of Cosmic-Ray direct and indirect data
Estimating the sensitivity of the expanded OVRO-LWA array to cosmic-ray primary composition
Mini-EUSO experiment to study UV emission of terrestrial and astrophysical origin onboard of the International Space Station
Characterization of gases used in Resistive Plate Chambers detectors for Cosmic Ray experiments
Working Group Report on the Combined Analysis of Muon Density Measurements from Eight Air Shower Experiments
Planning, Design, Construction, and Testing an Experimental System to Characterize Photomultipliers Type EMI 9954B Using Cosmic Rays
Non-linearity correction of PMT response on the observed particle densities in GRAPES-3
Status and First Result of LHAASO-WCDA
A study on the impact of the LHAASO-WCDA photomultiplier tube afterpulse
Detector Simulation of LHAASO-KM2A with Geant4
SAW filters based multi-bands coincidence trigger for impulsive radio from UHECRs under suburban environment
Analysis of anisotropy of ultrahigh energy cosmic ray arrival direction and energy spectrum detected by Telescope array experiment
Long Term Performance of the Pierre Auger Observatory
How the Knee and Ankle Features of the Cosmic Ray Spectrum Relate to the Dominance of the Heavy Nuclei Above 10^20 eV.
The Rule Governing the Abundances of the Cosmic Rays at the Sources Prior to Acceleration
Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Flux near the Second Knee with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Probing the High Energy Spectrum of Neutral Pions in Ultra-high-energy Proton-Air Interactions
Performance Analysis of Numerical Integration Methods for the Tracking of UHECRs
Acceleration of He nuclei at non-relativistic collisionless shocks
WCDs system for the study of EAS in CHARM Obervatory
Study on the rate variation of cosmic rays with lightning storms
The Energy Scale of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Coherent transition radiation from the geomagnetic air shower current
The GRANDProto300 experiment: a pathfinder with rich astroparticle and radio-astronomy science case
The energy spectrum of ultra-high energy cosmic rays measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory and at the Telescope Array
Future Proton-Oxygen Beam Collisions at the LHC for Air Shower Physics
Technical Foundations of CORSIKA 8: New Concepts for Scientific Computing
New constraints on galactic CRE transport from radio continuum observations
A study of the uncertainty due to hadron models on UHECR: the impact on the secondary particles
Cosmic Ray Ensembles from Ultra-High Energy Photons Propagating in the Galactic and Intergalactic Space
EUSO-SPB1: Flight Data Classification and Air Shower Search Results
UCIRC2: An Infrared Cloud Monitor for EUSO-SPB2
Effect of Cosmic Rays on Supernova Remnant Evolution
On the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic ray anisotropy
A Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Cosmic Ray Events in IceCube
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays by Cygnus A or the bulk of non-local radio galaxies?
From the Observation of UHECR Radio Signal in [1-200] MHz to the Composition: CODALEMA and EXTASIS Status Report
Results of the EUSO-SPB1 flight
Developments in Modeling the Galactic Magnetic Field
A New View on Auger Data and Cosmogenic Neutrinos in Light of Different Nuclear Disintegration and Air-shower Models
Lateral Distribution of EAS Muons Measured at the Primary Cosmic Ray Energy Around 100TeV
Results from the First Missions of the JEM-EUSO Program
Simulations for the JEM-EUSO program with ESAF
Space Debris Detection and Tracking with the Techniques of Cosmic Ray Physics
The Galactic Magnetic Field in the Light of Starburst-generated Ultrahigh-energy Cosmic Rays
Evidence for UHECR Origin in Starburst Galaxies
Legacy from Fly’s Eye: Making sense of the Highest Energy Cosmic Ray Ever Observed
Point Spread Function Evolution of Bursting Sources of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray
Phenomenological Uncertainties Imposed by our Local Magnetized Neighborhood on the Interpretation of the UHECR Directional Data
Observing ultra-high energy cosmic rays with prototypes of Fluorescence detector Array of Single-pixel Telescopes (FAST) in both hemispheres
Towards a Telescope Array 10 Year FD Monocular Energy Spectrum
Telescope Array FD Weather Classification using Machine Learning
Observation of Air Showers with the IceAct Telescopes in Coincidence with IceCube and IceTop
The Large-scale Anisotropy of Cosmic Rays Observed with the Partial LHAASO-KM2A Array
The photonmultiplier tube used as single particle detector in WCDA dry running
Social Impact of Outreach at the Pierre Auger Observatory
DAQ platform based on SoC-FPGA for high resolution time stamping in cosmic ray detection
Fluorescence light detection with the FAMOUS telescope
Electric field emitted by a particle track in two semi-infinite media
Status of the Davies Cotton and Schwarzschild-Coude Medium Sized Telescopes for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Air-Shower Reconstruction at the Pierre Auger Observatory based on Deep Learning
A Muon-based Observable to Detect Photons at Ultra-high Energies
Cosmic Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory: Status and Perspectives of a Global Cosmic Ray Detection Framework
Radio-detected Cosmic ray and Cosmic ray-like Events Observed by ANITA
Measurements of Inclined Air Showers with the Auger Engineering Radio Array at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Prototype-module of a muon tracker to investigate the density distribution of the Popocatepetl volcano lava dome
The detectability of WCDA to TeV-sources
Constraints on ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray mass composition using cosmogenic neutrinos
Hybrid Simulations of the Resonant and Non-Resonant Cosmic Ray Streaming Instability
Telescope Array 10 Year Composition
Interpreting Auger and Telescope Array Composition Observations
The large-scale anisotropy of cosmic rays observation with LHAASO-WCDA
Real-Time Measurements with Atmospheric Instruments at the Pierre Auger Observatory
German-Russian Astroparticle Data Life Cycle Initiative
Silicon Photomultipliers for Orbital Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Observation
Finalized design of LHAASO electromagnetic particle detector
Development of a Solar-wind Hybrid Power System for Radio Antenna Array Experiments for Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos in Antarctica Environment
Primary cosmic-ray spectra and composition in theenergy range from 50 TeV to1016eV observed withthe new Tibet hybrid experiment
Effects of Thunderstorms Electric Field on Intensities of Positrons, Electrons and Photons at Daocheng
Waveform Classifier for RF Detection of Cosmic Ray
The SENSE project: Developments, characteristics and application of low light-level photo sensors
Temporal Series Analyses of Cosmic-Ray-induced-neutron Spectra Measured in High-altitude During the Last Two Decades
Four Years of Measurements of the Energy Spectrum of Cosmic-Ray-induced-neutrons on the Concordia Antarctic Station Taking into Account Environmental and Systematic Effects
Symmetrizing the signal distribution of radio emission from inclined air showers
Universality and template synthesis of cosmic ray air shower radio emission
The complex EAS installation of the Tien Shan mountain cosmic ray station
Energy Spectrum Measured by the Telescope Array
Digital Processing of Cherenkov Light Signals from Extensive Air Showers of Cosmic Rays
Application of Multiple Linsley method for EAS energy determination in Large Area Air Shower project
Energy generation rate densities of ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray nuclei
Classifying the Cosmic-Ray Proton and Light Components on the LHAASO-KM2A Experiment with the Graph Neural Network
Design of a high-speed data acquisition system for the study of Extensive Air Shower
Study Cosmic Ray Mass Composition using Deep Learning in Telescope Array Surface Array Detector
Project Apeiro - High-altitude balloon payload for measuring cosmic ray flux
Latest Results from the KASCADE-Grande Data Analysis
Study on measurement method of radio wavesgenerated by charged particles in cosmic-ray airshowers using a particle accelerator
PS1-184: A set of CR detectors installed at SyowaStation, in the Antarctic, for space weather study
The Scintillator Upgrade of IceTop: Performance of the Prototype Array
Updated Results on the UHECR Hotspot Observed by the Telescope Array Experiment
Air Shower Measurement with a SiPM Based Scintillator Detector
Status and prospects of the TAx4 experiment
Implications of the cosmic ray spectrum from the second knee to the ankle region observed by the TA and TALE experiment for the cosmic ray proton sources
The Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum above 2 PeV measured by the TALE Fluorescence Telescopes
Propagation of Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays in the Magnetized Cosmic Web
Measurement of cosmic ray muon flux on the ground with emulsion detectors
Mass composition of cosmic ray estimation by relative content of muons in air showers with energy more than 5 EeV
Low Energy Cosmic Ray Spectrum from 250 TeV to 10 PeV using IceTop
Seven years of Tunka-Rex operation
Quest for detection of a cosmological signal from neutral hydrogen with a digital radio array developed for air-shower measurements
Cherenkov Light from Horizontal Air Shower
Development of a Water Cerenkov Detector Prototype with Wavelength Shifters and Silicon Photomultiplier Readout.
Search of the paired events in cosmic rays with energy above 5 EeV in Yakutsk EAS array data
Cosmic Radiation and the Earths atmospheric processes
UV Laser System Test of Mini-EUSO
Telescope Array Search for EeV Photons
Testing Lorentz Invariance Violation at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Competitive subluminal LIV limits from ultra-highenergy astrophysics
BGO Track Reconstruction with DAMPE
The ExtraGalactic Cosmic-Ray Propagator (EGCRProp)
Modeling the Aperture of Radio Instruments for Air-Shower Detection
Simulation and Reconstruction Study of a Future Surface Scintillator Array at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Comparison of measured and simulated data with LHAASO-WCDA run data
Measurement of Muonic and Electromagnetic Components in Cosmic Ray Air Showers Using the First Phase of LHAASO-KM2A
Simulation and real data analysis of the LHAASO-WCDA dynamic range extension system
Chemistry of Ion Injection in SNR Shocks: Hybrid Simulations in the Light of He/C/O Data from AMS-02
Electron Injection into Fermi Acceleration in Quasiparallel Collisionless Shocks: Combining Hybrid Simulations with Test Particle Acceleration
Spot-like Proton Acceleration in SNR Shocks: Implications for the Energy Spectra
The study on the LHAASO-WCDA time calibration
The Status of the New Stations of Taiwan Astroparticle Radiowave Observatory for Geo-synchrotron Emissions(TAROGE)
An undiscovered pulsar in the Local Bubble as anexplanation of the local high energy cosmic rayall-electron spectrum
Supergalactic Structure of Energy-Angle Correlations
Offline calibration and monitoring of electromagnetic particle detectors in LHAASO
EAS Thermal Neutron Detector Array to Add into LHAASO
Geometry and optics calibration of LHAASO-WFCTAusing star light
Time structure analysis of extensive air showers using the Telescope Array Data
Espresso Acceleration of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays up to the Hillas Limit in Relativistic MHD Jets
The results and future prospects of the LHCf experiment
Cosmic-Ray Transport between the Knee and the Ankle with CRPropa
Using IACTs to Measure the Profiles of Muons in TeV Air Showers
Reconstructing air showers with LOFAR using event specific GDAS atmospheres
Reconstruction of Vertical Events Recorded by the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Observation of cosmic ray anisotropy with GRAPES-3 Experiment
The Results of 5 Years Study of Cosmic Rays Above 10 PeV with Differential Cherenkov Detectors
Fluctuations of the Xmax in Air Showers within 10 PeV-1 EeV Primary Energy Range
Differential Cherenkov detectors: experimental technique and results
Performance of the Water Cherenkov detector LAGO-Chiapas, Mexico
The lateral distribution function of cosmic-ray induced air showers studied with the HAWC observatory
Development of Cosmic Ray Muon Imaging with Nuclear Emulsions
Effects of charm particles in Extensive Air Showers
The energy scale of cosmic rays detected with LOFAR
Extension of the LOFAR Radboud Air Shower Array
Constraints on UHECR sources and their environments, from fitting UHECR spectrum and composition, and neutrinos and gammas.
The anisotropy of cosmic rays observed by the Tibet air shower array and muon detector array.
Cosmic-ray detection with and novel reconstruction algorithms for the ARIANNA experiment
Recognition and classification of the cosmic-ray events in images captured by CMOS/CCD cameras
Electron Acceleration at Rippled Low Mach Number Shocks in Merging Galaxy Clusters
Probing the Anomalous Flux of Very-high-energy Gamma rays from the Sun with HAWC
New Electronics for the Surface Detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory
First results from PolarquEEEst
Long distance network link for TAx4 expansion
Measurement of the spectrum of cosmic rays above 1016.5 eV with Cherenkov-dominated events at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Telescope Array Low energy Extension(TALE) Hybrid
A simulation study for the effect of diffractive collisions on the air shower developments
Improvement of cosmic-ray muography for Earth sciences and civil engineering
The POEMMA (Probe of Extreme Multi-MessengerAstrophysics) mission
NICHE detector and operations
Production and Quality Control of the Scintillator Surface Detector for the AugerPrime Upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Calibration and first measurements of MuTe: a hybrid Muon Telescope for geological structures
Cosmic ray transport in starburst galaxies and possible observables
Results of Gamma Ray and Neutrino Search by Yakutsk Array Complex Data
Second Knee in Cosmic Ray Spectrum at Energy ∼1017 eV by Yakutsk Data
Results of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Ray Study by Radio Technique at Yakutsk Array
Particle Acceleration in Global Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Relativistic Jets
Collective Hadronization and Air Showers: Can LHC Data Solve the Muon Puzzle ?
Results and status of the EUSO-TA detector
The Extreme Energy Events experiment
Particle Identification in Smartphone Camera Images Using the Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory
Upgrading the OVRO-LWA for improved cosmic ray detection capabilities
Interpretation of UHECR composition based on CONEX simulations with revised inelastic cross sections.
Calibration of the EUSO-TA detector with stars
Cosmic ray composition study using machine learning at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
A Large Radio Detector at the Pierre Auger Observatory - Measuring the Properties of Cosmic Rays up to the Highest Energies
A parameterized catalog of radio galaxies asultra-high energy cosmic ray sources
Origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays:The cosmological manifesto
Limits on ultra-high energy photons with the Pierre Auger Observatory
First results of the CORSIKA 8 air shower simulation framework
Detection and Resolution of Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Telescope Array
First measurements with prototype radio antennas for the IceTop detector array
Observation of electron rings with imaging air Cherenkov telescopes
Computation of the electric field from air showers with SELFAS3
Measurement of the fluctuations in the number of muons in inclined air showers with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Radio detection of cosmic-ray air showers with the OVRO-LWA: status and future plans.
Calibration and operation of an autonomous Water Cherenkov Detector using Red Pitaya in Quito
Characterization and Performance Results of High Channel Density, Low Power Waveform Digitizer for Experimental Physics Applications
Large-scale anisotropies above 0.03 EeV measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory
An early look at Semnan University Radio Array experiment
The TUS space photodetector relative calibration in flight
The muon component of extensive air showers above 1017.5 eV measured with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Modeling the LAGO's detectors response to secondary particles at ground level from the Antarctic to Mexico
The energy spectrum of forward photons measured by the RHICf experiment in √s = 510 GeV proton-proton collisions
Searching for UHE photons in the EeV range: a two-variable approach exploiting air-shower universality.
Follow-up searches for ultra-high energy neutrinos from transient astrophysical sources with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Influence of atmospheric electric fields on radio emission from air showers
Differences between High Energy Hadronic Interaction Models for Air Shower Measurements in the 100 GeV-100 TeV Range
Science Case of a Scintillator and Radio Surface Array at IceCube
Cosmic@Web - Astroparticle learning platform for students
The Data Processor of the EUSO-SPB2 Telescopes
Kansas Teachers Track Weather Using Cosmic Rays.
Reconstruction of the arrival direction for TUS events: LTA-algorithm
K-EUSO performance simulation
On measuring the cosmic-ray production rate in supernova remnant shocks by polarized Balmer line emission
Study of the angular spectra of gamma and hadron families in the HADRON experiment
Trigger developments for the fluorescence detector of EUSO-TA and EUSO-SPB2
Estimation of the exposure for the air shower detection mode of EUSO-SPB1
A communication solution for portable detectors of the Cosmic Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory
The effect of improved high-energy muon cross-sections
Cosmic ray mass composition analysis method to be used in the LHAASO-ENDA experiment
The Astrophysics Program of the NOvA Neutrino Experiment
Cosmic Ray Mass Composition around 10^18 eV with Horizontal Cherenkov EAS Light Balloon Measurements.
Analysis of Data from Surface Detector Stations of the AugerPrime Upgrade
The status and performance of Cosmic Ray Air Fluorescence Fresnel lens Telescope (CRAFFT) for the next generation UHECR observatory
The Effects of the Galactic Magnetic Field on UHECR From Local Sources
Studying the Temporal Variation of the Cosmic-Ray Sun Shadow Using IceCube Data
Yakutsk array cherenkov telescope further development
Full-sky searches for anisotropies in UHECR arrival directions with the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array
Estimating the Depth of Shower Maximum using the Surface Detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Geometry calibration for fluorescence detectors of Telescope Array using a standard light source mounted on UAV
Measurement of atmospheric transparency in Telescope Array using Central Laser Facility
Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Relativistic Weibel-Mediated Shocks Propagating into Inhomogeneous Media
IceTop as veto for IceCube: results
New Results from the Cosmic-Ray Program of the \\NA61/SHINE facility at the CERN SPS
Targeting Earth: CRPropa learns to aim
Reconstruction of the composition of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays using deep neural networks
Energy spectrum and composition measurements of cosmic rays from GRAPES-3 experiment
Measurement of the energy spectrum of ultra-high energy cosmic rays using the Pierre Auger Observatory
Low Surface Brightness Optical Emission as a Probe of Cosmic Ray Reservoirs
Testing Hadronic Interactions Using Hybrid Observables
Invisible Energy from KASCADE Data
A Method for Cloud Mapping in the Field of View of the Infra-Red Camera During the EUSO-SPB1 Flight
WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model and radiative methods for cloud top height retrieval along the EUSO-SPB1 trajectory
Machine Learning Approach for Air Shower Recognition in EUSO-SPB Data
A size and age dependence study of shower front curvature with GRAPES-3 array.
The Optical Performance of LHAASO Wide Field Cherenkov Telescope
Optical parameters measurement for LHAASO-MD
Leak test for liners of muon detectors of LHAASO
Particle Reacceleration at Non-relativistic Shocks
Status, Calibration, and Cosmic Ray Detection of ARIANNA-HCR Station
The Energy Calibration Using the Moon Shadow of LHAASO-WCDA Detector
Performance monitoring of electromagnetic particle detectors in LHAASO
Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric Neutrinos in IceCube
The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on a Super-Pressure Balloon II Mission
Study of the phenomenology of the hadronic interactions in the reconstruction of extensive air showers
Modification of the Energy Spectrum of UHECR by the Galactic Magnetic Field for Anisotropic Arrival Directions
Search for magnetically-induced signatures in the arrival directions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory
Contracting Alignment Patterns in the arrival directions of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays induced in the Galactic Magnetic Field
The expectation of LHAASO sensitivity on the cosmic-ray electron
Study on the muon lateral distribution based on the first stage of LHAASO-KM2A
MICROSCOPE: A small radio-antenna based observatory for the accurate study of the microscopic structure of Extended Air Showers
Cloud monitoring system by Visible-light Fisheye CCD for the Telescope Array
The performance of LED calibration system for Cherenkov telescope of LHAASO
Search for diffuse γ -ray emission from galactic plane with YangBaJing Hybrid Array
Optimization of liquid scintillator composition for fast light output
The MVA for pure proton and mixed H&He samples selection in hybrid measurement of cosmic ray showers with LHAASO experiment
The Cosmic Ray Spectrum of Light Component above 10TeV Measured by LHAASO Experiment
Characterization of the photomultiplier tube for the LHAASO electromagnetic particle detector
Mass Composition of Cosmic Rays with Energies above 1017.2 eV from the Hybrid Data of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Modeling the Saturation of the Bell Instability Using Hybrid Simulations
A charge calibration method for the LHAASO-WCDA dynamic range expansion system
Image analyses of EAS produced onto a mirror telescope
Intensities of diffuse EAS incoming on Chacaltaya Observatory
Hadronic interactions and EAS muon multiplicity investigated with the new Tibet hybrid experimental muon data
Large-scale Cosmic Ray Anisotropy with Tibet air shower array
Properties and Performance of SiPM based Cherenkov Telescope for LHAASO
Batch Measurement of Attenuation Length of Wavelength-shifting Fibers for LHAASO Electromagnetic Detectors
Test of hadronic interaction models in the forward region from 10 TeV to 1 PeV with the new Tibet EAS core data
Study of the sharp "knee" phenomenon of cosmic ray spectrum by using newly upgraded Tibet ASγ experiment
The Anisotropy of CRs Observed by YBJ-HA Experiment
Anisotropy in the mass composition from the Telescope Array Surface Detector data
The effect of near-earth thunderstorm electric field on the intensity of the shower events detected by ARGO-YBJ
The effect study of thunderstorm electric field on the lateral distribution of positrons and electrons at YBJ
Extinction Coefficient from Atmospheric Aerosols over LHAASO
The Performance of the Laser Systems in the Calibration System of LHAASO-WFCTA
Calibration of Photomultiplier Tube in WFCTA prototype of LHAASO
Cosmic rays and nonthermal radiation from accreting flows in clusters of galaxies
Investigating the properties of ultra-high energy cosmic ray sources
Simulation of atmospheric pressure effects on particle densities measured by GRAPES-3
Performance and calibration of LHAASO-MD unit detector
The anisotropy of cosmic rays observed by the Tibet air shower array and muon detector array
Estimation of solar disk gamma-ray emission based on Geant4
Anomalously behavior of CR barometric effect deep underground: possible influence of EAS muons
DM - Dark Matter |
ALP-photon Mixing in Pulsar Magnetospheres
Dark Matter searches towards the WLM dwarfirregular galaxy with H.E.S.S.
Dark Matter Searches with the IceCube Upgrade
Recent Results from the Dark Matter Search of DAMIC-100 at SNOLAB
Searching for ultra-faint galaxies in three years of data from the Dark Energy Survey
Perspective on dark matter annihilation limits from the LHAASO gamma-ray observation of dwarf Spheroidal galaxies
Two-zone Diffusion of Electrons and Positrons from Geminga Explains the Positron Anomaly
Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter from the Isotropic Gamma-Ray Background
Voyager Probing Dark Matter
Galactic magnetic fields in the context of dark matter. Influence on the rotation curves of spiral galaxies.
Potential Dark Matter Signals at Neutrino Telescopes
Differentiable probabilistic programming for strong gravitational lensing
Setting Upper Limits on the Local Burst Rate Density of Primordial Black Holes Using HAWC
Search for dark photons as candidates for Dark Matter with FUNK
Unidentified Fermi Objects in the view of H.E.S.S. - Possible Dark Matter Clumps
Sensitivity of the ANTARES neutrino telescope for secluded dark matter searches
Constraints on cross section and lifetime of dark matter with HAWC Observations of dwarf Irregular galaxies
Status of the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray and Cosmic-Ray Antiproton Excesses
Combined Search for Neutrinos from Dark Matter Annihilation in the Galactic Centre using ANTARES and IceCube
The BSUIN project
Recent results from the DM-Ice17 and COSINE-100 experiment
Study for Moving Nuclearites and Interstellar Meteoroids using High Sensitivity CMOS Camera
Search for dark matter induced neutrinos from the galactic center and halo with the ORCA detector
Search for Dark Matter Annihilation to Neutrinos from the Sun
A Search For Dark Matter Signals in the GalacticHalo with HAWC
Dark Matter Searches with HAWC
Spectral modulation of Galactic pulsars in the realm of photon-ALPs mixing.
Search for dark matter signatures in the cosmic-ray electron and positron spectrum measured by the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Status of the DAMIC-M dark matter search experiment.
Interpretation of the CALET Electron+Positron Spectrum concerning Dark Matter Signatures
Search for dark matter with the H.E.S.S. Inner Galaxy Survey
Event reconstruction performance with the GAPS experiment
Dark Matter Searches from the Sun with the KM3NeT-ORCA detector
Reverse Direct Detection: Cosmic Ray Scattering With Light Dark Matter
Searching for Dark Matter decay signals in the Galactic halo with the MAGIC telescopes
Combined Dark Matter Searches Towards Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies with Fermi-LAT, HAWC, HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS
Limits on the flux of heavy stable macro particles from the Pi of the Sky project
Search for dark matter annihilation in the center of the Earth with 8 years of IceCube data
Dark Matter Search with H.E.S.S. Towards Ultra-faint Dwarf Nearby DES Satellites of the Milky Way
Hunting for Heavy Dark Matter in the Galactic Center with Ground-based Cherenkov Telescopes
Constraints on dark matter scattering with long-lived mediators using gamma-rays from the Sun
Search for nuclearites by the satellite-based TUS air fluorescence detector
New Venues in Formation and Detection of Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter
Search for nuclearites with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
The search for dark matter with metastable mediators with the IceCube observatory
Improved Theoretical Predictions for Indirect Dark Matter Detection with Next-generation Gamma-ray Telescopes
Status of cosmic-ray antinuclei searches
Searching for Dark Matter Decay Signature within the Virgo Cluster with HAWC
Searches for dark matter with the ANTARES and KM3NeT neutrino telescopes
GRD - Gamma Ray Direct |
Search for Gamma-ray Counterparts of Newly Discovered Radio Astrophysical Sources
Study of the Variable Broadband Emission of Markarian 501 during the Most Extreme Swift X-ray Activity
High-energy emission from GRBs: 10 years with Fermi-LAT
Bridging the Thermal and Non-Thermal Emission of Gamma-Ray Sources
CALET Upper Limits on GeV-energy Gamma-Ray Burst Emission
Developing Silicon Pixel Detectors for Gamma-ray and Cosmic-ray Astrophysics
Radiative Signatures of Relativistic Reconnection in Blazar Jets
Shell like Supernova Remnants Observed with Fermi-LAT
Identifying the location and mechanism behind blazar emissions via first principle integrated radiative transfer
A new approach to study the 511 keV emission from positron annihilation in the Milky Way galaxy
Redshift of the Blazar KUV 00311-1938: Modeling the EBL Absorption
Gamma-ray Spectral and Morphological study of HESS J1912+101 observed by MAGIC and Fermi-LAT
Subsystem Development for the All-Sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (AMEGO) prototype
Characterizing Gamma-ray Variability in the Crab Nebula
Boresight Alignment with the DArk Matter ParticleExplorer
Cosmic Rays in the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble
Simulating an X-ray Polarimeter Gas Pixel Detector
Fermi-LAT Observations of Gamma-Ray Emission Towards the Outer Halo of M31
Gamma-ray burst observations with the CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
POLAR-2: The First Large Scale Gamma-ray Polarimeter
Search for High-redshift Blazars with Fermi/LAT
A Continuous jet Leptonic model for Blazars SED
Recent Gamma-ray Results from DAMPE
High Energy Persistent Pulsars Monitoring with POLAR
The GECAM Mission and its Science Operations
All-Sky-ASTROGAM: a MeV Companion for Multimessenger Astrophysics
Detection of a γ-ray halo around Geminga with the Fermi-LAT and implications for the positron flux
Probing the gamma-ray source populations with photon count statistics and anisotropies
Efficient particle acceleration from HESS J1640-465 and the PeVatron candidate HESS J1641-463
All-Sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (AMEGO)
Modular Position-sensitive High-resolution Calorimeter for Use in Space Gamma-ray Instruments Based on Virtual Frisch-grid CdZnTe Detectors
New Mission Concept: Investigation of the Galactic Center with GalacticCenterExplorer (GalCenEx)
High-Energy Gamma-ray Observations Using the CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) on the ISS
Gamma-ray Pulsars with DAMPE
The Surprising Gamma Ray emission from the Sun
A Consistent Model of the Interstellar Gamma-Ray Emission to Interpret Fermi LAT Observations of Diffuse Emissions
Cosmic Rays and the Interstellar Medium with the All-Sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (AMEGO)
Systematic search for gamma-ray periodicity in Fermi-LAT blazars
Particle acceleration at, and gamma-ray emission from supernova remnants in chemically enriched media
UV Transient Luminous Events observed with a terrestrial pinhole
High-Energy Gamma Rays from the Milky Way: Time-Dependent Modelling of Cosmic Ray Propagation and Non-Thermal Emissions with the GALPROP Code
Energy-dependent morphology of the pulsar wind nebula HESS J1825-137 seen by the Fermi-LAT
Gamma-ray Imaging Performance of Nuclear Emulsion Telescope in GRAINE-2018 Balloon Experiment
Constraining GRBs Pseudo-redshifts Using Different Empirical Correlations
POSyTIVE - a GRB population study for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Search for a gamma-ray line feature with DAMPE
Results form the long-term Fermi-LAT observations of the white dwarf binary pulsar AR Scorpii
Intrinsic GeV-TeV gamma-ray emission from EHSP blazars
BurstCube: Mission Concept, Performance, and Status
Overview of the POLAR mission
Very-high-energy GRB events in novel Fermi-LAT photon data and their emission mechanism
GRAINE project and first results on 2018 balloon-borne experiment
The Mini Astrophysical MeV Background Observatory (MAMBO): A CubeSat for Measuring the MeV Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Background
η Carinae: particle acceleration and multi-messenger aspects
Localization of Gamma-Ray Bursts Using the polarimeter POLAR
Neutrino Astrophysics and AMEGO
Probing the Acceleration of Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays in Blazar Jets Through Multi-Wavelength Polarimetry and Neutrino Observations
study of the localization ability with SVOW/GRM instrument
Multi messengers to gamma-ray XRB
GRI - Gamma Ray Indirect |
Search for very high energy (E > 100 GeV) Emission from Geminga supernova by VERITAS
Calibration and operation of SiPM-based cameras for gamma-ray astronomy in presence of high night-sky light
Cherenkov Telescope Array potential in the search for Galactic PeVatrons
Exploring the nature of 2HWC J2006+341 with HAWC and Fermi-LAT
Studying the Extreme Behaviour of 1ES 2344+51.4
Performance optimization of the air shower simulation code for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Monitoring radio galaxies at TeV energies with HAWC
Studying Cosmic-ray Interactions in Giant Molecular Clouds with the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory
Unravelling the complex behavior of Mrk421 with simultaneous X-ray and VHE observations during an extreme flaring activity in April 2013
A Condition Monitoring Concept Studied at the MST Prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Cherenkov Telescope Array Science: A multi-wavelength and multi-messenger perspective
Studies of the performance of an array of Cherenkov telescopes by means of multi-objective evolutionary optimisation
Study of persistent VHE Gamma-ray Emission Detected with the MAGIC Telescopes from PKS 1510-089, during Low Flux States Detected by Fermi-LAT
FACT - Probing the Periodicity of Mrk 421 and Mrk 501
High Altitude Sites for Astroparticle Observatories in Peru
Highlights from the VERITAS AGN Observation Program
Following up Transient sources at Very High Energies with MAGIC
Searching for GRBs at VHE with MAGIC: the status before CTA
MAGIC observation and broadband characterization of the remarkably bright flares of 1ES 1959+650 in 2016
HAWC’s Eye - Implementing hybrid detection at the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory
M@TE - A TeV-monitoring project
Towards a Luminosity Function of TeV Gamma-ray Blazars
Electron Spectrum of the Dragonfly Pulsar Wind Nebula from X-ray to TeV
First Galactic Survey of Energy-Dependent Diffusion by HAWC
Towards Multi-Instrument and ReproducibleGamma-Ray Analysis
The use of machine learning techniques for gamma/hadron separation with HAWC
A Fiber Optic Based High Voltage System for Stellar Intensity Interferometry Observations
A survey of active galaxies with the HAWC gamma-ray observatory
MAGIC studies of the Crab Pulsar and Nebula spectra for energies above 20 GeV
Gamma-rays and neutrinos from TXS 0506+056: interpretation of the 2018/2019 MAGIC and MWL monitoring campaign
A Northern Sky Survey for 100TeV γ-ray Sources Using the Tibet Air Shower Array and Muon Detector Array.
On the spectrum of gamma-rays ranging from multi TeV to sub PeV emitted from the MGRO J1908+06 observed by the Tibet-AS+MD array
Night Sky Brightness at Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Observatory
Performance of a wide field-of-view atmospheric Cherenkov telescope prototype based on a refractive lens
VHE detection and monitoring of the radio galaxy 3C 264
A 3-Dimensional Likelihood analysis method for detecting extended sources in VERITAS
Status of the Large Size Telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Spectral analysis of the blazars Markarian 421 and Markarian 501 with the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory
Exploration of the Potential of the Radio-Detection Technique for the Detection of High-Energy Gamma Rays
The H.E.S.S. experiment : current status and future prospects
Resolving the kpc jet of Centaurus A in TeV gamma-rays
New stringent LIV limits from astrophysical gamma-ray sources
Monte Carlo Studies of Combined MAGIC and LST1 Observations
STACEX: RPC-based detector for a multi-messengerobservatory in the Southern Hemisphere
Time Dependent Modeling of Electron Acceleration and Cooling During Blazar Flares
Assessment of the GCT Prototype’s Optical System Implementation and Other Key Performances for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
The Cherenkov Telescope Array Performance in Divergent Mode
FACT - Highlights from more than Seven Years of Unbiased Monitoring at TeV Energies
Toward a Public MAGIC Gamma-Ray Telescope Legacy Data Portal
Characterization of atmospheric properties at the future sites of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Observations of the FSRQ 3C 279 during the flaring state of 2017 and 2018 with H.E.S.S.
Observations of blazar PKS 2023-07 in flaring state with HESS and Fermi-LAT in 2016-2017 and constraints on an intrinsic cut-off
Possible origin of the Geminga slow-diffusion halo
Analysis Methods for Neutrino Follow-up Observations with MAGIC
Prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Commissioning Status of the Optical System
The Cherenkov Telescope Array sensitivity to the transient sky
A Survey of TeV Emission from Galactic Supernova Remnants with HAWC
Modeling the non-thermal emission of the gamma Cygni supernova remnant up to the highest energies
Extreme High-energy Peaked BL Lac Objects and their TeV Gamma-ray Emission: Are They a Homogeneous Population?
Testing Blazar Emission Models on the Extreme Blazar PGC 2402248, Newly Discovered at Very-high-energies with the MAGIC Telescopes
Efficient Label Gathering for Machine Training:Results from Muon Hunter 2
Search for very-high-energy photons from Gamma-ray bursts with HAWC
Deep MAGIC observations of the Galactic Center region
Search for very-high-energy emission with HAWC from GW170817 event
A 3-year HAWC/Swift monitoring of gamma-ray/X-ray flux and correlations in the BL Lac Mrk 421
Analytical model of Cherenkov photons distribution induced by extensive air showers
Using Muon Rings for the Optical Throughput Calibration of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Constraining the Properties of the Interstellar Turbulence around Geminga using HAWC Measurements
On the TeV gamma-ray and X-ray correlations exhibited in blazars
Overview of Results from the HAWC Gamma Ray Observatory
Search for Ultra-high Energy Photons: Observing the Preshower Effect with Gamma-ray Telescopes
Variability Study of Extreme Blazars with VERITAS
The GRB Observation by LHAASO-WCDA
Constraints on the Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background with HAWC
Proving the outstanding capabilities of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes in high time resolution optical astronomy
Status and First Results of the LHAASO Experiment
The SST-1M project for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Search for pulsed gamma-ray emission in the 100 TeV region from several pulsars with the Tibet AS+ MD array
Multiwavelength observation of MAXI J1820+070 with MAGIC, VERITAS and H.E.S.S.
Searching for optical and VHE counterparts of fast radio bursts with MAGIC
VERITAS Observations of Fast Radio Bursts
Testing the Limits of Particle Acceleration in Cygnus OB2 with HAWC
Studies of the time structure of extended air showers for direction reconstruction with the HAWC Outrigger array
Systematic effects of EBL models on the intrinsic TeV spectra of the two blazars detected by HAWC
Disentangling HAWC's sources in complex regions of the galactic plane using dendrograms
MAGIC observations of the nearby short GRB 160821B: implications for afterglow physics and gravitational wave follow-up
Modeling of Broadband Spectra and Radial Profiles of Emission of Pulsar Wind Nebulae
GammaLearn: A Deep Learning Framework for IACT Data
A complementary view of the galactic plane in TeV gamma rays by HAWC and H.E.S.S.
Air shower reconstruction using HAWC and the Outrigger array
Monte Carlo study of single SST-1M prototype for Cherenkov Telescope Array
Broadband emission of blazar S5 0716+714 during impressive outbursts
Extended Gamma-Ray Emission beyond 10 TeV from Geminga with the Tibet AS+MD Array
Expected Performance of the Prototype Experiment for the ALPACA Experiment
100 TeV Gamma-Ray Observation of the Crab Nebula with the Tibet Air Shower Array
Characterizing the VHE Emission of LS I +61 303 using VERITAS Observations
Augmentation of VERITAS Telescopes for Stellar Intensity Interferometry
Highlights from the Observations of the Milky Way with H.E.S.S.
Search for Point-Like Sources in the Large Magellanic Cloud
ctapipe: A Low-level Data Processing Framework for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Influence of cosmic ray escape on gamma-ray emission from supernova remnants
Constraining the evaporation rate of Primordial black holes using archival data from VERITAS
Optimization Studies of a Water Cherenkov Detector for Gamma-ray Astronomy
The Sub-TeV transient Gamma-Ray sky: challenges and opportunities
Investigating Mildly Relativistic Magnetized Perpendicular Shocks with Kinetic Simulations
The Spectrum of the Crab Nebula and Highest Energy Photons Measured by HAWC
Gamma Ray Astronomy above 100 TeV
The measurement of the energy spectrum of Mrk421 by LHAASO-WCDA: MC study
Detection of GRBs at High Altitudes with a Prototype Water Cherenkov Detector Using Single-particle Technology
Detection of the Geminga pulsar with the MAGIC telescopes
The hybrid installation TAIGA: design, status and preliminary results
The TAIGA-IACT camera: construction, calibration, performance
GAMAS - A Generic And Multipurpose Archive System
Long-term gamma-ray observations of the binary HESS J0632+057 with H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS
Performance of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
First HAWC Spectra of Galactic Gamma-ray Sources Above 100 TeV and the Implications for Cosmic-ray Acceleration
Study of axion-like particles signals at Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes
Latest news from the HAWC outrigger array
Search for very-high energy gamma-ray counterparts of gravitational waves with HAWC
Constraints on Lorentz invariance violation using HAWC observations above 100 TeV
Testing cosmology and fundamental physics with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Astrophysical measurements with the VERITAS Stellar Intensity Interferometer
The Cherenkov Telescope Array
Upgrading the Prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope Camera to a Wide-Field, High-Resolution Instrument
Following up GW alerts with MAGIC: the third LIGO/Virgo observation run
Muon calibration of the ASTRI-Horn telescope: preliminary results
First Observation of ~TeV Gamma-Rays from a GRB; Extreme Detection of GRB 190114C with the MAGIC Telescopes
Observation of gamma rays from Crab Nebula over 1-100 TeV energy with GRAPES-3.
Towards a 3D likelihood analysis in very-high-energy γ-ray astronomy: the case of H.E.S.S.
Fluorescence Emission from Extensive Air Showers through the Eyes of Cherenkov Telescopes
H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT Observations of PSR B1259-63/LS 2883
Gamma Ray Diffuse Emission from the GalacticPlane with HAWC Data
HAWC Constraints on the EBL
CTLearn: Deep Learning for Gamma-ray Astronomy
Studying Deep Convolutional Neural Networks With Hexagonal Lattices for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope Event Reconstruction
Maximum likelihood spectral fitting and its application to EBL constraints
VERITAS Observations of 1ES 1218+304 during the 2019 VHE High State
Constraining the magnetic field in the EM170817 ejecta with H.E.S.S. observations
Performance of the INFN Camera calibration device of the first Large Size Telescope in the Cherenkov Telescope Array
The ASTRI program in the context of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory
The Crab Nebula Spectrum at ∼100 TeV Measured With MAGIC Under Very Large Zenith Angles
First hybrid detections with the HAWC Observatory and two compact air-Cherenkov Telescope
Gamma-Ray Burst observation at Very High Energy with H.E.S.S.
Muon tagging on the BEE of CHEC-S - a compact high-energy camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Revisit of non-linear Landau damping for electrostatic instability driven by blazar-induced pair beams
TAIGA-HiSCORE - Results from the upgraded 0.5km2 wide-angle Cherenkov timing array
Cosmic-ray propagation in light of recent HAWC observations of Pulsar Wind Nebula
Monte Carlo simulation of the hybrid gamma-ray detection approach in the TAIGA experiment
Combined VERITAS and NuSTAR observations of the gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057
MAGIC eyes to the extreme: testing the blazar emission models on EHBLs
Prototype operations of atmospheric calibration devices for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Measurement of the Extragalactic Background Light with VERITAS
Prospective annual detection rate of high energy gamma ray bursts with LHAASO-WCDA
Discovery of the TeV Emission from the Jet Interaction Regions of SS 433 with HAWC
Recent Results of the VERITAS Galactic ScienceProgram
Sub-parsec and parsec VHE emission from the core of LLAGNs
Deep learning detection of transients
TAIGA observatory: IACT fabrication and tests
Hawking Radiations from Accelerating and Rotating Black Holes
Observation of Gamma-ray Emission Above 10 TeV from the Super Nova Remnant G106.3+2.7 with the Tibet Air Shower Array and the Muon Detector Array
ALPACA air shower array to explore 100TeV gamma-ray sky in Bolivia
The calibration of the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Spectral and Morphological Studies of the Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Source 2HWC J1825-134
Recent results from the VERITAS multi-messenger program
MAGIC and MWL monitoring of the blazar TXS 0506+056 in the 2018/2019 season
Neutrino Target of Opportunity program of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
A next-generation ground-based wide field-of-view gamma-ray observatory in the southern hemisphere
Science with the Southern Gamma-ray Survey Observatory (SGSO)
H.E.S.S. searches for TeV gamma-rays associated to high-energy neutrinos
The Transient program of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Searches for counterparts of gravitational waves at very high energies with H.E.S.S.
The gravitational wave follow-up program of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Calibration and monitoring of the ASTRI-Horn telescope by using the night-sky background measured by the photon-statistics ("variance") method
LATTES: proposal for a wide field-of-view VHE gamma-ray observatory in South America
Performance of Air Shower Array with Surface Water Cherenkov Detectors
Usage of the estimation of the height of the first interaction
V-shaped Cherenkov images of magnetically-separated gamma-rays
FACT - Multi-wavelength analysis of more than 30 flares of Mrk 421
A Systematic Search for TeV Halos associated with known pulsars
Prospects for the Use of Photosensor Timing Information with Machine Learning Techniques in Background Rejection.
Detection of sub-100 GeVγ-ray pulsations fromPSR B1706−44 with H.E.S.S.
The Cherenkov transparency coefficient for the atmospheric monitoring and array calibration at the Cherenkov Telescope Array South
The population of TeV gamma-ray sources in the Milky Way: the hidden part of the iceberg
The MAGIC Sum-Trigger-II System
Novel Signals from Neutron Star Mergers at 511 keV
Search for Primordial Black Hole evaporations with H.E.S.S.
Status and performance results from NectarCam -- a camera for CTA medium sized telescopes
Extragalactic Observations with HESSII: New Frontiers
Camera Design and Performance of the Prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Carpet results on astrophysical gamma rays above 100 TeV
Study of Middle-aged Pulsar Wind Nebulae Showing Large Offsets Between their Pulsar and their VHE Gamma-ray Emission
Development and operations of INFN optical modules for the SCT Telescope camera proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory
Applying Monte Carlo methods to model multi-wavelength emission of RMHD jet simulations.
Searching for Variability of the Crab Nebula Flux at TeV Energies using MAGIC Very Large Zenith Angle Observations
Orbital parameters for the gamma-ray binaries LMC P3 and 1FGL J1018.6-5856
Raman LIDARs for the atmospheric calibration along the line-of-sight of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Prototype 9.7m Schwarzschild-Couder telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Project Overview
Shedding (Gamma) Light on the Cosmic Ray Population in the Galactic Center Region
The Cherenkov Telescope Array view of the Galactic Center region
hipeCTA: a High-Performance Computing library for data analysis in the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Addressing CNNs limitations for Cherenkov Telescope Gamma/Hadron Separation
Gamma Hadron separation using traditional single parameter method and multivariate algorithms with LHAASO-WCDA experiment
Commissioning and Performance of CHEC-S – a compact high-energy camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Investigating the unusually hard gamma-ray spectrum of the extreme blazar 1ES 0229+200 with HAWC
Novel Back-coated Glass Mirrors for the MAGIC Telescopes
X-ray and TeV γ-ray emission from the 50-year period binary system PSR J2032+4127/MT91 213
TAIGA Observatory: Hybrid Detection of EAS and Gamma Rays by an Imaging Telescope and Timing Array
Analysis tools for LHAASO Astronomy
MAGIC observations of Dragonfly Nebula at TeV Energies using the Very Large Zenith Angle Technique
Novel Very Large Zenith Angle Observation Technique Performed by the MAGIC Telescopes
Pointing System for the Large Size Telescopes Prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
A Real-Time Monitoring the TeV Blazars with LHAASO-WCDA Detector
LHAASO KM2A Muon Detector On-site Test System
Probing Particle Diffusion around Two Nearby Pulsars with TeV Gamma-Ray Observations from HAWC
Performance of the TAIGA-IACT telescope pointing system
Sensitivity Improvements of Very-High-Energy γ-Ray Detection with the Upgraded H.E.S.S. I Cameras using Full Waveform Processing
Probing orbital parameters of gamma-ray binaries with TeV light curves
The impact of the circumstellar magnetic field of progenitor stars on the resulting gamma-ray spectrum from supernova remnants
Study the sensitivity of detection the high energy emission of γ-ray bursts with lhaaso-wcda experiment
NU - Neutrino |
Station hardware for the Radio Neutrino Observatory (RNO)
Correlation of high energy neutrinos and gamma rays on the direction of Fermi Bubbles
Study of the PeV-neutrino and the gamma-ray emission coming from the Galactic center
New Template-Based Analysis Techniques for the Five-Station ARA Array
Searches for Connections Between Dark Matter and Neutrinos with the IceCube High-Energy Starting Event Sample
ANTARES search for point sources of neutrinos with 11 yr of data: a likelihood stacking analysis
AMON: TeV Gamma and Neutrino Coincidence Alerts from HAWC and IceCube subthreshold data
Search for Correlations of High-energy Neutrinos and Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays
Measurement of the radio-frequency ice dielectric permittivity and implications for neutrino reconstruction
The Control Unit of KM3NeT detectors
Search for High-energy Neutrinos from AGN Cores
An Improved Muon Track Reconstruction for IceCube
Design and Performance of a UV-calibration Device for the SpiceCore Hole
KM3NeT Data Acquisition and and Trigger System
Fundamental Physics with High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos Today and in the Future
Flavor Probes the Production of High-energy Astrophysical Neutrinos
Ten years of All-sky Neutrino Point-SourceSearches
A Catalog of Astrophysical Neutrino Candidates for IceCube
Atmospheric neutrino flux calculation at JUNO
Light diffusion in birefringent polycrystals and the IceCube ice anisotropy
A multi-PMT Optical Module for the IceCube Upgrade
Search for neutrino counterparts of catalogedgravitational-wave events detected byAdvanced-LIGO and Virgo during run O2 withANTARES
Offline performance studies and first real-timeresults on Core-Collapse Supernova neutrinosearches with the KM3NeT neutrino detectors
Recent Results from the Askaryan Radio Array
IceCube Search for High-Energy Neutrinos Produced in the Precursor Stages of Gamma-ray Bursts
Investigation of Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies as Obscured High-Energy Neutrino Source Candidates
Sensitivity to Atypical Tau Initiated Air Showers for a High-Altitude Optical Cherenkov Detector
A More Complete Phenomenology of Tau Lepton Induced Air Showers
Neutrinos from Primordial Black Hole Evaporation
Cosmogenic Photon and Neutrino Fluxes in the Auger Era
Probing neutrino emission at GeV energies from compact binary mergers with IceCube
Study of the Potential of KM3NeT to Search for GeV Neutrinos from Astrophysical Transient Events
Searches for Ultra-High-Energy Neutrinos with ANITA
KM3NeT Time Calibration
Shower Reconstruction Performances in KM3NeT/ORCA
Search for Sterile Neutrinos with KM3NeT/ORCA
Ten years of multi-wavelength follow-up observations of ANTARES neutrino alerts
Real-time follow-up of multi-messenger alerts with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
Search for cascade events with Baikal-GVD
Data Quality Monitoring system in the Baikal-GVD experiment
The optical noise monitoring systems of the Lake Baikal environment for the Baikal-GVD telescope
The Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope: muon track events reconstruction
The inter-cluster time synchronization systems within the Baikal-GVD detector
The Baikal-GVD detector calibrations
Quest for new physics using astrophysical neutrino flavour in IceCube
Precision new physics tests with neutrinos at Glashow resonance
Calibration of atmospheric neutrino flux calculations using cosmic muon flux and charge ratio measurements
Constraints on light meson production in air-showers with atmospheric neutrinos below 1 TeV interacting in IceCube's DeepCore
Results of the KM3NeT in-situ calibration for the ARCA and ORCA detection units
The Pros and Cons of Beyond Standard Model Interpretations of ANITA Events
Search for a neutrino counterpart to the HAWC gamma-ray sky map with the ANTARES telescope
SIDR Experiment: New Results and New Equipment
Synergy Between Art and Science: Collaboration at the South Pole.
Subluminal Magnetic Monopole Search with NOvA
Eleven Year Search for Supernovae with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
STRAW: STRings for Absorption length in Water
Study of the high-energy neutrino diffuse flux with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
Search for high-energy neutrinos from localsuperbubbles with the ANTARES telescope
Precision of analytical approximations in calculations of atmospheric leptons
Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric Muons in IceCube
High-energy Neutrino Event Simulation at NLO in Genie for KM3NeT and Other Observatories
NuRadioMC - Simulation Code for the Next Generation of Radio Neutrino Detectors
New results on angular reconstruction of deep pulser radio signals
The Automatic Installation And Configuration ProcedurE for the Data Acquisition System of KM3NeT.
Neutrino direction and energy resolution of Askaryan detectors
NuRadioReco: A new reconstruction framework for radio neutrino detectors
Low Energy Neutrinos from Stopped Muons in the Earth
The Supernova Early Warning System (SNEWS) in the era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy
Search for Astronomical Neutrino from Blazar TXS0506+056 in Super-Kamiokande
Machine Learning for KM3NeT/ORCA
Search for Neutrino Emission from the Fermi Bubbles at Low Galactic Latitudes with the ANTARES Telescope
Autonomous Drone Systems for UHE Neutrino Detector Polarization Calibration at the South Pole
Development of Super-Kamiokande detector simulation based on Geant4
The POCAM as self-calibrating light source for the IceCube Upgrade
Muon Energy Reconstruction for Neutrino Detectors with Edepillim
Atmospheric Neutrinos Detected with the First KM3NeT Detection Units of ARCA and ORCA
Super-ORCA: Measuring the leptonic CP-phase with Atmospheric Neutrinos and Beam Neutrinos
Model-independent Measurement of the Atmospheric Muon Neutrino Energy Spectrum up to 2.5 PeV
Design Studies for the Radio Neutrino Observatory (RNO)
On te Reduction of the Error in the Calculation of Low Energy (<1GeV) Atmospheric Neutrino Flux
Searches for steady neutrino emission from 3FHL blazars using eight years of IceCube data from the Northern hemisphere
Towards Interferometric Triggering on Air Showers Induced by Tau Neutrino Interactions
A Search for IceCube Neutrinos from the First 33 Detected Gravitational Wave Events
ANTARES and IceCube combined search for neutrino point-like and extended sources in the Southern Sky
Searches for point-like sources of cosmic neutrinos with 11 years of ANTARES data
Calibration LEDs in the IceCube Upgrade DEgg modules
Status and prospects of the Hyper-Kamiokande project
The SPICEcore Hole Camera System
Comparison of the measured atmospheric muon flux with Monte Carlo simulations for the first KM3NeT detection units
The camera system for the IceCube Upgrade
Search for Neutrino Emission in IceCube's Archival Data from the Direction of IceCube Alert Events
Multi-messenger Gravitational-Wave + High-Energy Neutrino Searches with LIGO, Virgo and IceCube
Sensitivity to Non-Standard Interactions (NSI) with KM3NeT-ORCA
IceCube Search for Galactic Neutrino Sources based on HAWC Observations of the Galactic Plane
Arrival direction reconstruction of ultra-high-energy neutrinos with ARA
Sensitivity for astrophysical neutrino searches with KM3NeT-ORCA
Calorimetric Neutrino Expectations from Bright Blazar Flares
νSpaceSim: A Comprehensive Neutrino Simulation Package for Space-based & Suborbital Experiments
Application of Deep Neural Networks to Event Type Classification in IceCube
Development of Portable Calibration Pulser System for Radio-based Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Detectors
Investigations of ice and emitter properties from radio signals recorded with ARIANNA
Prospects of Earth-skimming neutrino detection with HAWC
Exciting Prospects for Detecting Late-Time Neutrinos from Core-Collapse Supernovae
Supernova Neutrinos with the JUNO Experiment
Dependence of the atmospheric muon rate on the sea water depth with first KM3NeT data
Searching for High-Energy Neutrino Emission from TeV Pulsar Wind Nebulae
A novel method of rejecting muon backgrounds for the detection of the highest energy neutrinos
Development of new liquid scintillators for neutrino experiments of next generation
Imitators of Cherenkov and scintillation light pulses based on fast LEDs
Development of medium and small size photomultipliers for experiments in neutrino physics
Neutrinos from Tidal Disruption Events
A Method for an Untriggered, Time-Dependent, Source-Stacking Search for Neutrino Flares
Capturing Cosmic Ray Research and Researchers with Art
MAGIC as a high-energy ντ detector: performance study to follow-up IceCube transient events
Neutrino source searches and a realtime neutrino alert stream in the southern sky with IceCube starting tracks
Sensitivity to the Glashow resonance with KM3NeTARCA detector
KM3NeT/ARCA Expectations for the Low Latitude Bubbles
SuperK-Gd: The Gd future of Super-Kamiokande.
The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection
Expectations from the assumption of hadron-hadroncollisions for high energy neutrinos
Search for Astrophysical Tau Neutrinos with an Improved Double Pulse Method
Atmospheric muons from electromagnetic cascades
Correlation of flaring blazars with IceCube track events.
A DECam Search for Explosive Optical Transients Associated with IceCube Neutrinos
Angular distribution of prompt neutrinos in Extensive Air Showers
Multi-Messenger Connections among High-Energy Cosmic Particles
Electronics Development for the New Photo-Detectors (PDOM and D-Egg) for IceCube-Upgrade
High-elevation synoptic radio array for detection of upward moving air-showers, deployed in the Antarctic mountains
A wind-turbine for autonomous stations for radio detection of neutrinos
Radio Phased Arrays: A low-threshold detector in the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA)
Observation of Optical Transients and Search for PeV-EeV Tau Neutrinos with Ashra-1
High-energy neutrinos from individual blazar flares
ANTARES search for high-energy neutrinos from TeV-emitting blazars, Markarian 421 and 501, in coincidence with HAWC gamma-ray flares
Searching for Time-Dependent Neutrino Emission from Blazars with IceCube
Supernova Neutrinos in Hyper-Kamiokande
Implementing IceCube in SNOwGLoBES
Trinity: An Air-Shower Imaging System for the Detection of Ultrahigh Energy Neutrinos
Development of a Cherenkov Telescope for the Detection of Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos with EUSO-SPB2 and POEMMA
Bounds on diffuse and point source fluxes of ultra-high energy neutrinos with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Performance of the ARIANNA pilot array, and implications for the next generation of UHE neutrino detectors
A search for IceCube events in the direction of ANITA neutrino candidates
Searches for neutrinos from fast radio bursts with IceCube
Enabling a new detection channel for beyond standard model physics with in-situ measurements of ice luminescence
Searches for "subthreshold" sources of Gravitational Waves and High Energy Neutrinos using Advanced LIGO/Virgo, IceCube and ANTARES data
Mass ordering discrimination from supernova neutrino burst
Coherent radar reflections from an electron-beam induced particle cascade
Constraints on sterile neutrino mixing usingIceCube atmospheric neutrino data
Constraining the environment of neutrino-emitting regions in jets of FSRQs
A new calculation of Earth-skimming very- and ultra-high energy tau neutrinos
Measurement of the multi-TeV neutrino cross section with IceCube using Earth absorption
Neutrinos and UHECR nuclei from blazars: from a single-source model to a population study
Evolving Antennas for Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Detection
Concept and Analysis for a 1 – 100 PeV Tau Neutrino Observatory
Results of Inter-Channel Timing Jitter Measurements Using Low-Power System on Chip Waveform Digitizer for Experimental Physics Applications
Constraining anomalous EeV ANITA detections with PeV neutrinos
A New Approach to Sift out Neutrino Sources from Astronomical Catalogs
Time-dependent search of neutrino emission from bright gamma-ray flaring blazars using ten years of data of the ANTARES telescope
Time-Dependent Sensitivity and Discovery Potential of KM3NeT-ARCA detector
Unfolding the True Atmospheric Neutrino Event Rate in the 1Gev - 1Tev Range Using IceCube/DeepCore
The Sun shadow observation with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
Searching for neutrino emission from hard X-ray sources with IceCube
Galactic Bulge Monitor with Ashra-1 and NTA detectors
Characterization of the Astrophysical Diffuse Neutrino Flux with IceCube High-Energy Starting Events
Tackling limited simulation and small signals
Correlation of IceCube neutrinos with the 2MASS Redshift Survey
High-energy astrophysical neutrinos from interactions in the Local Bubble
Adoption of continuous wavelet and recurrence plots to comparative studies of neutron monitor data sets from the period 1975 – 1992
Characterizing the High-Energy Activity of Blazars Possibly Correlated with Observed Astrophysical Neutrinos
Measurement of the Diffuse Muon Neutrino Flux using Starting Track Events in IceCube
Neutrino telescope in Lake Baikal: Present and Future
A positioning system for Baikal-GVD
The Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope: First results of multi-messenger study
Overview of recent results of the ANTARES neutrino telescope
First Double Cascade Tau Neutrino Candidates in IceCube and a New Measurement of the Flavor Composition
Search for Neutrinos from Populations of Optical Transients
Measurement of the diffuse astrophysical muon-neutrino spectrum with ten years of IceCube data
Measurement of the Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillation Parameters with NOvA
Neutrino oscillation research with KM3NeT/ORCA
Hybrid detection of high-energy cosmic neutrinos with the next generation neutrino detectors at the South Pole
The Next Generation of IceCube Real-time Neutrino Alerts
Characterisation of Two PMT Models for the IceCube Upgrade mDOM
Observing GeV Neutrino Transients in the Multi-Messenger Era
Probing the Earth Core Composition with Neutrino Oscillation Tomography
Current constraints from cosmogenic neutrinos on the fraction of protons in UHECRs
IceCube as a Multi-messenger Follow-up Observatory for Astrophysical Transients
Observing The Next Galactic Supernova with the NOvA Detectors
Supernova Neutrinos search with the LVD experiment: the 2019 update
Design and Status of JUNO and Its Potential in Astroparticle Physics
An Acoustic Calibration System for the IceCube Upgrade
The IceCube Upgrade - Design and Science Goals
Multi-messenger interpretation of the neutrinos from TXS 0506+056
Concept Study for the Beamforming Elevated Array for Cosmic Neutrinos (BEACON)
Comprehensive estimate of the sensitivity of ANITA to tau neutrinos
SkyLLH - A generalized Python-based tool for log-likelihood analyses in multi-messenger astronomy
Astrophysical Tau Neutrino Identification with IceCube Waveforms
Solar neutrino physics at Hyper-Kamiokande
Flaring Rate Distribution of Gamma-Ray Blazars and Implications for High-Energy Neutrino Emission
A generic unified model for the IceCube neutrinos and the ultra-high energy cosmic rays in the photomeson production scenario
Measurement of the high-energy all-flavor neutrino-nucleon cross section with IceCube
A Multi-Messenger Picture of Galaxy Mergers: Neutrinos and Electromagnetic Emissions
Seasonal Variation of the Underground Cosmic Muon Flux Measured at Daya Bay
New Detection Signatures for IceCube at High Energies
Atmospheric neutrino backgrounds and the DSNB in Super-Kamiokande
SH - Solar & Heliospheric |
QuarkNet Coordination of a Cosmic Ray Experiment Outreach Project During a Total Solar Eclipse
High School Students’ Cosmic Ray Measurements during a Solar Eclipse
Study of cosmic ray ratio of free paths normal and parallel to IMF with muon data
Holistic study of space weather and space climate: 1700- 2018
Proton flux variations in the inner radiation belt in solar cycle 24
Study of the Forbush Decrease Events of January and May 2005 observed with High Cutoff Rigidity Muon Detector at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Preliminary Results from A Mini Neutron Monitor in Central Saudi Arabia
Multi-channel time over threshold module for the SciCRT detector at Sierra Negra, Mexico
The heliospheric modulation of electrons and positrons over a complete solar cycle
The solar modulation of protons and anti-protons
Neutron Monitor Time-delay Measurements to Track Cosmic Ray Spectral Variation Due to Solar Modulation at High and Low Cutoff Rigidity
Obtaining a History of the Flux of Cosmic Rays using In Situ Cosmogenic 14C Trapped in Polar Ice
A new set of self-consistent very local interstellar spectra for electrons, positrons, protons and light nuclei
Testing anti-particle local interstellar spectra through solar modulation studies
ORCA (Antarctic Cosmic Ray Observatory): 2018 Latitudinal Survey
A New Neutron Monitor at the Juan Carlos I Spanish Antarctic Station (Livingston Island-Antarctic Peninsula)
Solar Energetic Particle Observations with the PAMELA Experiment
Spectral Analysis of the September 2017 Solar Energetic Particle Events Based on Multi-Spacecraft Data
Space Weather Observations during September 2017 with CALET on the International Space Station
HXI Collimator on-board Chinese ASO-S mission
Energetic Particle Acceleration in the Heliosphere from the IMAP mission
The Influence of Coronal Mass Ejection Characteristics on the Spread of Solar Energetic Particles
Estimating the effects of coronal magnetic fields on high energy cosmic rays
Numerical Modeling of Galactic Cosmic Ray Proton and Helium Observed by AMS-02 During the Solar Maximum of Solar Cycle 24
Time dependence of the p/He ratio in cosmic rays according to the force-field approximation
Test of validity of the Force-Field Approximation with AMS-02 and PAMELA Monthly Fluxes
Voyager 2 Observations of the Anisotropy of Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the Heliosheath
Relativistic solar proton propagation in the interplanetary medium
Long Duration Gamma-ray Flares and High Energy Solar Energetic Particles: Is there a Connection?
SOlar Neutron TRACking (SONTRAC) Concept
First search for GeV neutrinos from bright gamma-ray solar flares using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Experimental Biases on the Heliospheric Contribution to the Observed TeV Cosmic Ray Anisotropy
Statistical study of solar energetic electron spectra with STEREO/SEPT
Analysis of the performance of the SciCRT as a solar neutron telescope and current status of the experiment
Indicators of Space Weather Events in Cosmic Rays Flux During the Solar Cycle 24
Differential Rotation of the Sun as a Source of Galactic Cosmic Rays Quasi-biennial Oscillations
Anisotropic Cosmic-ray Enhancement (ACRE): Case Studies of 07-Jun-2015 and 26-Aug-2018
Statistical stability for the data registered by the Solar Neutron Telescope at Sierra Negra.
Mechanical and Thermal Design for Spectrometer of Hard X-ray Imager Onboard ASO-S Mission
Galactic Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy During Forbush Decreases: Evidence for Diffusive Barriers and Large-Scale Flow
Features of the Cosmic Ray Anisotropy in the Minima for # 23 - 25 Solar Cycles
The measurement of ion-induced cloud nucleation irradiated with a 180-MeV Nitrogen ion and proton beams at HIMAC accelerator facility
Effects of the atmospheric electric field on the HAWC scaler rate
Time Structure of Ground Level Enhancement Events of Solar Energetic Particle
Temperatures of Large Solar X-ray Events and Associated CME Speeds
Variations of Heavy Ion Abundances Relative to Proton Abundances in Large Solar Energetic (E > 10 MeV) Particle Events.
Ratios of SEP/Suprathermal Intensities and Associated CME Speeds
Neural network forecast of the solar activity and cosmic ray intensity during cycle 25
A neutron monitor as an integral spectrometer for GLE analysis: Effective rigidity and reassessment of integral fluxes
Validation of the neutron monitor yield functions using data from AMS-02 and PAMELA experiments, 2006--2017
Atmospheric pressure dependance of HAWC scaler system
Acceleration of Anomalous Cosmic Rays: Solar Cycle Variations
Cosmic-ray Intensity Enhancements along Heliospheric Current Sheets
How do Cosmic Rays enter and leave the Heliosphere?
Providing Long-term Measurements of 5 - 50 MeV/nucleon Proton and Helium Intensities – A new Data Product for SOHO/EPHIN
Solar modulation of cosmic rays in a semi-analytical framework
Mean High-Energy Ionic Charge States during the September 2017 Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by ACE and STEREO
Modulation of cosmic ray protons and helium nuclei observed by PAMELA experiment during 2006-2014
Galactic Cosmic Ray Sun Shadow during the declining phase of cycle 24 observed by HAWC
27-Day Modulation of Cosmic Ray Intensities During the Last Two Solar Minima
Influence of atmospheric electric field over NM on CR intensity: Observations on Mt. Hermon and comparison with theory
Neutron Monitor Comparison by Spectral Analysis in relation to Cosmic Ray Intensity in the period 2013-2018
Chaotic Effects on Cosmic Ray Anisotropy in a Heliosphere-inspired Model
A Numerically Study of Cosmic Proton Modulation using AMS02 Observations
A Numerical Study of the Effect of Corotation Interaction Regions (CIRs) on Cosmic Ray Transport
Correlation analysis between the Aerosol Optical Depth and Cosmic Rays
Temperature Effects on Cosmic Ray muons Observed by Multiwire Detector at High Cutoff Rigidity Station
Preliminary Results from CARPET charge particles detector located in high cut off rigidity
Ground and flight performances of the balloon-borne magnetic spectrometer AESOP-Lite
Time dependence of the proton and helium fluxes measured by PAMELA during solar minimum (2006 - 2009)
Space-Weather capabilities and preliminary results of the High Energy Particle Detector (HEPD) on-board the CSES-01 satellite
Measurement of the low energy (20-300 MeV) electron and positron spectra with the AESOP-Lite balloon mission
The Large Energetic Storm Particle Event of September 18, 2017 Observed by STEREO-A
Solar Gamma-Ray Sciencewith the EPI-HI/HET Telescopeon the Parker Solar Probe
Energy spectra of trapped electrons and positrons with E > 50 MeV measured by the PAMELA magnetic spectrometer
Usage of the global NM network for assessment of the radiation exposure at flight altitudes
Spectra of extreme GLEs derived using neutron monitor network records
Neutron monitor yield function at several altitudes above sea level: new improved computation
Solar Modulation of Galactic Cosmic-Ray Electrons Measured with CALET
Quasi-periodic changes of three dimensional solar anisotropy of galactic cosmic rays for 1965-2014
Study of the 27-day variations of GCR in 2007-2008 based on PAMELA and ARINA observations
Long-term variation of galactic cosmic ray intensity observed with the Nagoya multidirectional muon detector
Isotope solar modulation with the PAMELA experiment
Elves reconstruction and characterization at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Can we estimate the variation of the z-component of the interplanetary magnetic field from the sun shadow?
Study of the solar magnetic field influence on the cosmic ray Sun shadow
Effects of scattering parameters on charge-sign-dependent cosmic ray modulation
Correlation Study between Telescope Array Lightning Location System and ground Surface particle Detector
Solar Energetic Particles measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station during solar cycle 24.
Water Cherenkov detector optimization for space weather studies in Antarctic.
Simulation using MCNPX of Δ14C peak in AD 775, AD 993/4 and BC 660
Spectra of solar energetic particle and galactic cosmic rays over a million years reconstructed using aluminium-26 data from lunar rocks
Features of 2017-2018 Solar Proton Events Determined by On-board Measurements at Russian Spacecraft in Geostationary and Polar Orbits
Modeling the 2017 September 10 Long Duration Gamma Ray Flare
Detecting Single and Multiple Atmospheric Secondaries in an 18NM64
Modeling of the Anisotropy of Galactic Cosmic Rays in an MHD-simulated Heliosphere
Analysis of Data from the Low-Energy Modes of the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Evolution of geomagnetic cutoffs at the South Pole and neutron monitor rates
Re-examination of the First Five Ground-Level Events
Solar Neutrons Observed During September 4th and 10th, 2017 by SEDA-FIB
Correlation between Cosmic Ray Intensity Variations Observed by the Large Acceptance GRAPES-3 Muon Telescope and Interplanetary Magnetic Field.
Experimental investigation of Delay Time Problem in Galactic Cosmic Rays Stream in Solar Cycles: from 19 to 24
The cone of acceptance and the magnetic rigidity cut-off of cosmic ray particles for different models of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field from 1965-2015 in the Deblin airport, Poland
Vertical Geomagnetic Cutoff Rigidities for Epoch 2015
Status and performance of the High Energy Particle Detector (HEPD) on-board the CSES-01 satellite
Voyager 2 in the Very Local Interstellar Medium
The updated and upgraded SANAE neutron monitor
A physics-first approach to simulating solar energetic particle transport
Digitizing historical cosmic ray observations
Design of a Prototype Readout Electronics for a Low-energy Ion Spectrometer in Near-earth Space
New results in solar modulation modeling in light of recent cosmic-ray data from space
Time lag in cosmic-ray modulation and global properties of the Solar Cycle
Gamma-ray observations at the coastal area of Japan Sea in winter seasons
Cosmic-ray variability on the multi-millennial time scale: A new multi-proxy reconstruction
Spectral slope analysis of long-term cosmic-rayvariations at Earth
Ionization Effect in Atmosphere During Several Halloween GLE events of October-November 2003
Solar Energetic particles at pileup collisions of the multiple-shock
Design of an FPGA based TDC readout electronics for prototype Mars ion and neutral Particle analyzer
Data-consistent model of the Forbush decrease. Application of the Approximate Bayesian Computation to estimate model parameters
Occurrence of 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particles near Earth and Closer to the Sun
Penetrating Particle Analyzer (PAN)
Solar Neutron and Gamma-ray Detector for a 3U CubeSat
Different cosmic-ray events associated with solar eruptions from AR12673 during September, 2017
Instrument Progress of Solar Hard X-ray Imager onboard ASO-S Mission
A fast and efficient technique to simulate the effects of geomagnetic storms recorded by GRAPES-3 in real-time
Can we estimate the variation of the z-component of the interplanetary magnetic field from the sun shadow
Global changes of CR geomagnetic cutoff rigidities and two- parametric representation of long-term variation spectra
Theoretical Modeling of Galactic Cosmic Rays Flux in Solar Cycles: 20 -23 including Delay Time